• Ionut Constantin Sultana
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Hi fellow developers!
I do have an active connection right now between these two(SFCC-OMS) but I want to switch the current Commerce Cloud to another one.
I did find how to change this from the SFCC perspective(or I hope I did).
Please let me know if the link already mentioned is valid and the steps I need to follow in order to change the configurations on the OMS side.
Hi, I'm new to salesforce administration and I'm trying to figure it out why Schema Builder doesn't show the master->detail relationship between Account and Opportunity, there are only 2 blue lines (lookup) between these 2 objects.
Can you comment on this?

User-added image

Hi guys & girls, I'm trying to pass the 6 step of the Lightning Experience specialist superbadge (https://trailhead.salesforce.com/en/content/learn/superbadges/superbadge_lex?trailmix_creator_id=strailhead&trailmix_id=prepare-for-your-salesforce-platform-app-builder-credential). 

This challenge is very difficult for me, this is my error:
User-added image

And here is my configuration:
User-added image2.
User-added image3.User-added imageCan you please guid me on what I'm doing wrong?
I've also changed the Explorer__c required checkbox as seen here (https://developer.salesforce.com/forums/ForumsMain?id=906F0000000kHdlIAE)
I am looking for a way to make debugging of Aura Lightning components easier. For Apex we already have something called 'Apex Replay Debugger' which allows to see changes in values of variables and stepping through functions line by line.
Is there something similar for Aura components? Which can help see changes in values of <aura:attributes> and stepping through controller and helper methods.
To view changes in attribute values, I am currently console.log( )ing manually to broswer's console. But most of the time this method is unadequate or tiresome.

If anyone is aware of any tool, utility etc. which can act as a proper debugger for Aura Lightning component, then please do share. It will help a lot...
Hi, I'm new to salesforce administration and I'm trying to figure it out why Schema Builder doesn't show the master->detail relationship between Account and Opportunity, there are only 2 blue lines (lookup) between these 2 objects.
Can you comment on this?

User-added image

Hi guys & girls, I'm trying to pass the 6 step of the Lightning Experience specialist superbadge (https://trailhead.salesforce.com/en/content/learn/superbadges/superbadge_lex?trailmix_creator_id=strailhead&trailmix_id=prepare-for-your-salesforce-platform-app-builder-credential). 

This challenge is very difficult for me, this is my error:
User-added image

And here is my configuration:
User-added image2.
User-added image3.User-added imageCan you please guid me on what I'm doing wrong?
I've also changed the Explorer__c required checkbox as seen here (https://developer.salesforce.com/forums/ForumsMain?id=906F0000000kHdlIAE)



I have my accounts related on a way that one parent Account is pointed by its daughters with the field ParentId.


I need to do a trigger that when the parent account is modified in the field Recovery_actions__C(is a checkfield), this change has to go to the daughters accounts.


This is my trigger:


trigger UpdateCierrePorRecobro on Account (beforeupdate) {


Set<Id> addAccountsActivate = newSet<Id>();

Set<Id> addAccountsDeactivate = newSet<Id>();


//Aislo los id's


for(integer i=0;i<Trigger.new.size();i++){

//If the value has changed add to the list

if ((Trigger.new[i].Recovery_Actions__c!=Trigger.old[i].Recovery_Actions__c)) { 

if (trigger.new[i].recovery_actions__c){//changed to true



else{//changed to false







//create a list of ids with the daughter ids of the main account


List<id> listaToTrue=newList<id>();

listaParaActivar.add([select id fromAccountwhereParentId in:addAccountsActivate]);





//and update the value

for(integer j=0;j<listaToTrue.size();j++){












I have the problem in the part where I query in order to get the ids of the daughter accounts, I dont know how to get that list of ids.


Anyone could help here?


