• Pranesh Tripathi 21
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Hi all,

We are using Open CTI in our system. I have developed a lightning component to display some lead's information in the side bar. In the lightning component I use <lightning:clickToDial value="xxxx"/> to complete the click to dial funtion. And now we need hide the middle  4 numbers of mobile, but I found if I replace the mobile to <lightning:clickToDial value="123****456"/> the click to dial will no longer work. Is there any way to complete this requirement? Thanks.
   <aura:if isTrue="{!not(empty(v.OBcall.Prospect__r.MobilePhone))}">
         <div class="slds-truncate">
             <lightning:clickToDial value="{!'+' + v.OBcall.Prospect__r.MobilePhone}"/>