• Ken Koellner 8
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When searching the documentation for information on oauth, I find lots of information on other applications calling into salesforce to get access to SF.  Unfortunately, that's not the task I need to perform.  I need to, from salesforce, get access to another application.

I'm wondering if anyone knows of any good examples or tutorials for outbound authorization to other applications.

I think there may be ways to get help doing it with Per User Named Credentials but I would really like to see some examples of how to configure and code it.

Anyone know if there's a way to get the average code coverage that was determined during a deployment?  I doesn't show in the output shown below.  It also doesn't show on the success deployment page.  Further, if I go into dev console and look at test coverage, it doesn't show the test coverage that was determined during the deployment validation.  I have to run all tests again to get coverage.

What I want to accomplish is after each successful deployment to one of the test orgs we use for continuous integration, is record the average % of coverage.  That way we can keep a record and if it starts drifting too close to 75% we can attend to test improvement. 

[sf:deploy] Request for a deploy submitted successfully.
[sf:deploy] Request ID for the current deploy task: 0Af1I00000TjiS5SAJ
[sf:deploy] Waiting for server to finish processing the request...
[sf:deploy] Request Status: Pending
[sf:deploy] Request Status: InProgress (341/474)  -- Processing Type: ReportType
[sf:deploy] Request Status: InProgress (396/474)  -- Processing Type: ApexClass
[sf:deploy] Request Status: InProgress
[sf:deploy] Request Status: InProgress (16/164)  -- Running Test: CreateInvitationActionTest.basicLeadTest111
[sf:deploy] Request Status: InProgress (32/164)  -- Running Test: LinkaLatorTestMethods.testUpdateTimeTradeMeetingTrigger
[sf:deploy] Request Status: InProgress (45/164)  -- Running Test: Test_Ctrl_ClickToSchedule.redirectionCheck
[sf:deploy] Request Status: InProgress (64/164)  -- Running Test: Test_Ctrl_CreateMeetingInvitation.newInvitationFromLeadWithGroupsRoundRobinUserOrganizerWithExistingRRIndex
[sf:deploy] Request Status: InProgress (81/164)  -- Running Test: Test_Ctrl_TimeTradeAdminPage.startCalendarSync
[sf:deploy] Request Status: InProgress (115/164)  -- Running Test: Test_TimeTradeWorkflowRouteEdit.BasicInsertOfRoute
[sf:deploy] Request Status: InProgress (138/164)  -- Running Test: Test_trg_Event.GTMCancelEvent
[sf:deploy] Request Status: InProgress (143/164)  -- Running Test: Test_trg_Event.eventTrigger
[sf:deploy] Request Status: InProgress (146/164)  -- Running Test: Test_trg_Event.eventTriggerGTMError
[sf:deploy] Request Status: InProgress (150/164)  -- Running Test: Test_trg_Event.setUpZoomException
[sf:deploy] Request Status: Succeeded
[sf:deploy] *********** DEPLOYMENT SUCCEEDED ***********
[sf:deploy] Finished request 0Af1I00000TjiS5SAJ successfully.

Quesiton about save order.  This documentation is critical for understanding -- https://developer.salesforce.com/docs/atlas.en-us.apexcode.meta/apexcode/apex_triggers_order_of_execution.htm

So I did an experiment.  I have a trigger on an object.  I put Process Builder process on the update that does an update record to set a field on the record.  When I update a record, a second DML fires and the trigger gets fired twice, once from the original update and once from my field update.

I did the same thing with workflow and my trigger only fired once.  Not sure if I did something wrong.  The document says that triggers are run again in both cases but it looked like my workflow field update worked.