• Sarabjeet Pal 24
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We are sometime getting error while using bulk api query data from salesforce
Error received executing Salesforce Get (com.boomi.connector.ConnectorException) Caused by: com.boomi.util.retry.RetryException: com.boomi.model.connector.common.salesforce.SalesforceException: Error received for Salesforce Bulk Query

The error disappear after some time.
Hi All

From my custom controller I am getting 2 set of values(select option) which I have placed under selectcheckbox tag but now I want only to show checkbox for 1 and delete the other checkbox.I don't want to disable it but delete it.Is it possible?
I user case is to show User Name and Role where you can select User Name but not role-this is just information. If I use selectcheckbox then it checkbox automatically comes for both.I can disable it but I want to remove it.


Sarabjeet Pal
URL redirection to customer website for portal user is fine but when we create new salesforce user then the welcome email also contains the same My Domain url so when he/She clicks on that it redirect them to customer website which is not intented for standard user.Some how  in sf we can control this behavior.Don't remember it what it it, is it some changes to Profile?? Please advice
Hi All I am writing a Unit Test for a Integration code, what I need to know is how can I pass different response for same GET,PUT method ?  I am doing a Mock Callout but there I am passing only 1 response per http method but I need to be more dynamic to pass different response for GET,PUT based on what method I call so that I can cover more code? Is there a way?
Hi All I am writing a Unit Test for a Integration code, what I need to know is how can I pass different response for same GET,PUT method ?  I am doing a Mock Callout but there I am passing only 1 response per http method but I need to be more dynamic to pass different response for GET,PUT based on what method I call so that I can cover more code? Is there a way?
I am using IE11 browser. I am using Forcetk.js to for file upload into content version. The script is working fine in Mozilla and Chrome.
But in IE11, I get the below error in Forcetk.js file. Please help if any one faced similar issue.User-added image