• JamalB
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I am trying to change the text color on a visualforce page to one of four colors based on data contained in a field.  The code is below.  I have looked at similar posts but have not been successful. I would appreciate any help you could provide.

<apex:repeat value="{!wrappedSystems}" var="s">
                                <tr class="linkable">
                                    <input type="hidden" class="id" data-type="system" data-id="{!s.sys.Id}" />
                                    <td><c:RC_Donut theName="{!s.sys.Id}" percent="{!s.batRemaining}" /></td>
                                    <td><center><font color = "{if({!s.sys.Operational_Status_Color__c}='Red',#FF0000, if({!s.sys.Operational_Status_Color__c}='Yellow',#FFF000, if({!s.sys.Operational_Status_Color__c}='Green',#01DF01,#808080)))}">{!s.sys.Operational_Status__c}</font></center></td>
                                    <td>{!s.sys.System_City__c}, {!s.sys.System_State__c}</td>

  • December 27, 2017
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I am trying to change the text color on a visualforce page to one of four colors based on data contained in a field.  The code is below.  I have looked at similar posts but have not been successful. I would appreciate any help you could provide.

<apex:repeat value="{!wrappedSystems}" var="s">
                                <tr class="linkable">
                                    <input type="hidden" class="id" data-type="system" data-id="{!s.sys.Id}" />
                                    <td><c:RC_Donut theName="{!s.sys.Id}" percent="{!s.batRemaining}" /></td>
                                    <td><center><font color = "{if({!s.sys.Operational_Status_Color__c}='Red',#FF0000, if({!s.sys.Operational_Status_Color__c}='Yellow',#FFF000, if({!s.sys.Operational_Status_Color__c}='Green',#01DF01,#808080)))}">{!s.sys.Operational_Status__c}</font></center></td>
                                    <td>{!s.sys.System_City__c}, {!s.sys.System_State__c}</td>

  • December 27, 2017
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