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I have created a visualforce page and overrided my new button in my custom object. The overrided visualforce page is not working on Service Consle App /  Sales Console app in lightning experience. but it is working on Sales App/ Service App. Can you anyone please help why it is not working on console app
When trying to upload a cahnge set from a sandbox to another sandbox I receive the following:

The following outbound change set upload failed due to a system error:

Change set: Objects (04tK0000000EJkB)
Organization: Dev (Developer Sandbox) (00DK000000XNi6a)
User: Swift River (005A0000000Z2or)
Error Number: 1722076013-80155 (245827274)

Please try to upload your change set again. If it does not succeed, contact Customer Support and provide the error number listed above.

Both sandboxes are using the same version (Winter '16) and the target sandbox is properly configured to receive the change set from the sending org.

Following the instructions in the error mssage I attempted to open a case with Salesforce support, but you cannot do that as the proper category is Developer Support and I cannot open a developer support case using the help system. So I opened another type of case, assuming that Salesforce would want to know that there is a problem with the system. Nope. The response was that I should post here. Does anybody here have access to the Salesforce system error code that might shed some light on the issue? 

Lest anyone wonder, I've been building outbound change sets since they were first implemented.

Hi All,

I am exploring the possibilities with the reports and metadata. However I didn't find anything about deploy reports into salesforce
I have tried something similar to deploy apexclasses, although it doesn't work...


MetadataService.MetadataPort service = createService();                               
 MetadataFiles = new List<MetadataFile>();
 MetadataFile metaDataFile = new MetadataFile();
        metaDataFile.fullName = 'MyReportFolder/MyNewReportMetadata';
        metaDataFile.content = '<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>' +
        '<Report xmlns="http://soap.sforce.com/2006/04/metadata">' +
            '<chart>' +
                '<backgroundColor1>#FFFFFF</backgroundColor1>' +
                '<backgroundColor2>#FFFFFF</backgroundColor2>' +
                '<backgroundFadeDir>Diagonal</backgroundFadeDir>' +
                '<chartSummaries>' +
                    '<axisBinding>y</axisBinding>' +
                    '<column>RowCount</column>' +
                '</chartSummaries>' +
                '<chartType>HorizontalBar</chartType>' +
                '<enableHoverLabels>false</enableHoverLabels>' +
                '<expandOthers>true</expandOthers>' +
                '<groupingColumn>Contact$Id</groupingColumn>' +
                '<location>CHART_TOP</location>' +
                '<showAxisLabels>true</showAxisLabels>' +
                '<showPercentage>false</showPercentage>' +
                '<showTotal>false</showTotal>' +
                '<showValues>false</showValues>' +
                '<size>Medium</size>' +
                '<summaryAxisRange>Auto</summaryAxisRange>' +
                '<textColor>#000000</textColor>' +
                '<textSize>12</textSize>' +
                '<titleColor>#000000</titleColor>' +
                '<titleSize>18</titleSize>' +
            '</chart>' +
            '<columns>' +
                '<field>Contact$Id</field>' +
            '</columns>' +
            '<columns>' +
                '<field>Contact$Name</field>' +
            '</columns>' +
            '<columns>' +
                '<field>Contact$Email</field>' +
            '</columns>' +
            '<columns>' +
                '<field>Contact$Phone</field>' +
            '</columns>' +
            '<description>My test report metadata</description>' +
            '<filter>' +
                '<criteriaItems>' +
                    '<column>Contact$Name</column>' +
                    '<operator>start with</operator>' +
                    '<value>p</value>' +
                '</criteriaItems>' +
            '</filter>' +
            '<format>Summary</format>' +
            '<groupingsDown>' +
                '<dateGranularity>Day</dateGranularity>' +
                '<field>Contact$Id</field>' +
                '<sortOrder>Asc</sortOrder>' +
            '</groupingsDown>' +
            '<name>MyNewReportMetadata</name>' +
            '<params>' +
                '<name>co</name>' +
                '<value>1</value>' +
            '</params>' +
            '<reportType>Goals__c</reportType>' +
            '<scope>team</scope>' +
            '<showDetails>true</showDetails>' +
            '<timeFrameFilter>' +
                '<dateColumn>Contact$CreatedDate</dateColumn>' +
                '<interval>INTERVAL_CUSTOM</interval>' +
            '</timeFrameFilter>' +
  metaDataFile = new MetadataFile();
        metaDataFile.fullName = 'package.xml';
  metaDataFile.content = '<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>' +
        '<Package xmlns="http://soap.sforce.com/2006/04/metadata">' +
            '<types>' +
                '<members>MyReportFolder/MyNewReportMetadata</members>' +
                '<name>Report</name>' +
            '</types>' +
            '<version>29.0</version>' +

Any idea?
Thanks in advance,


How to declare a query by using sobject  in salesforce .

for releated list in salesforce

  • March 28, 2012
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I am a begginer at this and wrote a simple trigger to grab the Profile ID of a Lead owner and store it under a custom field.  It is below:



trigger ProfileIDCopy on Lead (before Insert, before Update) {

    for(Lead x : Trigger.New){

        // Confirm owner is not a Queue then map Profile ID to custom field
        if( ((String)x.OwnerID).substring(0,3) == '005' ){
            x.Owner_Profile_ID__c = x.Owner.Profile.ID;
            // If not above, mark as queue
            x.Owner_Profile_ID__c = 'Queue';



The trigger saves, but it does not actually work when I test it.  The Owner_Profile__ID does not get populated.  My guess is that "Owner.Profile.ID" is not a proper call, but the fact that it saves with no error is not reassuring.  Could someone please offer some guidance?  Thanks in advance!