• Helena Alwyn 1
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I want to update a date field to the perivous record in the child object whenever a new child record is created for account. How can I do it?
I want to update a date field to the perivous record in the child object whenever a new child record is created for account. How can I do it?
public class cloneM {
    private final Opportunity o;    
    public CloneM (ApexPages.StandardController 
                       stdController) {
                           this.o = (Opportunity)stdController.getrecord();
    Public opportunity newOpp{get; set;}
    public void cloneOpp(){
        list<es__c> esList = [select id from es__c where opportunity_name__c =: o.id];

        String soql = cloneUtil.getCreatableFieldsSOQL('opportunity','id=\''+o.id+'\'');
        opportunity opp = (opportunity)Database.query(soql);
        opportunity newOpp = opp.clone(false, true);
        newOpp.stageName = 'Not Worked';
        insert newOpp;
        if(esList.size() >0){             
            for(es__c es : esList){
                String soql2 = cloneUtil.getCreatableFieldsSOQL('es__c','id=\''+ es.id + '\'');
                es__c oldEs = (es_mpan__c)Database.query(soql2);
                es__c newEs = oldEs.clone(false,false);
                insert newEs;

Here is my class, I am trying to create a custom button to clone a parent record and all child records associated to it. The issue is I hit a govenor limit on the when looping through the esList as I am querying all the fields for each record. I knew this would happen but I am sruggling to solve the issue around looping through a list to retrieve all fields for each record prior to insert?
if(esList.size() >0){             
            for(es__c es : esList){
                String soql2 = cloneUtil.getCreatableFieldsSOQL('es__c','id=\''+ es.id + '\'');
                es__c oldEs = (es__c)Database.query(soql2);
                es__c newEs = oldEs.clone(false,false);
                insert newEs;

This is my issue, I am calling a utility to dynamically pull all field information for each record:

Having this is the loop is the offending line..
es__c oldEs = (es__c)Database.query(soql2);
Does anyone have any ideas on how I can resolve this without having everyfield in the class? 

Thanks in advance.