• Robin Bansal 17
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Hello all,

I tried overriding a standard "New" action on a custom object and it works fine for internal users. However, that makes the "New" button vanish completely in communities. Here's what my component implements:
implements="lightning:actionOverride, forceCommunity:availableForAllPageTypes"
The use case for this is prepopulating some fields on the child record using information retrieved from Apex.

So main question is: are Lightning Component Action Overrides supported in Partner Communities? If so, what could I be doing wrong?

Hai guys,
The repeater must use the <li> HTML list tag
The repeater must use the apex:outputLink component to link to the respective record detail page
HINT: Record detail pages can be reached by placing a record ID at the root of the URL (e.g. '/<record id>').
how can i achieve it.
my vf page code is
<apex:page standardController="Account" recordSetVar="accounts">
  <apex:form >
  <apex:repeat value="{!accounts}" var="a">
 <li> <apex:outputLink value="/apex/AccountList?id=00128000005LpU9">
can any one help me