• Curt Rogers
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Our goal is to create a new Salesforce CMS Content Type. This was made possible in Winter 20', however we have not successfully been able to deploy a new one to a Sandbox Org.

Using VS Code, We've followed most every peice of documentation we can find to no avail. The Winter 20' video shows a variety of CMS types, but we can find no documentation that walks through the process of deploying a new one.

We've referenced these articles:



This one was especiially helpful, but does not cover the ManagedContentType.

Has anyone done this and would they be willing to share the process?

My Goal:
I want to display a Knowledge Article selected from the Trending Articles list on the Home page or the Article Detail page in the Help Center Communities template.

The reason for this is that there is no simple way to display only the desired fields for a Knowledge Article. The Page Layout limitations causes undesirable fields to be display in the communities site (as many others attest with the same issue).

A Lightning Web Component will give me the control I am looking for, so I can display only the standard and custom fields I want to see.

Given this:
I understand that the Knowledge__kav object will let me access meta-data, while the KnowledgeArticleVersion object will allow me to get the Published Version object field data. I don't know how to access these together in an LWC. I have almost been able to do this using aan Apex class that returns the results of a SOQL query, but I only get the same record over an over again - its not reactive.

Realizing the Knowledge object is a strange animal, How can I achieve the above goal using a Lightning Web Component? I'm looking for the best practice for achieving my goal above?

Has anyone else done this using a LWC?

If someone can provide guidance on this, it would be most helpful.

There is no documentation or examples regarding the use of LWC to access the Knowledge object. All of them are simple Accounts or Contacts, and these standard objects do not work the same way as Knowledge objects.

I have been able to achieve (sort of) the above with an Aura component, but I feel like I should be able to do this with LWC.

In my prior attempts, I can use LWC code for Accounts or Contacts sucessfully, but whe n modified for Knowledge, it displays nothing.  I'm working with Salesforce support, but even they appear to be stymied by this.

Cna anyone provide some guidance?
My Goal:
I want to display a Knowledge Article selected from the Trending Articles list on the Home page or the Article Detail page in the Help Center Communities template.

The reason for this is that there is no simple way to display only the desired fields for a Knowledge Article. The Page Layout limitations causes undesirable fields to be display in the communities site (as many others attest with the same issue).

A Lightning Web Component will give me the control I am looking for, so I can display only the standard and custom fields I want to see.

Given this:
I understand that the Knowledge__kav object will let me access meta-data, while the KnowledgeArticleVersion object will allow me to get the Published Version object field data. I don't know how to access these together in an LWC. I have almost been able to do this using aan Apex class that returns the results of a SOQL query, but I only get the same record over an over again - its not reactive.

Realizing the Knowledge object is a strange animal, How can I achieve the above goal using a Lightning Web Component? I'm looking for the best practice for achieving my goal above?

Has anyone else done this using a LWC?

If someone can provide guidance on this, it would be most helpful.

There is no documentation or examples regarding the use of LWC to access the Knowledge object. All of them are simple Accounts or Contacts, and these standard objects do not work the same way as Knowledge objects.

I have been able to achieve (sort of) the above with an Aura component, but I feel like I should be able to do this with LWC.

In my prior attempts, I can use LWC code for Accounts or Contacts sucessfully, but whe n modified for Knowledge, it displays nothing.  I'm working with Salesforce support, but even they appear to be stymied by this.

Cna anyone provide some guidance?