• Nikiforos Sakkas
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I have a Salesforce Web2lead account. I know that is possible to create new leads by a POST request from a Web2Lead URL (https://webto.salesforce.com/servlet/servlet.WebToLead?encoding=UTF-8?city=Test&last_name=Testy&first_name=Test&state=CT etc. )

Is there any solution for editing a lead through a POST request similar way? For Example, is there any way to change first_name from a lead with a POST request and not by hand?

Thanks in advance for your answer.

I have a Salesforce Web2lead account. I know that is possible to create new leads by a POST request from a Web2Lead URL (https://webto.salesforce.com/servlet/servlet.WebToLead?encoding=UTF-8?city=Test&last_name=Testy&first_name=Test&state=CT etc. )

Is there any solution for editing a lead through a POST request similar way? For Example, is there any way to change first_name from a lead with a POST request and not by hand?

Thanks in advance for your answer.