• Nedko Nedkov 23
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I have done the exact same thing as they have said in the module. But some how I am getting error like this: 
Challenge Not yet complete... here's what's wrong: 
Can't find the forceContent:fileUpload Lightning component in the 'New Lead' flow. Make sure the field’s unique name is 'Upload_File'
Though I have named the field as 'Upload_File'!!!

I am attaching the screen shot of how I have done it below..
My flow is also active and is also inclued in the page named "Process Automation Home". I don't know what is wrong. Kindly help me. 

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User-added image

I need to store a lot of very small objects - 2.5Million records with just a single field (18 character string)


My understanding is that Salesforce's storage calculator assumes that every record is 2k regardless of how complex/big/small it is, so Salesforce calculate that custom object as needing 5Gb storage space, which is just about as much as we have for the whole Org.  I don't particularly want to pay Salesforce the extra storage cost.


Does anyone know of a way to store small objects more efficiently ?


