• Suraj Maharjan 3
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I have two fields in opportunity like A,B. If any one field is not modified within 3 weeks i need to send email to opportunity owner.
how can we achive this one.

  • May 19, 2017
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Hi All,
I am learning apex development 
Now I have a tutorial which creates an extension to get the id of the url but it does not have a tutorial to write an apex test class.
Can you please help me understanding an apex test class and how it should be written for this one.
  • Extension as in tutorial
public with sharing class ProfileTabUserController {
// Purpose: Custom Chatter profile page
private ApexPages.StandardController c;
// Getter methods you can call from your Visualforce page, e.g. {! viewingMyProfile }
public User subjectUser { get; set; }
public boolean viewingMyProfile { get; set; } // Whether or not I’m viewing my profile
public String viewerID { get; set; } // UID string for the viewing user
public String subjectID { get; set; } // UID string for the subject user (being viewed)
// Constructor method for the controller
public ProfileTabUserController(ApexPages.StandardController stdController) {
c = stdController;
subjectID = getTargetSFDCUID();
// If we're operating inside a tab running inside of a profile...
if (subjectID != null) {
// Inject the sfdc.userId URL parameter value into the id param
// so the std User controller loads the right User record
ApexPages.currentPage().getParameters().put('id', subjectID);
// Load the User record for the user whose profile we’re viewing
this.subjectUser = (User)stdController.getRecord();
Id viewer = Id.valueOf(UserInfo.getUserId());
Id subject = Id.valueOf(subjectID);
viewingMyProfile = (viewer == subject);
viewerID = UserInfo.getUserId();
// Fetches URL parameter passed into a profile tab indicating which user is being viewed
private String getTargetSFDCUID() {
return ApexPages.currentPage().getParameters().get('sfdc.userId');
// Overrides StandardController save method to force reload of current page afterwards
public PageReference save() {
return ApexPages.currentPage();
// Overrides StandardController cancel method to force page reload
public PageReference cancel() {
return ApexPages.currentPage();

Hi all,
We have created an app that attaches emails from outlook to salesforce automatically, without any user interaction as tasks.
But outlook does not recognise it as being attached already.
User-added image
I want to display all emails that has been attached by our app to Email added to: Contact
User-added image

Can anyone tell me what obj/field to update once the email has been added to salesforce.

I have two custom objects both form managed packages. 
I would like to create a visual force page using these objects where A is the master of object B. 
All I want to do is display related list. How do I achieve that in a visualforce page.
I have tried using 
<apex:page standardController="MyMasterObject__c">
<apex:relatedList list="MyChildObjects__r" />
I have a requirement to send weekly reports in email to indivudual memebrs as per their visibility.

I've an idea to write an apex class which I can schedule it using Scheduled Apex.
Inside the class I want to use ReportManager class to run a specific report.

My question here is - How can I run it as a specific user ? 
  • June 21, 2017
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Hello all,
 In my org contact email Field is ecnryped fields , but i need to query list of email address using soql, like

 list< contact> con= [select id, name , email from contact where email=:listofUniqueemail];
but i am unable to use this command,

 i tryed to use sosl query to get contacts related to email address

list<list<contacts>> conlist= [find :listofUniqueemail retrun all  contact (id, name , email ))];

issue in this query is listofUniqueemail  we cant use the set in soql query , its giving error unable to handle list.

can you please tel me how to fix this issue. your help is very needed to fix issue.
i tried https://www.codescience.com/blog/2017/salesforce-platform-encryption-the-good-the-bad-and-the-ugly-3-areas-to-review-closely link its not worked. please give me dirct solution


If you have Person Accounts already enabled and working and you have an existing Contact and an existing Account, can you somehow take these two and merge them, thus creating a Person Account?

How many email can send from Case (Send Mail)?
if TO address is an external address.
Is there maximun limit for per day?

I have two fields in opportunity like A,B. If any one field is not modified within 3 weeks i need to send email to opportunity owner.
how can we achive this one.

  • May 19, 2017
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I have two custom objects both form managed packages. 
I would like to create a visual force page using these objects where A is the master of object B. 
All I want to do is display related list. How do I achieve that in a visualforce page.
I have tried using 
<apex:page standardController="MyMasterObject__c">
<apex:relatedList list="MyChildObjects__r" />
Is there a way to restrict editing the other case fields when a Case is in "closed" status; meaining you would have to reopen the Case to be able to edit the other Case fields??

Any help would be much appreciated.
  • August 13, 2014
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