• Deanna Aaron 11
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We want to create a workflow rule that make the last name value formatted in "Proper Case".
For Example, it should say Smith (Not SMITH or smith)

The challenge: We have some individuals that shouldn’t be set to proper case (E.g. McDonald or DeLuca)

So, I need to workflow rule to first evaluate:
1. Is this text value lowercase or uppercase? (SMITH or smith)
2. If the conditions match (SMITH or smith), than correct it to Smith

Alternatively, if it is entered like this: “McDonald”, then leave the text alone. (upper and lowercase combination).
In other words, the update should ONLY occur if the text is ALL lowercase or uppercase (SMITH or smith)
I have this formula, but it updates ALL text to Propercase regardless of what is entered:

UPPER(LEFT(LastName,1)) & LOWER(RIGHT(LastName, LEN(LastName)-1))
Note: I need it to only be applied if the text is ALL lowercase or uppercase.
Another Admin in our Org created a button called "Change Status" for Cases. The idea is that users check boxes next to the cases that have been taken care of. Then, they click "Change Status" > Update Status to "Closed".
The problem: It's not actually closing the cases. I've attached some images of the setup. Not sure what's missing? Thank you for your help!


User-added image

#2.User-added image

#3.User-added image

Hi. I created a validation rule that WORKS, but it appears to be causing an error in another area in Salesforce.
The validation rule:
Basically, if a donation (opportunity record) is entered, the “classification” multi-picklist field must CONTAIN more than 1 value if “Anonymous” is selected. (Hooray, it works!)
Because we’re a nonprofit, we enabled the native “matching gift” functionality. When trying to match gifts, the validation rule error appears.
I looked at 2 individual donations (opportunity records) and BOTH contain “anonymous AND individual”. They follow the validation rule criteria. When I look at the URL of the “Matching Gift” page, it contains…


Which makes me think this has something to due with Visualforce or Apex? I’m not sure what to look at to fix this error altogether.
Thank you for your help!
Validation Rule for Reference:
NOT(INCLUDES(Donation_Classification__c,"In-Direct Public Support")), 
NOT(INCLUDES(Donation_Classification__c,"Band Fees")), 
NOT(INCLUDES(Donation_Classification__c,"In-Kind Donations")), 
NOT(INCLUDES(Donation_Classification__c,"Board Contribution")), 

Error Message: The "Donation Classification" must contain an additional selection. Example: Anonymous AND Individual


The reason Apex appear in the URL is because the Salesforce non-profit pack is not actually native functionality in the system - it is an application incorporated into Salesforce. All custom Visualforce pages have /apex/ in the URL.

With that being said, it is also the reason I doubt anyone here could help resolve the issue. This page likely tries to create a new record that breaks your validation, and seeing as it is impossible to modify (or even examine) it's code, we can't tell whether the page inserts some sort of value we can use to make the validation rule ignore operations from this page.

It may be possible to write a Before Insert Apex trigger that identifies the page the user is on, and fill in some field to make the validation rule skip it.

Thank you for your help!

We have email accounts specifically designed to handle inquiries. We want these emails to push to Salesforce and have the process operate like a ticketing system. Which solution would be ideal?

Cases – Natively in Salesforce
Zendesk – This would be new for us
We’re open to other solutions

  • There are different inquiry “types”
  • Should there be a different tab for each inquiry type?
  • It might be better to keep it under the inquiries tab and have a filter system showing the desired inquiry type.
  • Easily monitor and consolidate – Ability to merge “tickets”.
  • We don’t need these inquiries to be stored in Salesforce as activities/notes. If we use Zendesk, we may not utilize the Salesforce integration, as it's not necessary for the conversations to be stored in Salesforce.
We have a “Development” team and a “Veteran Outreach” team. We want to create an area in Salesforce that’s independent of “development” processes.

Development users should NOT have the ability to see “Veteran Outreach” records.
“Veteran Outreach” users should have the ability to see development records, but there should be a CLEAR differentiator. Meaning, they know when they’re looking at a record pertaining to Veteran Outreach and NOT development (and vice versa).

Would you recommend creating a separate app?
We could make record types visible to only CERTAIN profiles.
Hi. My trigger failed to deploy. I believe it's missing a test class. I'm unsure how to do this.

This is my trigger:

trigger updateAccountField on Note (after insert) {
    List<Account> accUpdate = new List<Account>();
    for(Note n : Trigger.new){
        if(n.ParentId != null && n.ParentId.getSObjectType() == schema.Account.sObjectType){
Account acc=new Account(Id=n.parentId,Most_Recent_Note_Date__c=n.CreatedDate, Most_Recent_Note_Body__c=n.Body,Most_Recent_Note_Title__c=n.Title);

        update accUpdate;

This is the failed message:
User-added image
I want to have a field on the account object called “most recent note”. Basically, when a new note is created, the “note” create date populates here.
BONUS: If this is possible— I want to have a field on the account object called “Recent Note Content”. Basically, the most recent note’s content goes here.
How would I accomplish this? I sincerely appreciate your help!
Our executive director wants to see a list of organizations in a report, with a column showing the date of the most recent "created note". We would also like to see the contents of the note in an organization report.

I'm aware that notes cannot be reported on (exception of "new" note with the SNOTE filter). The content & files report was too basic.

How could I accomplish this?
I know that it's not possible to report on notes, but our director of development does not want to add small donor conversations in as "tasks". Is there a way that I can some how build a workaround to show the most recent note made on an organization record.

For example
Most recent note added: 7/13/2018
And then show the content of the note in another column

In the process, I tried enabling enhanced notes:
I was able to create a basic report using the filter: File type: SNOTE.
Unfortunately, I'm still not able to report on the most recent note made on an organization (showing content and the date entered). I created a custom report type, but couldn't get it to work.

I'm open to any ideas. Thank you for your help.
Hi. I'm working to create a report that sorts donations(AKA opportunities) in groups.

If the opportunity name contains: ABC
Put it in group ABC

If the opportunity name contains: DEF
Put it in group DEF

If the opportunity name contains: GHI
Put it in group GHI

I considered using buckets, but the bucket fields are not working correctly. I have a ton of donations with "ABC", but when I type ABC, they are not coming up. Also, you manually have to click > "move to bucket ABC". It won't automatically include future opportunities containing "ABC" in the name.

How would I do this?

Thank you for your help!

I keep getting the error email message from some of our process builders. How do I fix this?

From: FlowApplication <info@salesforce.com (mailto:info@salesforce.com)>
Date: June 24, 2018 at 8:25:29 PM PDT
Subject: Error Occurred During Flow "Update_Classy_Recurring_ID": The flow tried to update these records: null. Thi...
Error element myRule_1_A1 (FlowRecordUpdate).
The flow tried to update these records: null. This error occurred: UNABLE_TO_LOCK_ROW: unable to obtain exclusive access to this record or 1 records: 0031N00001dDDLvQAO.

I sincerely appreciate your help!

We create "tasks" as reminders and also run reports on tasks. Sometimes those reminders are added in as notes for future reference (but we can't run reports on notes). So, sometimes things are entered in as tasks for reporting reasons.

What we want to do:
Create a checkbox on the task record that says "Create Note"
Once the task is complete, a note will be created on the record. Is there a way to do this? 
On the task itself, there's a "related to [record type] [lookup field]
Name [Contact/Lead] [Lookup Field]
We would want to create the note based on the record indicated on the task.

I created the custom field on the task already. I'm in the process builder, but can't seem to figure it out.

Thank you.
I want to create 2 new campaign fields.
  1. One to show the dollar amount won in the campaign for specific opportunities (those opportunities that have a specific field value - Type: Band Payment).
  2. One to show the dollar amount won in the campaign for all other opportunities without that specific value - Type not equal to Band Payment)
Is this possible? If so, how could I accomplish this?

Thank you for your help.

1. When users go to the "Stage" field
2. Next, users select the "Posted" value from the picklist field
3. Then the user saves this record, I'd like them to automatically go to the "Schedule Payments" Page.

As a non-profit, there's a "Payments" object associated to all opportunity records(aka donation records). When someone saves the opportunity record, could I take them to another page?

Payments is the related object and "Schedule Payments" is the button [See image below]. When the 'Schedule Payments' button is clicked, it takes the user to a visualforce page. These are natively in organizations using the non-profit success pack.

User-added image
User-added image

Thank you for your help.
Hi. I'm trying to update 2,358 opportunity records. They should be tied to our "2017 Year End Campaign". I'm using the dataloader:

I mapped the donation ID
I mapped the campaign ID (that is should be tied to)

Then, every record fails to update and I receive this error: 
dlrs_OpportunityTrigger: System.LimitException: dlrs:Too many query rows: 50001
Thank you for your help.
How would I create Auto Number field with Formula that counts all opportunities with the source field as recurring? (Starting over for each account)

IF an account contains an opportunity with the source field value of “Recurring”, apply generate auto number

IF example account is Costco
Opportunity 1 – Source: One-Time N/A
Opportunity 2 – Source: Recurring (Auto Number: 1)
Opportunity 3 – Source: Recurring (Auto Number: 2)
Opportunity 4 – Source: One-Time N/A

IF the next example account is Walmart
Opportunity 1 – Source: One-Time N/A
Opportunity 1 – Source: One-Time N/A
Opportunity 2 – Source: Recurring (Auto Number: 1) *Notice there are 2 accounts with the number one
Opportunity 4 – Source: One-Time N/A

Thank you for your help! I sincerely appreciate it.

I want the billing street field to update "P.O. Box" if it is incorrectly formatted-- Similarly to how the phone number field auto-updates to the correct format (xxx)xxx-xxxx.

Background: As a nonprofilt, donors enter their information on our website and these records push to Salesforce as Opportunities.

We want the data in Salesforce to be consistent. Is there a formula I could use in a workflow to say:

IF the "Street Address" field contains...

PO Box 
Po Box
P.o. Box
po box
p.o. box
po Box
p.o. Box

(OR in between each)

THEN update to "P.O. Box"? That said, I don't want the address to get overwritten from
po box 1322 to P.O. Box

We somehow have to maintain the remaining numbers. Also, if there's a way I can apply this to other address names, that would be very handy. Example: st to St.

Challenge: If someone has "st" in the street name, it'll update incorrectly -- red star lane > red St.ar lane. Could I use the criteria of (SPACE)St(Space) - this way it won't change a word containing "st"

Thank you for your help.
I installed "riptide" to utilize pop up alerts in Salesforce. I need the pop up to appear when the "Fail Status" is NOT blank. So, I created a workflow rule to update the alert message field to "Acknowledgement Not Sent" (which triggers the popup).

The issue is that I don't want to popup to show EVERY time the opportunity record is viewed. ONLY when it's created or edited. I'm hoping to come across a way to accomplish this. 

I appreciate your help!

I'd like to make an alert on the opportunity object to say -
IF there's a value in the field, "Failed Status" - Then create an alert that says "Email Failed to Send"
In other words, if the "Failed Status field is not blank, trigger the alert.

How could I accomplish this?

Thank you!
I have a formula field called "Email Fail Status'. If this field contains a value, then I want to update a picklist field titled, "Email Approval" to say 'No'.

The field value for "Email Approval" should be 'No' IF the formula field "Email Fail Status" is not blank.

I created a workflow rule using - 'Run the field if the criteria are met'
Email Fail Status not equal to _____ (I didn't select anything because it should be blank)
The field update says, Update Email Approval field to 'No'.
The result: It works, but clears out the value in my formula field. Is there another way I should do this?

Thank you.

Hi. I created a validation rule that WORKS, but it appears to be causing an error in another area in Salesforce.
The validation rule:
Basically, if a donation (opportunity record) is entered, the “classification” multi-picklist field must CONTAIN more than 1 value if “Anonymous” is selected. (Hooray, it works!)
Because we’re a nonprofit, we enabled the native “matching gift” functionality. When trying to match gifts, the validation rule error appears.
I looked at 2 individual donations (opportunity records) and BOTH contain “anonymous AND individual”. They follow the validation rule criteria. When I look at the URL of the “Matching Gift” page, it contains…


Which makes me think this has something to due with Visualforce or Apex? I’m not sure what to look at to fix this error altogether.
Thank you for your help!
Validation Rule for Reference:
NOT(INCLUDES(Donation_Classification__c,"In-Direct Public Support")), 
NOT(INCLUDES(Donation_Classification__c,"Band Fees")), 
NOT(INCLUDES(Donation_Classification__c,"In-Kind Donations")), 
NOT(INCLUDES(Donation_Classification__c,"Board Contribution")), 

Error Message: The "Donation Classification" must contain an additional selection. Example: Anonymous AND Individual


The reason Apex appear in the URL is because the Salesforce non-profit pack is not actually native functionality in the system - it is an application incorporated into Salesforce. All custom Visualforce pages have /apex/ in the URL.

With that being said, it is also the reason I doubt anyone here could help resolve the issue. This page likely tries to create a new record that breaks your validation, and seeing as it is impossible to modify (or even examine) it's code, we can't tell whether the page inserts some sort of value we can use to make the validation rule ignore operations from this page.

It may be possible to write a Before Insert Apex trigger that identifies the page the user is on, and fill in some field to make the validation rule skip it.

Thank you for your help!

We have a “Development” team and a “Veteran Outreach” team. We want to create an area in Salesforce that’s independent of “development” processes.

Development users should NOT have the ability to see “Veteran Outreach” records.
“Veteran Outreach” users should have the ability to see development records, but there should be a CLEAR differentiator. Meaning, they know when they’re looking at a record pertaining to Veteran Outreach and NOT development (and vice versa).

Would you recommend creating a separate app?
We could make record types visible to only CERTAIN profiles.
Hi. My trigger failed to deploy. I believe it's missing a test class. I'm unsure how to do this.

This is my trigger:

trigger updateAccountField on Note (after insert) {
    List<Account> accUpdate = new List<Account>();
    for(Note n : Trigger.new){
        if(n.ParentId != null && n.ParentId.getSObjectType() == schema.Account.sObjectType){
Account acc=new Account(Id=n.parentId,Most_Recent_Note_Date__c=n.CreatedDate, Most_Recent_Note_Body__c=n.Body,Most_Recent_Note_Title__c=n.Title);

        update accUpdate;

This is the failed message:
User-added image
I want to have a field on the account object called “most recent note”. Basically, when a new note is created, the “note” create date populates here.
BONUS: If this is possible— I want to have a field on the account object called “Recent Note Content”. Basically, the most recent note’s content goes here.
How would I accomplish this? I sincerely appreciate your help!
Our executive director wants to see a list of organizations in a report, with a column showing the date of the most recent "created note". We would also like to see the contents of the note in an organization report.

I'm aware that notes cannot be reported on (exception of "new" note with the SNOTE filter). The content & files report was too basic.

How could I accomplish this?
I know that it's not possible to report on notes, but our director of development does not want to add small donor conversations in as "tasks". Is there a way that I can some how build a workaround to show the most recent note made on an organization record.

For example
Most recent note added: 7/13/2018
And then show the content of the note in another column

In the process, I tried enabling enhanced notes:
I was able to create a basic report using the filter: File type: SNOTE.
Unfortunately, I'm still not able to report on the most recent note made on an organization (showing content and the date entered). I created a custom report type, but couldn't get it to work.

I'm open to any ideas. Thank you for your help.

We create "tasks" as reminders and also run reports on tasks. Sometimes those reminders are added in as notes for future reference (but we can't run reports on notes). So, sometimes things are entered in as tasks for reporting reasons.

What we want to do:
Create a checkbox on the task record that says "Create Note"
Once the task is complete, a note will be created on the record. Is there a way to do this? 
On the task itself, there's a "related to [record type] [lookup field]
Name [Contact/Lead] [Lookup Field]
We would want to create the note based on the record indicated on the task.

I created the custom field on the task already. I'm in the process builder, but can't seem to figure it out.

Thank you.
Howdy Salesforce developers
I'm getting this error often. I'm running my batches in queue.
Any one have any idea how can we prevent this error. This error occur when Single record try to update by 2 jobs at same time.

Update failed. First exception on row 0 with id a145000000C6g5HAAR; first error: UNABLE_TO_LOCK_ROW, unable to obtain exclusive access to this record or 1 records: a145000000C6g5HAAR: []