• Xiukai Ning
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hello everyone,

I converted my project from metadata to sfdx. When I push, I have this error 
Global Picklist 'GlobalValueSetName' is not allowed as record type picklist. Field name should be specified instead (8906:25)
Here is The RecordType Metadata from metadata API.
        <description>RecordType Description</description>
            <picklist>GlobalValueSetName</picklist> <!-- In SFDX I need to put here the field name for this to work. -->
I need to replace the GlobalValueSetName in the converted project with the associated CustomField Name before push. This is time consuming as there are many occurences. 

How to solve this issue?

  • March 13, 2018
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I am in the last action where the process builder calls the invocable apex class. When i look for the class it appears with the LabelName
 'Give a Thanks Badge' and the lookups do not show up on the Giver Id and Receiver Id fields. Can someone tell me what am I doing wrong?
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If i put the apex class name as is shown in the trail it still does not find the Giver Id and Receiver Id values. My apex code has an active status.
User-added image
Thank you.