• Dan Paul 9
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We are using a text field in apex, validation rules, flows etc.  Typically checking whether one value is contained in the text field.  Recently we had a requirement to go over the 255 character limit of a text field.  I had the idea to replace it with a series of text fields and then hide that by always referencing a formula field the combines them.  So this all *seems* to be working but my gut tells me I'm going to hit a brick wall somewhere, seems too good to be true :).  Does anyone know a restriction on this approach?
I'm trying to figure out what permission is enabled in my sandbox that is not enabled in prod.  I can build workflows off the "LoginEvent" object in my sandbox but in prod it is not accessible.  I'm going to try to get my admin to change the "View Login Forensics Events" on the "Analytics Cloud Integration User" profile.   But would rather have some certainty before poking around on different permissions...  "LoginEvent" is not avaiable as an object permission. 
Sometimes I try to create a dataset from a csv.  Update all the column properties to be dimension, measure, date, etc.  Then click upload and nothing gets created.  I'm not cancelling it.  I'm hitting "close" and go to the monitor tab and nothing is there after a refresh.  Sometimes it happend many times in a row.  It *seems* sometimes if I logout and close the browser and start again it will work, but not always.  Anybody else had this?  It happens enough to be a real pain sometimes...  
When I select the header picklist option for wraptext it just extends the text but does not wrap (removing the ...).  I can get a datatable to wrap using the wrapText: true property but it does not seem to work on the treegrid.  I also experimented with desiredWidth,intitialWidth, and maxWidth.
I like the trailhead but I seem to have more endurace for watching videos.  It seems Udemy doesn't have any courses.   Can anyone recommend any other video resources.
Is it possible to sharing rules using the Salesforce API?  I'm investigating the viability of either existing app exchange apps or building integration with salesforce to sync with an external role based access system for record level security.  Does anyone know of an existing offering?  I didn't find one (except maybe Sail Point but that seems deprecated).  If the API's support it, which I don't think I see, I guess you could sync object level permissions/profiles, and sharing rules, to simulate a record level role based solution (RBAC).