• Stephen Wond
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I am trying to update a custom date field to a null value using ForceClient in .NET. Currently, it doesn't seem like it's possible to do this, even on optional Date fields. I've double-checked that the field is not required.

The way I understand it is, a Date field can accept a valid date string or null. But passing null causes the field not to update, it doesn't actually null out the field.

Code is something like this:
using (ForceClient sfClient = GetSfClient())
    SuccessResponse resp = null;
    	accountData.CustomDateField = null;
        resp = await sfClient.UpdateAsync("Account", accountId, accountData);
"accountData" is an object containing all the fields we're updating on the account. Like I mentioned above, passing null for any of those fields just causes the field to not update. For a Date field, we get an error on anything besides a valid date format. So I've tried passing "null", empty string, white space, etc.

How can I null out a Date field, or any field for that matter?

Thank you for your help,
Charlie Bratches