• Oleksandra Oleksandra 4
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Hi All, 

I have a requirement to import data from excel sheet. the Sheet will have data similar to the below one, 

User-added image

As you see, I need to map two (or more) Contacts to the same account in a row. For Eg, 2nd column has 2 contacts. So, I need to create 2 list records for 1 row and at the end list should have 6 rows (2 contacts for each accounts).  

If I iterate the row using 'for' loop, I can able to map only One contact not two. So, I end up adding only 3 rows. Is there a way we can achieve this.? 

Successfully imported the "contacts_to_import.csv" file and got the expected email, telling me that it was successful.  However, when I click on the provided link (last line on the email) I get directed to a login screen, which does not take my password.  Is this because my password is only for the Trailhead training?
  • July 13, 2017
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Wanted to know if we will have to create the users again after migration .

  • August 04, 2016
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i have guys,im new to salesforce i want to know the datamigration process in detail for all like insert and upsert,delete

can anyone help me
i want to update the data from excel to salesforce,i want to know how vbscript going to help in updating data from excel to salesforce object automatically
Can we import opportunities using impor wizard? I think only Account, Contact , lead and solutions can be imported. The trailhead article on Data import says 'Opportunities can be imported' . Hence the question
HI All,

please any one help me

I am a new for Migration process, please how to do migration ,what is the first step to start the process , before going to first step anything i need to understand ,  please help me and share any documents or pdf



As a complete new user, I've a few basic, I think, questions regarding importing data from Maximizer, which I've exported to an CSV file.

I only need to create three new Contact fields:
Priorty (1=Very Interested; 2=Moderate Interest, etc.)
Contact Type (Art Gallery, Photo Gallery, and about 20 others)
Coorespondence (Email Blast 2014, Postcard Mailed 2013, etc.)

I think I understand how to create the fields in Build>Contacts>Fields but I dont know how to have the  fields populated with items imported from Maximizer, rather than add them manually.

Any suggestions would be helpful!

Thanks, Steve


Hi all,


We are migrating Event records from one Salesforce org to another. Some records failed to insert and it is giving error as

"Private events for other users are not allowed: Private"


But the requirement is we have to keep that private and also insert.

I tried by making IsPrivate = false during insert and later update those records as IsPrivate = true.

Then it is inserted correctly but update failed giving the same error.

Is there any way to insert it by keeping it private.


Thanks in advance.

I am new to salesforce . Can anyone help me with what exactly migration does?  how to migrate  Data ( Function migration as well)  from a SF (live environment) org to another SF (live environment) org.?




Hi all,


         how to migrate solve360 to salesforce contacts and leads.







Hey guys, 


I need to migrate data from one force organization to another. 

In the app there are several custom objects with lookups to other objects. 

What's the easiest way to migrate the data. 


Thank you for your help!!


I need help please! Have deadline and never faced this complex of a data import. We are importing data from an old web based system that we do not have control over


In Salesforce:


I have 1 Parent object : Clients


And 5 related objects via master-detail or lookup:



Client Debt

Payment History


Financial Profile




The export from the old system is seperated into similiar objects, 6 individual files.


There is one field in common in every excel file : CUSTOMER ID which is the filed that correlated the objects in the old system


How do import the custom objects?


I accomplished the client file obviously by simply importing it. Contacts I got done by including the CUSTOMER ID in the (Client)  import and then simply exporting the Client ID and CUSTOMER ID and pasting into the excel file (which was sorted exactly the same way with all of the customer id's, so the client id's matched up)


The problem is the other files will not match up as some clients do not have debt or offers(or they may have 9 debts) so I cannot simply paste the salesforce id's in. The customer id is unique, but in the case of debts and payments may exist multiple times.



How do i get this data in?





We're trying to transfer data from a standard object (text field) to a custom object (rich text) using the Data Loader, but unfortunately we have two problems:


the fields contain a large amount of data, so when we do a CSV export it loses some of the data within each field, when we try it with an excel export and then convert it to CSV to import via Data Loader, it loses the formatting (line breaks)....


does anyone have any suggestions as to how large data fields can be transferred without losing the formatting



Hello All,


Can any one suggest me a way to migrate data from netsuite CRM to salesforce CRM. I have no idea about netsuite CRM.


I tried exploring netsuite CRM and tried to export data using the "Full Export" functionality that is in netsuite but, unfortunately it does not export complete data from netsuite.


Is there any was to extract all the netsuite data with relationships? Can any one suggest me on the ways to migrate data from netsuite to salesforce?


Any help is greatly appreciated.



Does anyone have an Idea on the best method for migrating data from netsuite into salesforce. I am fimiliar with Salesforce but I have never worked with a Netsuite demo account. What tools would you recommend when transferring data from netsuite to salesforce? This would include all activities, notes, and attachments associated with defualt objects such as accounts, contacts, leads, and opportunites? Is infomatica the best solution for data migration?  Any useful information would be helpful. Thanks


Do anyone know how to migrate Queues (Leads, cases, etc) from one sandbox to another ? I am not seeing any provision to do so using the eclipse tool nor the ANT. Please help if you have any thoughts (I have a whopping 110 queues which I dont want to migrate manually).

Can i use this product to import in activities? If so, how?



I am tasked with doing a basic migration of CRM data from my company's Group Edition Org to their Professional Edition Org. We are migrating 7 users and the Accounts, Contacts, Leads, Opportunities, Reports, data and configuration tot he Professional Edition org. There are only a few custom fields to migrate and since they are on Group edition, there is not much to worry about. The only issue that I cannot access the group edition data / configuration through the API, so I am assuming the only way to get the data out is to request a one-time extract from SFDC, or just create basic reports to export data to excel? Is this true? Also, interms of loading this exported data into Professional edition, what is the easiest, fastest, and most effective option? The import wizards (these don't work for all objects like opportunities) or the ExcelConnector? Apparently, the data loader only works with EE or higher. Please advise.