• Ishav Singh
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<template for:each ={checks.options} for:item="check" >
<ul key={check}>

<lightning-input type="text" data-id={checks.items} label="Numbers"
value={check.totalsize} onclick={valuecheck} onblur={callValidations}>

<template if:true={errorMessage}>
<template if:true={successMessage}>

This number field will be displayed multiple times as it will be iterated with options node. However, at one time I need to show error or success message for one particular node. Can anyone suggest on this,
I have a JSON which I have extracted. There is a field under the node 'NumberBlockDetails' which is displayed as iterated. Currently based on the iteration, that field 'AreaCode' is displaying four times. It is based on one lightning-input condition only. But now as the user edits any one, the combobox is displayed under all 4 fields of Areacode. How can I display it only on 'Areafield' which has a user Action (like Onchange).

<template for:each={test.NumberBlockDetails} for:item="num">
<ul key={num}>

<lightning-input type="text" label="AreaCode" value={userValue}> </lightning-input>

<template if:true={flagValue}

Currently for all 4 it is displaying when user clicks inside the field, how to show only under the field which is currently in action by the user for the same lightning-input field.

Can anyone suggest on this

I want to use/create an autocomplete textbox using Lightning Web Components. Particularly, I want an autocomplete textbox for looking up a PriceBookEntry2 so that I can add a product to an opportunity, on the same page as Opportunity. 
I see options for autocomplete textbox for Visual Force, for Aura Lightning. However, I can't find anything for Lightning Web Components. 

I do see Lightning-Input (https://developer.salesforce.com/docs/component-library/bundle/lightning-input/example), but I don't know how to make it an autocomplete type.

What's the best way to go about it?

The final result needs to be an opportunity form, where a person can add/edit/delete products on the same page.