• Pasumarthy Raghavendra
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  • Member since 2018
  • Developer
  • Diligent Force Labs

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I am new to Service Cloud and Lightning Knowledge. I am dealing with a requirement of sending an email when a case is created with related knowledge article automatically in lightning experience which means that before the agent could respond if the article is sent to the customer with related artcile link, it would be better. Could anyone help me out regarding this? 

Thanks in Advance.
I am new to Service Cloud and Lightning Knowledge. I am dealing with a requirement of sending an email when a case is created with related knowledge article automatically in lightning experience which means that before the agent could respond if the article is sent to the customer with related artcile link, it would be better. Could anyone help me out regarding this? 

Thanks in Advance.
Hello All,

I have a urgent requirment where I need to store file of 50 MB. <apex:inputFile> does not support this much large file, I tried with the below link but I am not able to write code. 

can someone please help me to achieve this. Thanks in advance.
  • March 02, 2019
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Hello everyone, this is my first post in sf community and i have a strange issue right now .
I have a page with fixed header and my body with:
html,body {
             overflow: auto;
body {
The problem im facing is when you scroll down or up the header will re-appear and my boss dont want this behavior .(Only IOS , desktop and devices mode work perfectly).
Anyone have any idea ? Sorry about my bad english but i tried my best.
Hello All,
I have completed this challenge.

1-For this first you need to create a helper formula field(type-percent) 
Percent Completed :
(DATEVALUE( CreatedDate ) - CloseDate )/100

2- Then you need to create the actual formula field (type- text) by using the helper formula field.
Opportunity Progress :

IF( Percent_Completed__c <=25,"Early", 
IF(Percent_Completed__c <=75,"Middle", 


Hello All,
I have completed this challenge.

1-For this first you need to create a helper formula field(type-percent) 
Percent Completed :
(DATEVALUE( CreatedDate ) - CloseDate )/100

2- Then you need to create the actual formula field (type- text) by using the helper formula field.
Opportunity Progress :

IF( Percent_Completed__c <=25,"Early", 
IF(Percent_Completed__c <=75,"Middle", 
