• Hrishikesh Pednekar
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  • Member since 2018

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I have university as parent object & college as child object.
There is a master-detail relationship defined on child object i.e college

I have a parent-child soql as follows
List<University__c> univList=[select Name,(select Name from colleges__r) from university__c];

Also I have a child-parent soql as follows
List<college__c> univList=[select Name,university__r.Name from college__c

when I execute the parent-child query I do not get any child related records .
Also when I execute child-parent query I do get the name of the college but the university ID I get but I want the university name also not the ID

please let me know.

Hi Guys, 

I have a requirement where on the click of the button, I need the button to be greyed out so that user should not be able to click the button again. 
I have code written in angularjs. Can anybody let me know how I can achive this functionality?

Code Snippet: 

<div ng-show="ForRegistration"> <input type="button" ng-click="saveLead( true );" ng-dbclick="" ng-disabled="myForm.$pristine || myForm.$dirty && myForm.$invalid" value="Continue" class="btn btn-default" role="button"/> <input type="button" ng-click="saveLead( false );" ng-dbclick="" ng-disabled="myForm.$pristine || myForm.$dirty && myForm.$invalid" value="Add another attendee/customer" class="btn btn-default" role="button"/> </div>

Please note, I am not familiar with angularjs any assitance much appriciated. 

Hi all,
I have a requirement to display all the accounts present on a vf page along with the checkboxes beside them so that user can select any no of accounts on the page.What is the code for this?

Please help.

Thanks inadvance.