• Chris Rohlfing
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In Trailhead Developer Beginner Module->Data Security->Control Access to Field, it implies that when you select a profile in setup (ie Standard User) there should be some Field-Level Security section.  I don't see anything like that.  Maybe in Object Settings you could specify field control, but that's not what the exercise is suggesting. Please Help.
HELP. I can't even get started. I'm being directed to hit launch in the hands on challenge next to the drop down 'my trailhead playground 1'. When I do that it opens some curious raccoon page with only one button that leads me to the trailhead home screen. If I try to change the drop down menu it does nothing. So I'm stuck before I begin. Thanks for your feedback.
Hi Everyone, I got Stuck in the same challenge.
In Process Automation,
Automate Basic Business Processes with Process Builder
Create a process to update child record when the parent is updated.
You've been given a requirement to keep Contact addresses in sync with the Account they belong to. Use Process Builder to create a new process that updates all child Contact addresses when the address of the Account record is updated. This process:
Can have any name.
Must be activated.
Must update Contact mailing address fields (Street, City, State, Post Code, Country) when the parent Account shipping address field values are updated.
NOTE: You may have to deactivate the validation rule for the Contacts object (created from a previous challenge) in order to complete this challenge.

Again It shows an error.

Challenge Not yet complete... here's what's wrong: 
There was an unexpected error in your org which is preventing this assessment check from completing: System.DmlException: Insert failed. First exception on row 0; first error: FIELD_CUSTOM_VALIDATION_EXCEPTION, Account number must be 8 characters long.: []

Can you please tell me how to deactivate the validation rule in contacts.
In Trailhead Developer Beginner Module->Data Security->Control Access to Field, it implies that when you select a profile in setup (ie Standard User) there should be some Field-Level Security section.  I don't see anything like that.  Maybe in Object Settings you could specify field control, but that's not what the exercise is suggesting. Please Help.