• Khalèd
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I tried to practise this module https://trailhead.salesforce.com/projects/mobile-sdk-hybrid-apps/steps/mobilesdk-hybrid-apps-04 ​
using android my application works fine on localhost but when i import it in android studio to run it. Before running the application i got this error:
no resource found that matches the given name ( at 'icon' with value 'sf__icon')
I noticed that this error comes just from adding the cordova plugin for Salesforce mobile sdk.

is there someone who run this app on his external device.
Any suggestions and thanks in advance
No resource found matches the given name (at 'icon' with value '@drawable/sf__icon')
No resource found while importing the ionic project into android studio to run it in external device
Cordova 6.5.0
Ionic 2.2.2
forcedroid version 5.0.1
Thanks in advance
No resource found matches the given name (at 'icon' with value '@drawable/sf__icon')
No resource found while importing the ionic project into android studio to run it in external device
Cordova 6.5.0
Ionic 2.2.2
forcedroid version 5.0.1
Thanks in advance

I'm currently trying to work my way through the Trailhead "Get Started with Hybrid Development", but am having problems when I attempt to "forcedroid create".

When it gets to "Installing "cordova-plugin-whitelist" for android" it fails with:
Failed to install 'cordova-plugin-whitelist':TypeError: Path must be a string. Received undefined
at assertPath (path.js:7:11)
at Object.join (path.js:466:7)
at D:\tutorials\AndroidStudioProjects\THA\platforms\android\cordova\lib\check_reqs.js:177:42
at _fulfilled (D:\tutorials\AndroidStudioProjects\THA\platforms\android\cordova\node_modules\q\q.js:834:54)
at self.promiseDispatch.done (D:\tutorials\AndroidStudioProjects\THA\platforms\android\cordova\node_modules\q\q.js:863:30)
at Promise.promise.promiseDispatch (D:\tutorials\AndroidStudioProjects\THA\platforms\android\cordova\node_modules\q\q.js:796:13)
at D:\tutorials\AndroidStudioProjects\THA\platforms\android\cordova\node_modules\q\q.js:857:14
at runSingle (D:\tutorials\AndroidStudioProjects\THA\platforms\android\cordova\node_modules\q\q.js:137:13)
at flush (D:\tutorials\AndroidStudioProjects\THA\platforms\android\cordova\node_modules\q\q.js:125:13)
at _combinedTickCallback (internal/process/next_tick.js:67:7)
Failed to restore plugin "cordova-plugin-whitelist" from config.xml. You might need to try adding it again. Error: TypeError: Path must be a string. Received undefined

This error is not imediately fatal, but after a time I see:
Installing "cordova-plugin-whitelist" for android
Failed to install 'cordova-plugin-whitelist':TypeError: Path must be a string. Received undefined
at assertPath (path.js:7:11)
at Object.join (path.js:466:7)
at D:\tutorials\AndroidStudioProjects\THA\platforms\android\cordova\lib\check_reqs.js:177:42
at _fulfilled (D:\tutorials\AndroidStudioProjects\THA\platforms\android\cordova\node_modules\q\q.js:834:54)
at self.promiseDispatch.done (D:\tutorials\AndroidStudioProjects\THA\platforms\android\cordova\node_modules\q\q.js:863:30)
at Promise.promise.promiseDispatch (D:\tutorials\AndroidStudioProjects\THA\platforms\android\cordova\node_modules\q\q.js:796:13)
at D:\tutorials\AndroidStudioProjects\THA\platforms\android\cordova\node_modules\q\q.js:857:14
at runSingle (D:\tutorials\AndroidStudioProjects\THA\platforms\android\cordova\node_modules\q\q.js:137:13)
at flush (D:\tutorials\AndroidStudioProjects\THA\platforms\android\cordova\node_modules\q\q.js:125:13)
at _combinedTickCallback (internal/process/next_tick.js:67:7)
Failed to install 'com.salesforce':TypeError: Path must be a string. Received undefined
at assertPath (path.js:7:11)
at Object.join (path.js:466:7)
at D:\tutorials\AndroidStudioProjects\THA\platforms\android\cordova\lib\check_reqs.js:177:42
at _fulfilled (D:\tutorials\AndroidStudioProjects\THA\platforms\android\cordova\node_modules\q\q.js:834:54)
at self.promiseDispatch.done (D:\tutorials\AndroidStudioProjects\THA\platforms\android\cordova\node_modules\q\q.js:863:30)
at Promise.promise.promiseDispatch (D:\tutorials\AndroidStudioProjects\THA\platforms\android\cordova\node_modules\q\q.js:796:13)
at D:\tutorials\AndroidStudioProjects\THA\platforms\android\cordova\node_modules\q\q.js:857:14
at runSingle (D:\tutorials\AndroidStudioProjects\THA\platforms\android\cordova\node_modules\q\q.js:137:13)
at flush (D:\tutorials\AndroidStudioProjects\THA\platforms\android\cordova\node_modules\q\q.js:125:13)
at _combinedTickCallback (internal/process/next_tick.js:67:7)
forcedroid create failed

Command failed: cordova plugin add https://github.com/forcedotcom/SalesforceMobileSDK-CordovaPlugin#v5.0.0 --force
Error: Path must be a string. Received undefined

Whereas, this last bit is fatal.

OS: Windows XP SP3
Java: 1.8.0_121
Node: 5.12.0
Npm: 4.2.0
Cordovoa: 6.5.0

ANDROID_HOME: C:\devtools\Android\sdk
ANDROID_SDK_HOME: C:\devtools\Android\sdk
JAVA_HOME: C:\devtools\Java\jdk1.8.0_121
User PATH: %JAVA_HOME%\bin;C:\Documents and Settings\Brian Kessler\Application Data\npm
System PATH: C:\Documents and Settings\All Users\Application Data\Oracle\Java\javapath;%SystemRoot%\system32;%SystemRoot%;%SystemRoot%\System32\Wbem;C:\Program Files\Pinnacle\Shared Files\InstantCDDVD\;C:\WINXPSP3\system32\WindowsPowerShell\v1.0;C:\Program Files\Skype\Phone\;C:\Program Files\Kensington\TrackballWorks;C:\devtools\Git\cmd;C:\devtools\Git\GitExtensions\;C:\devtools\nodejs\;%ANDROID_HOME%\platform-tools;%ANDROID_HOME%\tools

Any ideas what is wrong or how to fix this?
Dear All,

anybody of you has succeeded to run Salesforce for Ionic on Android device? I succeeded to run on local web browser following the developer guide, but when I try to run it on Android a white screen appears. I've followed some of the suggestions on Stack Overflow but nothing happened.

Can you help me?

Kind regards.
Per support instructions can someone disable click jack protection on this org?


Customer request below....

I see that response now in my previous emails but thought it was an older comment - my mistake for misreading the time stamps. However, I'm not sure why this would require developer resources. The only change I'm trying to make is to be allowed to uncheck the "enable clickjack protection for non-setup Salesforce page" under the Security Controls -> Session Settings section. Here's a screenshot:

Inline image 1

Is this not a setting that your support team can switch on/off?

FYI, our vocalcom implementation engineer told me that this clickjack protection setting is what is preventing us from accessing certain features of their product within SalesForce. These features were accessible 2 weeks ago then suddenly became inaccessible, so vocalcom's assumption is that SalesForce support or engineers pushed out an update that changed our session settings (would have to have been within the last 2 weeks). If that is not the case please let me know so that I can attempt further troubleshooting with vocalcom.