• Mark Hartnady 23
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  • Member since 2018

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I'm trying to launch a custom quick action from within a Lightning Component.
According the example given, it should work:


And it all does work, if I add the highlight panel on the page that include the Quick action.
If you remove it from the page, the api returns:
Is there a way to call them, without having them on the lightning page?

Hi everyone, I found this online
&cas3_lkid={! NULLVALUE (Case.ContactId, Contact.Id )}
&cas3={! NULLVALUE (Case.Contact, Contact.Name )}
&cas11=AE - Web

This allows me to create a new button on Opportunity which in turn allows me to create a case on Opportunity, and relate it directly to that opportunity.  What I want to do here that I don't know is the following:

I have several fields on Opportunity object that, once I click my new button, I would like the value of those fields to be pre-populated on the new case.  This will not be a default value, this should pull the specifically selected field value.  I have identical fields on Case.  For example

Opportunity field: TEST FIELD:  1234
The value for my case field should be the same
Case field : TEST FIELD: 1234

The ultimate goal is my reps don't have to re- enter a bunch of fields that are already filled out.

Can this be done, and if so can someone give me an example of what I need to add to this button for this to work?   Thank you for any help

I am stuck on the  Improve your Classic App by Moving to Lightning Experience module
It refers to Dreamhouse Classic app
Where is it to be found ? several project relies on this but I only have DreamHouse app, not the Classic one
Hi All

I am having real trouble trying to get hold of an answer to this question accross all of the information I have been searching on the web - is deep linking with Single Sign On supported? and by that i mean - if i click on a link like this:


I am redirected through the Single-Sign-On stuff succesfuly, but am then always dumped out at https://mysalesforcedomain.my.salesforce.com/home/home.jsp

Once I have established that this type of deep linking is supported, my next question will be what configuration do I need to enable to support it.



We're getting the following error for most of our test methods during deployment in production. All the test methods with this error executed successful in sandbox.


Test failure, method: AccountTests.testAfterUpdateTrigger -- Internal Salesforce Error: 1061812497-29679 (778955809) (778955809) stack null


Test failure, method: EquipmentControllerTest.test -- Internal Salesforce Error: 1061812497-29681 (778955809) (778955809) stack null


Has someone seen this before? Any insights to resolving the issue would be appreciated.





I am not able to add tab the sting I created


Notice the tab I want to insert between the old valud and new value in the description.           

description = description + 'Changed  Product Type  from: ' + oldMap.get(key).Product_Type__c + '\t'+ ' to:  ' +  newmap.get(key).Product_Type__c + '\n' ;

 '\n'    new line feed is working

'\t' tab is not working

Any suggestions how I can add tab or space between strings?