• Alejandra Rocha
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  • Member since 2018

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We have a Schedule Apex class that is triggered every day at 18:00. These executions used to be successful. But some days we get this error:

"caused by: line -1, column -1: Expression is too long, please split this expression into multiple statements"

This looks like a compilation error. But the apex class has already been compiled.

We don't have developer support. So we can't open a Case.
When a Campaing is created in Salesforce, a campaing is created in Pardot, but we need set de pardot campaing id in a salesforce campaing field on the origilan record. ¿There is a standar way to do that? Now, we have an schedulable apex class to make a query to get de pardot id, but we need something more inmediatly.
We have a requirement who need to redirect from Salesforce mobile to FSL mobile. Especifically we need redirect to a know work order. 

We are using the Deep Linking Schema for de FSL Mobile App (https://developer.salesforce.com/docs/atlas.en-us.field_service_dev.meta/field_service_dev/fsl_dev_mobile_deep_linking_schema.htm)

This work fine if we  use a URI like this:


or like 


but if we use:


that's return an error.

The documentation says  that it's posible use a work order id. But don't work.

We are using this in a Lightning component.

¿Any idea?
We need to be able to capture signatures in Salesforce using the SigCaptx library provided by wacom. This generates a local web service to make the calls that are integrated with the wacom tablet.

Currently, I have managed to modify the js files provided by the library to be able to load them as static resources and reference them from a lightning component.

However, the internal functions of said library call the local web service to execute a wacom.js script, I do not have said script, I think it is encrypted or something like that because it is not on my computer. Although I have added local host in my CSP logs the call to locarhost: 8000 / wacom.js /? .... fails with the error:
Refused to connect to 'https: // localhost: 8000 / wacom.js? GetPort = 1 & script_name = json-0 & _rand = 0.9755975515775108 & callback = JSONreq.success' because it violates the following Content Security Policy directive: "connect-src 'self' https : //api.bluetail.salesforce.com https://staging.bluetail.salesforce.com https://preprod.bluetail.salesforce.com https: // localhost wss: // localhost blob: * .visualforce.com

I understand that it is due to the limitation that although a path is added in the CSP file, scripts cannot be executed from that location. But I have no way to get the wacom.js file.

Is there any other method to perform this integration?
We have a Schedule Apex class that is triggered every day at 18:00. These executions used to be successful. But some days we get this error:

"caused by: line -1, column -1: Expression is too long, please split this expression into multiple statements"

This looks like a compilation error. But the apex class has already been compiled.

We don't have developer support. So we can't open a Case.
Hi ,
Getting this error "List has no rows for assignment to SObject"
Trying to create button through vf page. When button is clicked, the date field should update. below is my code. 

public class ResignationButtonClass {
    public Employee_Information__c emp;
           public ResignationButtonClass() {
        emp = [SELECT DN_Employee_ID__c FROM Employee_Information__c 
                   WHERE Id = :ApexPages.currentPage().getParameters().get('id')];

    public Employee_Information__c getemp() {
        return emp;
                   public PageReference Resign() {
                      pagereference redirect = new PageReference('/apex/newPage'); 
                      emp.DN_Resignation_Date__c= System.today();           
                      update emp;
                      return null;

VF Page: 

<apex:page controller="ResignationButtonClass" >
 <apex:form >
 <apex:commandbutton value="Resign" action="{!Resign}"/>