- Jon-Michael Murphey 2
- 10 Points
- Member since 2019
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email to case creates cases from company announcements
We have email-to-case setup in our org, when our corp sends out an annoucement it creates a case sometimes multiple cases in Salesforce. How can we keep this from happening?
- Jon-Michael Murphey 2
- June 28, 2021
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- 0
Salesforce SSO for user with Salesforce and community users records
We have SSO setup in our Org and we are setting up a community that can be accessed publicly but also allow users to login and view their cases on the community. Issue being it that when they self register it will create a user with the same email, how can they use SSO to login to their community and to Salesforce?
- Jon-Michael Murphey 2
- June 28, 2021
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- 0
Rich text field in HTML Email shows ? character
I have a HTML email template that is pulling in a rich text field but it is displaying '?' for some reason.
- Jon-Michael Murphey 2
- March 31, 2021
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- 0
Override new user email template
Need to override the new user email template because we use SSO, it is confusing the users who try to login with credtials that we no longer allow.
- Jon-Michael Murphey 2
- March 11, 2021
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- 0
automatically refresh Lightning component after file has been uploaded
I have two Aura components, one allows for the upload of a file the other is basically a related list view. I have formatting and other requirements needed to use these instead of OOTB related lists. Im needing the components to refresh after the file has been uploaded so that the list view shows the new file withour havinf to hit F5 or refresh the page. see code below:
Here is the upload cmp:
<aura:component controller="SimplyfyFilesCntrl" implements="force:appHostable,flexipage:availableForAllPageTypes,flexipage:availableForRecordHome,force:hasRecordId,forceCommunity:availableForAllPageTypes,force:lightningQuickAction" access="global" >
<aura:handler name="init" value="{!this}" action="{!c.doInit}"/>
<aura:handler event="force:refreshView" action="{!c.doInit}" />
<aura:attribute name="files" type="ContentDocument[]"/>
<aura:attribute name="recordId" type="string"/>
<aura:attribute name="accept" type="List" default="['.jpg', '.jpeg','.pdf','.csv','.xlsx']"/>
<aura:attribute name="multiple" type="Boolean" default="true"/>
<aura:attribute name="disabled" type="Boolean" default="false"/>
<div class="slds">
<div style="border-left: 1px solid rgb(221, 219, 218);
border-right: 1px solid rgb(221, 219, 218);
border-bottom: 1px solid rgb(221, 219, 218);
border-top: 1px solid rgb(221, 219, 218);">
<div class="slds-page-header" style="border-radius: 0px; border-right: 0px;border-left: 0px;border-top: 0px;
box-shadow: 0 0px 0px 0 rgba(0, 0, 0, 0.1);">
Procedure Files
<div class="slds-grid">
<div class="slds-col slds-size--5-of-12">
<lightning:helptext content="Enter the name of the file and upload or to keep the original name of the file just drag or upload file." class="customIcon"/>
<lightning:input type="text" name="input1" label="Enter File Name" aura:id="fileName" />
<div class="slds-col slds-size---of-12">
<lightning:fileUpload label="" multiple="{!v.multiple}"
accept="{!v.accept}" recordId="{!v.recordId}"
var action = component.get("c.getFiles");
var state = response.getState();
var result = response.getReturnValue();
console.log('result: ' +result);
} ,
//Open File onclick event
OpenFile :function(component,event,helper){
var rec_id = event.currentTarget.id;
$A.get('e.lightning:openFiles').fire({ //Lightning Openfiles event
recordIds: [rec_id] //file id
UploadFinished : function(component, event, helper) {
var uploadedFiles = event.getParam("files");
var documentId = uploadedFiles[0].documentId;
var fileName = uploadedFiles[0].name;
var toastEvent = $A.get("e.force:showToast");
"title": "Success!",
"message": "File "+fileName+" Uploaded successfully."
/* Open File after upload
recordIds: [documentId]
UpdateDocument : function(component,event,Id) {
var action = component.get("c.UpdateFiles");
var fName = component.find("fileName").get("v.value");
//alert('File Name'+fName);
"title": fName,
"recordId": component.get("v.recordId")
var state = response.getState();
var result = response.getReturnValue();
console.log('Result Returned: ' +result);
component.find("fileName").set("v.value", " ");
Here is the List view component:
<aura:component implements="force:appHostable,flexipage:availableForAllPageTypes,flexipage:availableForRecordHome,force:hasRecordId,forceCommunity:availableForAllPageTypes,force:lightningQuickAction" access="global" controller="RelatedFilesController">
<aura:attribute name="cdList" type="List"/>
<aura:handler name="init" value="{!this}" action="{!c.doInit}"/>
<aura:handler event="force:refreshView" action="{!c.doInit}" />
<!--Component Start-->
<table class="slds-table slds-table_cell-buffer slds-table_bordered">
<tr class="slds-line-height_reset">
<th class="slds-text-title_caps" scope="col">
<div class="slds-truncate" title="Title">Title</div>
<th class="slds-text-title_caps" scope="col">
<div class="slds-truncate" title="Created By">Created By</div>
<th class="slds-text-title_caps" scope="col">
<div class="slds-truncate" title="Created Date">Created Date</div>
<th class="slds-text-title_caps" scope="col">
<aura:iteration items="{!v.cdList}" var="cd">
<th scope="row">
<div class="slds-truncate" title="{!cd.Title}">
<a onclick="{!c.handleSelectedDocPreview}" data-Id="{!cd.Id}">{!cd.Title}</a>
<th scope="row">
<div class="slds-truncate" title="{!cd.CreatedBy.Name}">
<a onclick="{!c.handleRedirectToUserRecord}" data-Id="{!cd.CreatedById}">{!cd.CreatedBy.Name}</a>
<th scope="row">
<div class="slds-truncate" title="{!cd.CreatedDate}">
<lightning:formattedDateTime value="{!cd.CreatedDate}"/>
<th scope="row">
<lightning:buttonMenu alternativeText="Show menu" menuAlignment="auto" onselect="{!c.handleSelectedAction}" value="{!cd.Id}">
<lightning:menuItem value="Download" label="Download" iconName="utility:download" title="Download" />
<lightning:menuItem value="Delete" label="Delete" iconName="utility:delete" title="Delete"/>
<!--Component End-->
//Get Related Docs
doInit : function(component, event, helper) {
helper.getRelatedDocuments(component, event);
//Redirect To User Record
handleRedirectToUserRecord: function (component, event, helper) {
var recordId = event.currentTarget.getAttribute("data-Id")
var navEvt = $A.get("e.force:navigateToSObject");
"recordId": recordId,
"slideDevName": "Detail"
//Preview Selected File
handleSelectedDocPreview : function(component,event,helper){
recordIds: [event.currentTarget.getAttribute("data-Id")]
//Handle Selected Action
handleSelectedAction: function(component, event, helper) {
var docId = event.getSource().get("v.value");
var selectedMenuValue = event.detail.menuItem.get("v.value");
switch(selectedMenuValue) {
case "Delete":
helper.deleteDocument(component, event, docId);
case "Download":
helper.downloadDocument(component, event, docId);
getRelatedDocuments : function(component, event) {
var action = component.get("c.getRelatedDocs");
recordId : component.get("v.recordId")
action.setCallback(this, function(response) {
var state = response.getState();
if(state === "SUCCESS"){
component.set('v.cdList', response.getReturnValue());
}else if(state === "INCOMPLETE") {
}else if(state === "ERROR"){
var errors = response.getError();
if (errors[0] && errors[0].message) {
console.log("Error message: " + errors[0].message);
console.log("Unknown error");
deleteDocument : function(component, event, docId) {
var action = component.get("c.deleteDoc");
docId : docId
action.setCallback(this, function(response) {
var state = response.getState();
if(state === "SUCCESS"){
this.getRelatedDocuments(component, event);
}else if(state === "INCOMPLETE") {
}else if(state === "ERROR"){
var errors = response.getError();
if (errors[0] && errors[0].message) {
console.log("Error message: " + errors[0].message);
console.log("Unknown error");
downloadDocument : function(component, event, docId) {
var action = component.get("c.getDocURL");
docId : docId
action.setCallback(this, function(response) {
var state = response.getState();
if(state === "SUCCESS"){
var urlEvent = $A.get("e.force:navigateToURL");
"url": response.getReturnValue()
}else if(state === "INCOMPLETE") {
}else if(state === "ERROR"){
var errors = response.getError();
if (errors[0] && errors[0].message) {
console.log("Error message: " + errors[0].message);
console.log("Unknown error");
Here is the upload cmp:
<aura:component controller="SimplyfyFilesCntrl" implements="force:appHostable,flexipage:availableForAllPageTypes,flexipage:availableForRecordHome,force:hasRecordId,forceCommunity:availableForAllPageTypes,force:lightningQuickAction" access="global" >
<aura:handler name="init" value="{!this}" action="{!c.doInit}"/>
<aura:handler event="force:refreshView" action="{!c.doInit}" />
<aura:attribute name="files" type="ContentDocument[]"/>
<aura:attribute name="recordId" type="string"/>
<aura:attribute name="accept" type="List" default="['.jpg', '.jpeg','.pdf','.csv','.xlsx']"/>
<aura:attribute name="multiple" type="Boolean" default="true"/>
<aura:attribute name="disabled" type="Boolean" default="false"/>
<div class="slds">
<div style="border-left: 1px solid rgb(221, 219, 218);
border-right: 1px solid rgb(221, 219, 218);
border-bottom: 1px solid rgb(221, 219, 218);
border-top: 1px solid rgb(221, 219, 218);">
<div class="slds-page-header" style="border-radius: 0px; border-right: 0px;border-left: 0px;border-top: 0px;
box-shadow: 0 0px 0px 0 rgba(0, 0, 0, 0.1);">
Procedure Files
<div class="slds-grid">
<div class="slds-col slds-size--5-of-12">
<lightning:helptext content="Enter the name of the file and upload or to keep the original name of the file just drag or upload file." class="customIcon"/>
<lightning:input type="text" name="input1" label="Enter File Name" aura:id="fileName" />
<div class="slds-col slds-size---of-12">
<lightning:fileUpload label="" multiple="{!v.multiple}"
accept="{!v.accept}" recordId="{!v.recordId}"
var action = component.get("c.getFiles");
var state = response.getState();
var result = response.getReturnValue();
console.log('result: ' +result);
} ,
//Open File onclick event
OpenFile :function(component,event,helper){
var rec_id = event.currentTarget.id;
$A.get('e.lightning:openFiles').fire({ //Lightning Openfiles event
recordIds: [rec_id] //file id
UploadFinished : function(component, event, helper) {
var uploadedFiles = event.getParam("files");
var documentId = uploadedFiles[0].documentId;
var fileName = uploadedFiles[0].name;
var toastEvent = $A.get("e.force:showToast");
"title": "Success!",
"message": "File "+fileName+" Uploaded successfully."
/* Open File after upload
recordIds: [documentId]
UpdateDocument : function(component,event,Id) {
var action = component.get("c.UpdateFiles");
var fName = component.find("fileName").get("v.value");
//alert('File Name'+fName);
"title": fName,
"recordId": component.get("v.recordId")
var state = response.getState();
var result = response.getReturnValue();
console.log('Result Returned: ' +result);
component.find("fileName").set("v.value", " ");
Here is the List view component:
<aura:component implements="force:appHostable,flexipage:availableForAllPageTypes,flexipage:availableForRecordHome,force:hasRecordId,forceCommunity:availableForAllPageTypes,force:lightningQuickAction" access="global" controller="RelatedFilesController">
<aura:attribute name="cdList" type="List"/>
<aura:handler name="init" value="{!this}" action="{!c.doInit}"/>
<aura:handler event="force:refreshView" action="{!c.doInit}" />
<!--Component Start-->
<table class="slds-table slds-table_cell-buffer slds-table_bordered">
<tr class="slds-line-height_reset">
<th class="slds-text-title_caps" scope="col">
<div class="slds-truncate" title="Title">Title</div>
<th class="slds-text-title_caps" scope="col">
<div class="slds-truncate" title="Created By">Created By</div>
<th class="slds-text-title_caps" scope="col">
<div class="slds-truncate" title="Created Date">Created Date</div>
<th class="slds-text-title_caps" scope="col">
<aura:iteration items="{!v.cdList}" var="cd">
<th scope="row">
<div class="slds-truncate" title="{!cd.Title}">
<a onclick="{!c.handleSelectedDocPreview}" data-Id="{!cd.Id}">{!cd.Title}</a>
<th scope="row">
<div class="slds-truncate" title="{!cd.CreatedBy.Name}">
<a onclick="{!c.handleRedirectToUserRecord}" data-Id="{!cd.CreatedById}">{!cd.CreatedBy.Name}</a>
<th scope="row">
<div class="slds-truncate" title="{!cd.CreatedDate}">
<lightning:formattedDateTime value="{!cd.CreatedDate}"/>
<th scope="row">
<lightning:buttonMenu alternativeText="Show menu" menuAlignment="auto" onselect="{!c.handleSelectedAction}" value="{!cd.Id}">
<lightning:menuItem value="Download" label="Download" iconName="utility:download" title="Download" />
<lightning:menuItem value="Delete" label="Delete" iconName="utility:delete" title="Delete"/>
<!--Component End-->
//Get Related Docs
doInit : function(component, event, helper) {
helper.getRelatedDocuments(component, event);
//Redirect To User Record
handleRedirectToUserRecord: function (component, event, helper) {
var recordId = event.currentTarget.getAttribute("data-Id")
var navEvt = $A.get("e.force:navigateToSObject");
"recordId": recordId,
"slideDevName": "Detail"
//Preview Selected File
handleSelectedDocPreview : function(component,event,helper){
recordIds: [event.currentTarget.getAttribute("data-Id")]
//Handle Selected Action
handleSelectedAction: function(component, event, helper) {
var docId = event.getSource().get("v.value");
var selectedMenuValue = event.detail.menuItem.get("v.value");
switch(selectedMenuValue) {
case "Delete":
helper.deleteDocument(component, event, docId);
case "Download":
helper.downloadDocument(component, event, docId);
getRelatedDocuments : function(component, event) {
var action = component.get("c.getRelatedDocs");
recordId : component.get("v.recordId")
action.setCallback(this, function(response) {
var state = response.getState();
if(state === "SUCCESS"){
component.set('v.cdList', response.getReturnValue());
}else if(state === "INCOMPLETE") {
}else if(state === "ERROR"){
var errors = response.getError();
if (errors[0] && errors[0].message) {
console.log("Error message: " + errors[0].message);
console.log("Unknown error");
deleteDocument : function(component, event, docId) {
var action = component.get("c.deleteDoc");
docId : docId
action.setCallback(this, function(response) {
var state = response.getState();
if(state === "SUCCESS"){
this.getRelatedDocuments(component, event);
}else if(state === "INCOMPLETE") {
}else if(state === "ERROR"){
var errors = response.getError();
if (errors[0] && errors[0].message) {
console.log("Error message: " + errors[0].message);
console.log("Unknown error");
downloadDocument : function(component, event, docId) {
var action = component.get("c.getDocURL");
docId : docId
action.setCallback(this, function(response) {
var state = response.getState();
if(state === "SUCCESS"){
var urlEvent = $A.get("e.force:navigateToURL");
"url": response.getReturnValue()
}else if(state === "INCOMPLETE") {
}else if(state === "ERROR"){
var errors = response.getError();
if (errors[0] && errors[0].message) {
console.log("Error message: " + errors[0].message);
console.log("Unknown error");
- Jon-Michael Murphey 2
- February 26, 2021
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- 0
salesforce theme, branding and naming
I am working with my company to update our theming, branding and naming convention. The purpose is to make it look like to the customer is that they dont know they are in Saleforce and im needing ideas on how people are how they are naming their Salesforce. Like instead of saying Salesforce can it be called Core or Portal, etc.
- Jon-Michael Murphey 2
- February 22, 2021
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- 0
prevent add and delete of files from record based on status field
i have a custom object Control_Action__c and it has a picklist status field called Control_Stage__c. when the stage on this field is equal to "Approved" any files on the Control Action record can NOT be Deleted/replaced and no NEW files can be added.
- Jon-Michael Murphey 2
- December 07, 2020
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- 0
Manufacturing Design Solution-CAD/AutoCad
I work for a manufacturing company that handles design specs/CAD designs that need to be reviewed and approved by both the designers and the customer. im needing a solution to have CAD designs uploaded to SF and reviewed by the designers and the customer be able to review and approve in a community portal. Then be able to send back to our OTC system with the approved CAD file.
- Jon-Michael Murphey 2
- November 12, 2020
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- 0
send email from custom object in Salesforce1 or inbox
My company has Salesforce Inbox and we use it but notice that we cant send an email from a custom object's record from Salesforce1 mobile app or from Salesforce inbox. Has anybody else had this issue, if so is there a work around?
- Jon-Michael Murphey 2
- October 15, 2020
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- 0
Share attachments with cloned record
I have an apex controller that im using to clone a record and its related records(deepclone). Im having issues getting the attachments to be cloned with it. Let me clarify, im not wanting to clone the attachments im wanting to share them to the new cloned record. Can anybody help? see code below.
public class SRCloneWithItemsController {
//added an instance varaible for the standard controller
private ApexPages.StandardController controller {get; set;}
// add the instance for the variables being passed by id on the url
private Service_Request__c sr {get;set;}
// set the id of the record that is created -- ONLY USED BY THE TEST CLASS
public ID newRecordId {get;set;}
// initialize the controller
public SRCloneWithItemsController(ApexPages.StandardController controller) {
//initialize the stanrdard controller
this.controller = controller;
// load the current record
sr = (Service_Request__c)controller.getRecord();
// method called from the VF's action attribute to clone the sr
public PageReference cloneWithItems() {
// setup the save point for rollback
Savepoint sp = Database.setSavepoint();
Service_Request__c newsr;
try {
sr = [select Id, Opportunity__c, Account__c, OwnerId, Designer__c, Estimator__c, SKNA_Plant__c, Plant_DB_Ident__c, DB_Ident__c, Plant_DB_Ident_Name__c, Plant_No__c, Opportunity_Product__c,Billing_Account__c,Primary_Contact__c,Shipping_Address_Code__c,SKNA_Plant_Executed__c,Customer_Description_Item__c from Service_Request__c where id = :sr.id];
newsr = sr.clone(false);
insert newsr;
// set the id of the new SR created for testing
newRecordId = newsr.id;
// copy over the line items - ONLY INCLUDE THE FIELDS YOU WANT TO CLONE
List<Request__c> items = new List<Request__c>();
for (Request__c req : [Select req.Id, req.Absorb__c , req.Absorb_percentage__c , req.Account__c , req.Actual_Due_Date__c , req.Additional_Comment__c , req.Amtech_Plant_SAP_Customer__c ,
req.Amtech_Sample_Shipping_Address__c , req.Art__c , req.Art_Link__c , req.Art_on_Disk__c , req.Art_on_FTP__c , req.Art_Type__c , req.Artwork__c , req.As_Is_PDF__c , req.Asitrade__c ,
req.Assembled__c , req.Authorized_by__c , req.Blocks__c , req.Blocks_Quantity__c , req.Blocks_Type_Core__c , req.BMC_ECT__c , req.BMC_ECT_Customer_Name__c , req.Box_or_Identifcation__c ,
req.CAD__c , req.CAD_Design_Log__c , req.Change_Description__c , req.Coating__c , req.Color_1__c , req.Color_1_Amtech_Code__c , req.Color_1_percent__c , req.Color_1x__c , req.Color_2__c ,
req.Color_2_Amtech_Code__c , req.Color_2_percent__c , req.Color_2x__c , req.Color_3__c , req.Color_3_Amtech_Code__c , req.Color_3_percent__c , req.Color_3x__c , req.Color_4__c ,
req.Color_4_Amtech_Code__c , req.Color_4_percent__c , req.Color_4x__c , req.Color_5__c , req.Color_5_Amtech_Code__c , req.Color_5_percent__c , req.Color_5x__c , req.Color_6__c ,
req.Color_6_Amtech_Code__c , req.Color_6_percent__c , req.Color_6x__c , req.Color_7__c , req.Color_7_Amtech_Code__c , req.Color_7_percent__c , req.Color_7x__c , req.Color_8__c ,
req.Color_8_Amtech_Code__c , req.Color_8_percent__c , req.Color_8x__c , req.Colors__c , req.Combo_Deal__c , req.Component_Name__c , req.Components__c , req.Corr_Test__c ,
req.CTP_Artwork_Cost__c , req.CTP_Artwork_Sell__c , req.Customer_Laser__c , req.Customer_Product_provided__c , req.Customer_Sample__c , req.Customer_Service__c , req.Customer_Supplied__c ,
req.Cutting_Die__c , req.Cutting_Die_Cost__c , req.Cutting_Die_Quote__c , req.Cutting_Die_Quote_Completed__c , req.Cutting_Die_Sell__c , req.Cutting_Die_Taxable__c , req.Depth__c ,
req.Description__c , req.Description_Item__c , req.Design_Objective__c , req.Design_Request_Type__c , req.Designer__c , req.Digital_Proof__c , req.Disp_of_Sample__c ,
req.Disposition_Ground_Transport__c , req.Disposition_Other__c , req.Drawing__c , req.Eligible_for_Orders__c , req.Estimator__c , req.Existing_Die_or_Old_Sample__c ,
req.Existing_Printing_Plate__c , req.Existing_Printing_Plate_or_Old_Sample__c , req.Existing_Tooling__c , req.Exped_Disposition_5_Samples_Status__c , req.Expedited_Disposition_Approval_Status__c ,
req.Facing_Bottom__c , req.Facings_Top__c , req.Flow__c , req.Flute__c , req.Folding_Carton_Paper_Grade_other__c , req.Folding_Carton_Paper_Grades__c , req.Folding_Carton_to_be_named__c ,
req.GCMI__c , req.Glue_Joint_Type__c , req.Glue_Joint_Type2__c , req.Grade__c , req.Grade_Amtech_Code__c , req.Group_Number__c , req.HAZMAT__c , req.Honeycomb_Skid_Type_Core__c ,
req.Inventory_Flag__c , req.IsDeleted , req.Joint__c , req.Joint_Location_Inside_Outside__c , req.Joint_Location_L_W__c , req.Kraft__c , req.Lab_Testing__c , req.Label_Top_Sheet__c ,
req.Label_Top_Sheet_Color__c , req.Label_Top_Sheet_Full__c , req.Label_Top_Sheet_Length__c , req.Label_Top_Sheet_Spot__c , req.Label_Top_Sheet_Width__c , req.Length__c , req.Liner_Combo__c ,
req.Machine_Affected__c , req.Machine_Erected__c , req.Matched_Sets__c , req.Material__c , req.Material_Certification__c , req.Max_Over_percentage__c , req.Max_Under_percentage__c ,
req.Measurement__c , req.Mock_Up_Required__c , req.Multi_Component__c , req.Multipart__c , req.Multipart_Description__c , req.Mylar__c , req.No_of_Panels__c , req.of_actual_Samples__c ,
req.of_colors__c , req.of_Days__c , req.of_Elements_for_Multiparts__c , req.of_Laser__c , req.of_Proofs__c , req.of_Samples__c , req.Offset_Printing__c , req.Opportunity__c ,
req.Opportunity_Name2__c , req.Order_Comment__c , req.Order_Processing__c , req.Order_Quantity__c , req.Other_Outside_Process__c , req.Outside_Process__c , req.Owner_s_Managers_e_mail__c ,
req.Pallet_Height__c , req.Pallet_Length__c , req.Pallet_Quantity__c , req.Pallet_Wid__c , req.Paper_Core__c , req.Part_Cust_ID__c , req.Part_ID__c , req.Part_Number_per_Set__c , req.PDF__c ,
req.Pdf_cc_1__c , req.Pdf_cc_2__c , req.Pdf_Online_Approval_Request__c , req.Pdf_Online_Approver__c , req.Plant_Amtech_Code__c , req.PMS__c , req.PMS_And_Special_Colors__c , req.PO__c ,
req.Polybag__c , req.Preflight__c , req.Prepress_Type__c , req.Previous_Art_File__c , req.Previous_Estimation_Design__c , req.Price__c , req.Print_Card__c , req.Printcard_CAD__c , req.Printcard_Customer__c ,
req.Printcard_Ident__c , req.Printcard_Spec__c , req.Printed_Before__c , req.Printing__c , req.Printing_Die_Quote__c , req.Printing_Plate_Cost__c , req.Printing_Plate_Sell__c , req.Printing_Plate_Taxable__c ,
req.Printing_Plates__c , req.Printing_Plates2__c , req.Process_Colors__c , req.Project_Item_Number__c , req.Project_Number__c , req.Quantity_per_Bundle__c , req.Quantity_per_Case__c , req.Quote_Quantity__c ,
req.Quote_Quantity_1__c , req.Quote_Quantity_2__c , req.Quote_Quantity_3__c , req.Quote_Quantity_4__c , req.Quote_Quantity_5__c , req.Quote_Request__c , req.Quote_Toolling__c , req.Quoted_Price__c , req.Quoted_Price_2__c ,
req.Quoted_Price_3__c , req.Quoted_Price_4__c , req.Quoted_Price_5__c , req.Record_Type_Name_Formula__c , req.RecordTypeId , req.Related_Order__c ,
req.Request_Keywords__c , req.Request_Type__c , req.Requested_Disposition__c , req.ROS__c , req.Runners__c , req.Runners_Quantity__c , req.Runners_Type_Core__c , req.Sample_Box__c , req.Sample_provided__c , req.Sample_Request_Status__c ,
req.Sample_Requests_Created__c , req.Sample_Shipping_Tracking__c , req.Service_Request__c , req.Shipped_to_Warehouse__c , req.Signed_Quote_Attached__c , req.Sketch__c , req.SKNA_Plant__c , req.Spec__c , req.Spec_Notes__c , req.Special_Core__c ,
req.Special_Instructions__c , req.Split_Delivery__c , req.Standard_Pallet__c , req.Structure__c , req.Style__c , req.Style_Amtech_Code__c , req.Substrate__c , req.Summary_Field__c , req.Tab_Width__c , req.Target_Price_M__c , req.Tooling_Approval_Status__c ,
req.Top_Sheet_Point__c , req.TOPS_C_A_P_E__c , req.Total__c , req.Tracking_link_for_sample_shipment__c , req.Transportation__c , req.Type_Core__c , req.Units_per_Pallet__c , req.UV__c , req.Validation_Depth__c , req.Validation_Length__c , req.Validation_Tab_Width__c ,
req.Validation_Test_for_Zero__c , req.Validation_Width__c , req.Wall__c , req.Warehouse__c , req.WF_Status__c , req.Width__c , req.X4_color_Label__c , req.X5_Samples_Approval_Status__c
From Request__c req where Service_Request__c = :sr.id]) {
Request__c newreq = req.clone(false);
newreq.Service_Request__c = newsr.id;
insert items;
List<Spec__c> specs = new List<Spec__c>();
for (Spec__c spc : [Select spc.Id, spc.Amtech_Grade_Code__c , spc.Amtech_Joint_Code__c , spc.Amtech_Part_Item_no__c , spc.Amtech_Spec__c ,
spc.Amtech_Style_Code__c , spc.Blank__c , spc.CAD_Design_Log__c , spc.Caliper_Points__c , spc.Color_1_Amtech_Code__c ,
spc.Color_1_percent__c , spc.Color_1x__c , spc.Color_2_Amtech_Code__c , spc.Color_2_percent__c , spc.Color_2x__c ,
spc.Color_3_Amtech_Code__c , spc.Color_3_percent__c , spc.Color_3x__c , spc.Color_4_Amtech_Code__c , spc.Color_4_percent__c ,
spc.Color_4x__c , spc.Color_5_Amtech_Code__c , spc.Color_5_percent__c , spc.Color_5x__c , spc.Color_6_Amtech_Code__c ,
spc.Color_6_percent__c , spc.Color_6x__c , spc.Color_7_Amtech_Code__c , spc.Color_7_percent__c , spc.Color_7x__c ,
spc.Color_8_Amtech_Code__c , spc.Color_8_percent__c , spc.Color_8x__c , spc.Created_In_Amtech__c , spc.Customer_Description_Item__c ,
spc.DB_Ident__c , spc.Depth__c , spc.Grade__c , spc.IsDeleted , spc.Joint__c , spc.Joint_Location_Inside_Outside__c ,
spc.Joint_Location_Length_Width__c , spc.Length__c , spc.Max_Over__c , spc.Max_Under__c , spc.Multipart__c , spc.Name ,
spc.of_colors__c , spc.of_Elements_for_Multipart__c , spc.of_panels__c , spc.of_Samples__c , spc.Opportunity__c ,
spc.Opportunity_Account__c , spc.Part_Name_Multipart_Name__c , spc.Plant_DB_Ident_Name__c , spc.Previous_Estimation_Design__c ,
spc.Process_Inks__c , spc.Service_Request__c , spc.Service_Request_Name__c , spc.Service_Request_Status__c , spc.Style__c ,
spc.Substrate__c , spc.Tab_Width__c , spc.total_print_coverage__c , spc.Total_Print_Coverage_Calculation__c , spc.Validation_Depth__c ,
spc.Validation_Length__c , spc.Validation_Tab_Width__c , spc.Validation_Width__c , spc.Width__c
From Spec__c spc where Service_Request__c = :sr.id]) {
Spec__c newspc = spc.clone(false);
newspc.Service_Request__c = newsr.id;
insert specs;
//Get attachment
Attachment attach = [SELECT Id, Name, Body, ContentType, ParentId From Attachment LIMIT 1 ];//where ParentId = :sr.Id//
//Insert ContentVersion
ContentVersion cVersion = new ContentVersion();
cVersion.ContentLocation = 'S'; //S-Document is in Salesforce. E-Document is outside of Salesforce. L-Document is on a Social Netork.
cVersion.PathOnClient = attach.Name;//File name with extention
//cVersion.Origin = 'C';//C-Content Origin. H-Chatter Origin.//
//cVersion.OwnerId = attach.OwnerId;//Owner of the file//
cVersion.Title = attach.Name;//Name of the file
cVersion.VersionData = attach.Body;//File content
Insert cVersion;
//After saved the Content Verison, get the ContentDocumentId
Id conDocument = [SELECT ContentDocumentId FROM ContentVersion WHERE Id =:cVersion.Id].ContentDocumentId;
//Insert ContentDocumentLink
ContentDocumentLink cDocLink = new ContentDocumentLink();
cDocLink.ContentDocumentId = conDocument;//Add ContentDocumentId
cDocLink.LinkedEntityId = attach.ParentId;//Add attachment parentId
cDocLink.ShareType = 'I';//V - Viewer permission. C - Collaborator permission. I - Inferred permission.
cDocLink.Visibility = 'InternalUsers';//AllUsers, InternalUsers, SharedUsers
Insert cDocLink;
} catch (Exception e){
// roll everything back in case of error
return null;
return new PageReference('/'+newsr.id+'/e?retURL=%2F'+newsr.id);
public class SRCloneWithItemsController {
//added an instance varaible for the standard controller
private ApexPages.StandardController controller {get; set;}
// add the instance for the variables being passed by id on the url
private Service_Request__c sr {get;set;}
// set the id of the record that is created -- ONLY USED BY THE TEST CLASS
public ID newRecordId {get;set;}
// initialize the controller
public SRCloneWithItemsController(ApexPages.StandardController controller) {
//initialize the stanrdard controller
this.controller = controller;
// load the current record
sr = (Service_Request__c)controller.getRecord();
// method called from the VF's action attribute to clone the sr
public PageReference cloneWithItems() {
// setup the save point for rollback
Savepoint sp = Database.setSavepoint();
Service_Request__c newsr;
try {
sr = [select Id, Opportunity__c, Account__c, OwnerId, Designer__c, Estimator__c, SKNA_Plant__c, Plant_DB_Ident__c, DB_Ident__c, Plant_DB_Ident_Name__c, Plant_No__c, Opportunity_Product__c,Billing_Account__c,Primary_Contact__c,Shipping_Address_Code__c,SKNA_Plant_Executed__c,Customer_Description_Item__c from Service_Request__c where id = :sr.id];
newsr = sr.clone(false);
insert newsr;
// set the id of the new SR created for testing
newRecordId = newsr.id;
// copy over the line items - ONLY INCLUDE THE FIELDS YOU WANT TO CLONE
List<Request__c> items = new List<Request__c>();
for (Request__c req : [Select req.Id, req.Absorb__c , req.Absorb_percentage__c , req.Account__c , req.Actual_Due_Date__c , req.Additional_Comment__c , req.Amtech_Plant_SAP_Customer__c ,
req.Amtech_Sample_Shipping_Address__c , req.Art__c , req.Art_Link__c , req.Art_on_Disk__c , req.Art_on_FTP__c , req.Art_Type__c , req.Artwork__c , req.As_Is_PDF__c , req.Asitrade__c ,
req.Assembled__c , req.Authorized_by__c , req.Blocks__c , req.Blocks_Quantity__c , req.Blocks_Type_Core__c , req.BMC_ECT__c , req.BMC_ECT_Customer_Name__c , req.Box_or_Identifcation__c ,
req.CAD__c , req.CAD_Design_Log__c , req.Change_Description__c , req.Coating__c , req.Color_1__c , req.Color_1_Amtech_Code__c , req.Color_1_percent__c , req.Color_1x__c , req.Color_2__c ,
req.Color_2_Amtech_Code__c , req.Color_2_percent__c , req.Color_2x__c , req.Color_3__c , req.Color_3_Amtech_Code__c , req.Color_3_percent__c , req.Color_3x__c , req.Color_4__c ,
req.Color_4_Amtech_Code__c , req.Color_4_percent__c , req.Color_4x__c , req.Color_5__c , req.Color_5_Amtech_Code__c , req.Color_5_percent__c , req.Color_5x__c , req.Color_6__c ,
req.Color_6_Amtech_Code__c , req.Color_6_percent__c , req.Color_6x__c , req.Color_7__c , req.Color_7_Amtech_Code__c , req.Color_7_percent__c , req.Color_7x__c , req.Color_8__c ,
req.Color_8_Amtech_Code__c , req.Color_8_percent__c , req.Color_8x__c , req.Colors__c , req.Combo_Deal__c , req.Component_Name__c , req.Components__c , req.Corr_Test__c ,
req.CTP_Artwork_Cost__c , req.CTP_Artwork_Sell__c , req.Customer_Laser__c , req.Customer_Product_provided__c , req.Customer_Sample__c , req.Customer_Service__c , req.Customer_Supplied__c ,
req.Cutting_Die__c , req.Cutting_Die_Cost__c , req.Cutting_Die_Quote__c , req.Cutting_Die_Quote_Completed__c , req.Cutting_Die_Sell__c , req.Cutting_Die_Taxable__c , req.Depth__c ,
req.Description__c , req.Description_Item__c , req.Design_Objective__c , req.Design_Request_Type__c , req.Designer__c , req.Digital_Proof__c , req.Disp_of_Sample__c ,
req.Disposition_Ground_Transport__c , req.Disposition_Other__c , req.Drawing__c , req.Eligible_for_Orders__c , req.Estimator__c , req.Existing_Die_or_Old_Sample__c ,
req.Existing_Printing_Plate__c , req.Existing_Printing_Plate_or_Old_Sample__c , req.Existing_Tooling__c , req.Exped_Disposition_5_Samples_Status__c , req.Expedited_Disposition_Approval_Status__c ,
req.Facing_Bottom__c , req.Facings_Top__c , req.Flow__c , req.Flute__c , req.Folding_Carton_Paper_Grade_other__c , req.Folding_Carton_Paper_Grades__c , req.Folding_Carton_to_be_named__c ,
req.GCMI__c , req.Glue_Joint_Type__c , req.Glue_Joint_Type2__c , req.Grade__c , req.Grade_Amtech_Code__c , req.Group_Number__c , req.HAZMAT__c , req.Honeycomb_Skid_Type_Core__c ,
req.Inventory_Flag__c , req.IsDeleted , req.Joint__c , req.Joint_Location_Inside_Outside__c , req.Joint_Location_L_W__c , req.Kraft__c , req.Lab_Testing__c , req.Label_Top_Sheet__c ,
req.Label_Top_Sheet_Color__c , req.Label_Top_Sheet_Full__c , req.Label_Top_Sheet_Length__c , req.Label_Top_Sheet_Spot__c , req.Label_Top_Sheet_Width__c , req.Length__c , req.Liner_Combo__c ,
req.Machine_Affected__c , req.Machine_Erected__c , req.Matched_Sets__c , req.Material__c , req.Material_Certification__c , req.Max_Over_percentage__c , req.Max_Under_percentage__c ,
req.Measurement__c , req.Mock_Up_Required__c , req.Multi_Component__c , req.Multipart__c , req.Multipart_Description__c , req.Mylar__c , req.No_of_Panels__c , req.of_actual_Samples__c ,
req.of_colors__c , req.of_Days__c , req.of_Elements_for_Multiparts__c , req.of_Laser__c , req.of_Proofs__c , req.of_Samples__c , req.Offset_Printing__c , req.Opportunity__c ,
req.Opportunity_Name2__c , req.Order_Comment__c , req.Order_Processing__c , req.Order_Quantity__c , req.Other_Outside_Process__c , req.Outside_Process__c , req.Owner_s_Managers_e_mail__c ,
req.Pallet_Height__c , req.Pallet_Length__c , req.Pallet_Quantity__c , req.Pallet_Wid__c , req.Paper_Core__c , req.Part_Cust_ID__c , req.Part_ID__c , req.Part_Number_per_Set__c , req.PDF__c ,
req.Pdf_cc_1__c , req.Pdf_cc_2__c , req.Pdf_Online_Approval_Request__c , req.Pdf_Online_Approver__c , req.Plant_Amtech_Code__c , req.PMS__c , req.PMS_And_Special_Colors__c , req.PO__c ,
req.Polybag__c , req.Preflight__c , req.Prepress_Type__c , req.Previous_Art_File__c , req.Previous_Estimation_Design__c , req.Price__c , req.Print_Card__c , req.Printcard_CAD__c , req.Printcard_Customer__c ,
req.Printcard_Ident__c , req.Printcard_Spec__c , req.Printed_Before__c , req.Printing__c , req.Printing_Die_Quote__c , req.Printing_Plate_Cost__c , req.Printing_Plate_Sell__c , req.Printing_Plate_Taxable__c ,
req.Printing_Plates__c , req.Printing_Plates2__c , req.Process_Colors__c , req.Project_Item_Number__c , req.Project_Number__c , req.Quantity_per_Bundle__c , req.Quantity_per_Case__c , req.Quote_Quantity__c ,
req.Quote_Quantity_1__c , req.Quote_Quantity_2__c , req.Quote_Quantity_3__c , req.Quote_Quantity_4__c , req.Quote_Quantity_5__c , req.Quote_Request__c , req.Quote_Toolling__c , req.Quoted_Price__c , req.Quoted_Price_2__c ,
req.Quoted_Price_3__c , req.Quoted_Price_4__c , req.Quoted_Price_5__c , req.Record_Type_Name_Formula__c , req.RecordTypeId , req.Related_Order__c ,
req.Request_Keywords__c , req.Request_Type__c , req.Requested_Disposition__c , req.ROS__c , req.Runners__c , req.Runners_Quantity__c , req.Runners_Type_Core__c , req.Sample_Box__c , req.Sample_provided__c , req.Sample_Request_Status__c ,
req.Sample_Requests_Created__c , req.Sample_Shipping_Tracking__c , req.Service_Request__c , req.Shipped_to_Warehouse__c , req.Signed_Quote_Attached__c , req.Sketch__c , req.SKNA_Plant__c , req.Spec__c , req.Spec_Notes__c , req.Special_Core__c ,
req.Special_Instructions__c , req.Split_Delivery__c , req.Standard_Pallet__c , req.Structure__c , req.Style__c , req.Style_Amtech_Code__c , req.Substrate__c , req.Summary_Field__c , req.Tab_Width__c , req.Target_Price_M__c , req.Tooling_Approval_Status__c ,
req.Top_Sheet_Point__c , req.TOPS_C_A_P_E__c , req.Total__c , req.Tracking_link_for_sample_shipment__c , req.Transportation__c , req.Type_Core__c , req.Units_per_Pallet__c , req.UV__c , req.Validation_Depth__c , req.Validation_Length__c , req.Validation_Tab_Width__c ,
req.Validation_Test_for_Zero__c , req.Validation_Width__c , req.Wall__c , req.Warehouse__c , req.WF_Status__c , req.Width__c , req.X4_color_Label__c , req.X5_Samples_Approval_Status__c
From Request__c req where Service_Request__c = :sr.id]) {
Request__c newreq = req.clone(false);
newreq.Service_Request__c = newsr.id;
insert items;
List<Spec__c> specs = new List<Spec__c>();
for (Spec__c spc : [Select spc.Id, spc.Amtech_Grade_Code__c , spc.Amtech_Joint_Code__c , spc.Amtech_Part_Item_no__c , spc.Amtech_Spec__c ,
spc.Amtech_Style_Code__c , spc.Blank__c , spc.CAD_Design_Log__c , spc.Caliper_Points__c , spc.Color_1_Amtech_Code__c ,
spc.Color_1_percent__c , spc.Color_1x__c , spc.Color_2_Amtech_Code__c , spc.Color_2_percent__c , spc.Color_2x__c ,
spc.Color_3_Amtech_Code__c , spc.Color_3_percent__c , spc.Color_3x__c , spc.Color_4_Amtech_Code__c , spc.Color_4_percent__c ,
spc.Color_4x__c , spc.Color_5_Amtech_Code__c , spc.Color_5_percent__c , spc.Color_5x__c , spc.Color_6_Amtech_Code__c ,
spc.Color_6_percent__c , spc.Color_6x__c , spc.Color_7_Amtech_Code__c , spc.Color_7_percent__c , spc.Color_7x__c ,
spc.Color_8_Amtech_Code__c , spc.Color_8_percent__c , spc.Color_8x__c , spc.Created_In_Amtech__c , spc.Customer_Description_Item__c ,
spc.DB_Ident__c , spc.Depth__c , spc.Grade__c , spc.IsDeleted , spc.Joint__c , spc.Joint_Location_Inside_Outside__c ,
spc.Joint_Location_Length_Width__c , spc.Length__c , spc.Max_Over__c , spc.Max_Under__c , spc.Multipart__c , spc.Name ,
spc.of_colors__c , spc.of_Elements_for_Multipart__c , spc.of_panels__c , spc.of_Samples__c , spc.Opportunity__c ,
spc.Opportunity_Account__c , spc.Part_Name_Multipart_Name__c , spc.Plant_DB_Ident_Name__c , spc.Previous_Estimation_Design__c ,
spc.Process_Inks__c , spc.Service_Request__c , spc.Service_Request_Name__c , spc.Service_Request_Status__c , spc.Style__c ,
spc.Substrate__c , spc.Tab_Width__c , spc.total_print_coverage__c , spc.Total_Print_Coverage_Calculation__c , spc.Validation_Depth__c ,
spc.Validation_Length__c , spc.Validation_Tab_Width__c , spc.Validation_Width__c , spc.Width__c
From Spec__c spc where Service_Request__c = :sr.id]) {
Spec__c newspc = spc.clone(false);
newspc.Service_Request__c = newsr.id;
insert specs;
//Get attachment
Attachment attach = [SELECT Id, Name, Body, ContentType, ParentId From Attachment LIMIT 1 ];//where ParentId = :sr.Id//
//Insert ContentVersion
ContentVersion cVersion = new ContentVersion();
cVersion.ContentLocation = 'S'; //S-Document is in Salesforce. E-Document is outside of Salesforce. L-Document is on a Social Netork.
cVersion.PathOnClient = attach.Name;//File name with extention
//cVersion.Origin = 'C';//C-Content Origin. H-Chatter Origin.//
//cVersion.OwnerId = attach.OwnerId;//Owner of the file//
cVersion.Title = attach.Name;//Name of the file
cVersion.VersionData = attach.Body;//File content
Insert cVersion;
//After saved the Content Verison, get the ContentDocumentId
Id conDocument = [SELECT ContentDocumentId FROM ContentVersion WHERE Id =:cVersion.Id].ContentDocumentId;
//Insert ContentDocumentLink
ContentDocumentLink cDocLink = new ContentDocumentLink();
cDocLink.ContentDocumentId = conDocument;//Add ContentDocumentId
cDocLink.LinkedEntityId = attach.ParentId;//Add attachment parentId
cDocLink.ShareType = 'I';//V - Viewer permission. C - Collaborator permission. I - Inferred permission.
cDocLink.Visibility = 'InternalUsers';//AllUsers, InternalUsers, SharedUsers
Insert cDocLink;
} catch (Exception e){
// roll everything back in case of error
return null;
return new PageReference('/'+newsr.id+'/e?retURL=%2F'+newsr.id);
- Jon-Michael Murphey 2
- October 05, 2020
- Like
- 0
Change your personal language in Salesforce update custom fields
When we change the language setting in Salesforce all the standard fields update to that language however all custom fields stay in english. How can we get the custom fields to update to the language selected
- Jon-Michael Murphey 2
- September 25, 2020
- Like
- 0
Im have two picklist fields Action_Frequency__c and Frequency_selection__c, Action freq is a list showing weekly, monthly, quarterly, biannually and annually. Freq Selection is the broken out by the day of the week, the num day of the month or the month.
Im have two picklist fields Action_Frequency__c and Frequency_selection__c, Action freq is a list showing weekly, monthly, quarterly, biannually and annually. Freq Selection is the broken out by the day of the week, the num day of the month or the month. Ive created two formula fields Dow__c which is turning the text day from Freq selection to a number value, and Dom__c which takes the month text to a number value. Im needing a formula that will create a due date based on the two picklist values. here is my formula so far:
- Jon-Michael Murphey 2
- July 28, 2020
- Like
- 0
How to remove a column from a Lightning Data Table
<aura:component controller="DTController">
<aura:attribute name="parentId" type="Id"/>
<aura:attribute name="nameFilter" type="string"/>
<aura:attribute type="FIN_RCSAQ__c[]" name="acctList"/>
<aura:attribute name="showSaveCancelBtn" type="boolean" default="false" />
<aura:attribute name="isAsc" type="boolean" default="true" description="boolean flag for pass sorting condition to apex class"/>
<aura:attribute name="arrowDirection" type="string" default="arrowup" description="Use for change arrow sign direction on header based on click"/>
<aura:attribute name="selectedTabsoft" type="string" default="firstName" description="Use for show/hide arraow sign on header based on conditions"/>
<aura:handler name="init" value="{!this}" action="{!c.fetchAcc}"/>
<table class="slds-table slds-table_bordered slds-table_col-bordered slds-table_cell-buffer slds-table_edit slds-table_resizable-cols" style="table-layout: fixed; width: 100% !important;">
<tr class="slds-line-height_reset">
<th class="slds-is-sortable" scope="col" onclick="{!c.sortName}">
<a href="javascript:void(0);" class="slds-th__action slds-text-link--reset">
<span class="slds-assistive-text">Sort</span>
<span class="slds-truncate" title="Name">Fin-RSCAQ</span>
<aura:if isTrue="{! and(v.arrowDirection == 'arrowdown', v.selectedTabsoft == 'Name') }">
<lightning:icon iconName="utility:arrowdown" alternativeText="Descending" size="xx-small" />
<aura:if isTrue="{! and(v.arrowDirection != 'arrowdown', v.selectedTabsoft == 'Name') }">
<lightning:icon iconName="utility:arrowup" alternativeText="Descending" size="xx-small" />
<th class="slds-is-sortable" scope="col" onclick="{!c.sortControlNumber}">
<a href="javascript:void(0);" class="slds-th__action slds-text-link--reset">
<span class="slds-assistive-text">Sort</span>
<span class="slds-truncate" title="ControlNumber">Control Number</span>
<aura:if isTrue="{! and(v.arrowDirection == 'arrowdown', v.selectedTabsoft == 'ControlNumber') }">
<lightning:icon iconName="utility:arrowdown" alternativeText="Ascending" size="xx-small" />
<aura:if isTrue="{! and(v.arrowDirection != 'arrowdown', v.selectedTabsoft == 'ControlNumber') }">
<lightning:icon iconName="utility:arrowup" alternativeText="Descending" size="xx-small" />
<th scope="col">
<div class="slds-truncate slds-text-align_center" title="ControlObjective">Control Objective</div>
<th scope="col">
<div class="slds-truncate slds-text-align_center" title="ControlledElsewhere">Controlled Elsewhere</div>
<th scope="col">
<div class="slds-truncate slds-text-align_center" title="ControlledElsewhereHFMCode">Controlled Elsewhere HFM Code</div>
<th scope="col">
<div class="slds-truncate slds-text-align_center" title="Frequency">Frequency</div>
<th scope="col">
<div class="slds-truncate slds-text-align_center" title="FrequencySelection">Frequency Selection</div>
<th scope="col">
<div class="slds-truncate slds-text-align_center" title="Preparer">Preparer</div>
<th scope="col">
<div class="slds-truncate slds-text-align_center" title="CreatedBy">Created By</div>
<th scope="col">
<div class="slds-truncate slds-text-align_center" title="FirstApprover">First Approver</div>
<th scope="col">
<div class="slds-truncate slds-text-align_center" title="SecondApprover">Second Approver</div>
<!--table body start, Iterate contact list as a <tr> -->
<aura:iteration items="{!v.acctList}" var="acc">
<c:InlineEditRow singleRec="{!acc}"
frequencySelectionVal = "{!acc.Frequency_Selection__c}"
<aura:if isTrue="{!v.showSaveCancelBtn}">
<lightning:buttonGroup class="slds-m-around_medium">
<lightning:button label="Cancel" />
<lightning:button label="Save" onclick="{!c.handleSaveEdition}" variant="success"/>
fetchAcc : function(component, event, helper) {
helper.fetchAccHelper(component, event, "Name");
sortName : function(component, event, helper) {
component.set("v.selectedTabsoft", "Name");
helper.sortHelper(component, event, "Name");
sortControlNumber : function(component, event, helper) {
component.set("v.selectedTabsoft", "ControlNumber");
helper.sortHelper(component, event, "Control_Number__c");
handleSaveEdition: function (cmp, event, helper) {
var draftValues = cmp.get("v.acctList");
var action = cmp.get("c.updateAccount");
action.setParams({"acc" : draftValues});
action.setCallback(this, function(response) {
helper.fetchAccHelper(cmp, event, "Name");
cmp.set("v.showSaveCancelBtn", false);
fetchAccHelper : function(component, event, sortFieldName) {
var action = component.get("c.fetchAccount");
"parentId" : component.get("v.parentId"),
"sortField": sortFieldName,
"isAsc": component.get("v.isAsc"),
action.setCallback(this, function(response){
var state = response.getState();
if (state === "SUCCESS") {
var records =response.getReturnValue();
record.linkName = '/'+record.Id;
component.set("v.acctList", records);
sortHelper: function (component, event, sortFieldName) {
var currentDir = component.get("v.arrowDirection");
if (currentDir == 'arrowdown') {
component.set("v.arrowDirection", 'arrowup');
component.set("v.isAsc", true);
} else {
component.set("v.arrowDirection", 'arrowdown');
component.set("v.isAsc", false);
this.fetchAccHelper(component, event, sortFieldName);
.THIS .slds-table td th {
white-space:normal; /* wraps larger stuff like textarea and long text*/
.THIS .widthVal {
max-width:100% !important;
Apex Class:
public class DTController{
public static List<FIN_RCSAQ__c> fetchAccounts(String parentId) {
String query = 'SELECT Id, Name, Control_Number__c, Question_Number__c, Risk_Reference__c, Control_Objective__c,';
query += 'Group_Control_Description__c,Assertions__c,Controlled_Elsewhere__c,Controlled_Elsewhere_HFM_Code__c,';
query += 'First_Approver__c,First_Approver__r.Name,Second_Approver__c,Second_Approver__r.Name,';
query += 'Frequency_Selection__c,RCSAQ_Frequency__c,Preparer__r.Name,';
query += 'Control_Clarification__c,Frequency__c,Control_Type__c,System_Report_SAP__c,System_Report_OTC__c,System_Name__c,';
query += 'Excel_File_Name__c,Evidence_of_the_Control__c,Notes_Guidance__c,Preparer__c,Supported_By__c FROM ';
query += 'FIN_RCSAQ__c WHERE Control_Number__c LIKE \'RR%\'';
if(String.isNotBlank(parentId)) query += ' AND FIN_RCSA__c = \'' + parentId + '\'';
List<FIN_RCSAQ__c> accList = Database.query(query);
return accList;
public static List<FIN_RCSAQ__c> fetchAccount(String parentId, String sortField, boolean isAsc, String nameLike) {
String query = 'SELECT Id, Name, Control_Number__c, Question_Number__c, Risk_Reference__c, Control_Objective__c,';
query += 'Group_Control_Description__c,Assertions__c,Controlled_Elsewhere__c,Controlled_Elsewhere_HFM_Code__c,';
query += 'Control_Clarification__c,Frequency__c,Control_Type__c,System_Report_SAP__c,System_Report_OTC__c,System_Name__c,';
query += 'Preparer__r.Name,First_Approver__c,First_Approver__r.Name,Second_Approver__c,Second_Approver__r.Name,';
query += 'Frequency_Selection__c,RCSAQ_Frequency__c,';
query += 'Excel_File_Name__c,Evidence_of_the_Control__c,Notes_Guidance__c,Preparer__c,Supported_By__c FROM ';
query += 'FIN_RCSAQ__c WHERE Control_Number__c LIKE \'' + nameLike + '%\'';
if(String.isNotBlank(parentId)) query += ' AND FIN_RCSA__c = \'' + parentId + '\'';
if (sortField != '') {
query += ' order by ' + sortField;
query += isAsc ? ' asc' : ' desc';
system.debug('The query is ' + query);
return Database.query(query);
public static String getContactName(String conId) {
String conName;
List<Contact> conList = [Select Id,FirstName,LastName from Contact Where Id =: conId];
if(conList.size() > 0)
conName = String.isNotBlank(conList[0].FirstName) ? conList[0].FirstName + ' ' + conList[0].LastName : conList[0].LastName;
return conName;
public static String getUserName(String conId) {
String conName;
List<User> conList = [Select Id,FirstName,LastName from User Where Id =: conId];
if(conList.size() > 0)
conName = String.isNotBlank(conList[0].FirstName) ? conList[0].FirstName + ' ' + conList[0].LastName : conList[0].LastName;
return conName;
public static void updateAccount(List<FIN_RCSAQ__c> acc ){
update acc;
<aura:component controller="DTController">
<aura:attribute name="parentId" type="Id"/>
<aura:attribute name="nameFilter" type="string"/>
<aura:attribute type="FIN_RCSAQ__c[]" name="acctList"/>
<aura:attribute name="showSaveCancelBtn" type="boolean" default="false" />
<aura:attribute name="isAsc" type="boolean" default="true" description="boolean flag for pass sorting condition to apex class"/>
<aura:attribute name="arrowDirection" type="string" default="arrowup" description="Use for change arrow sign direction on header based on click"/>
<aura:attribute name="selectedTabsoft" type="string" default="firstName" description="Use for show/hide arraow sign on header based on conditions"/>
<aura:handler name="init" value="{!this}" action="{!c.fetchAcc}"/>
<table class="slds-table slds-table_bordered slds-table_col-bordered slds-table_cell-buffer slds-table_edit slds-table_resizable-cols" style="table-layout: fixed; width: 100% !important;">
<tr class="slds-line-height_reset">
<th class="slds-is-sortable" scope="col" onclick="{!c.sortName}">
<a href="javascript:void(0);" class="slds-th__action slds-text-link--reset">
<span class="slds-assistive-text">Sort</span>
<span class="slds-truncate" title="Name">Fin-RSCAQ</span>
<aura:if isTrue="{! and(v.arrowDirection == 'arrowdown', v.selectedTabsoft == 'Name') }">
<lightning:icon iconName="utility:arrowdown" alternativeText="Descending" size="xx-small" />
<aura:if isTrue="{! and(v.arrowDirection != 'arrowdown', v.selectedTabsoft == 'Name') }">
<lightning:icon iconName="utility:arrowup" alternativeText="Descending" size="xx-small" />
<th class="slds-is-sortable" scope="col" onclick="{!c.sortControlNumber}">
<a href="javascript:void(0);" class="slds-th__action slds-text-link--reset">
<span class="slds-assistive-text">Sort</span>
<span class="slds-truncate" title="ControlNumber">Control Number</span>
<aura:if isTrue="{! and(v.arrowDirection == 'arrowdown', v.selectedTabsoft == 'ControlNumber') }">
<lightning:icon iconName="utility:arrowdown" alternativeText="Ascending" size="xx-small" />
<aura:if isTrue="{! and(v.arrowDirection != 'arrowdown', v.selectedTabsoft == 'ControlNumber') }">
<lightning:icon iconName="utility:arrowup" alternativeText="Descending" size="xx-small" />
<th scope="col">
<div class="slds-truncate slds-text-align_center" title="ControlObjective">Control Objective</div>
<th scope="col">
<div class="slds-truncate slds-text-align_center" title="ControlledElsewhere">Controlled Elsewhere</div>
<th scope="col">
<div class="slds-truncate slds-text-align_center" title="ControlledElsewhereHFMCode">Controlled Elsewhere HFM Code</div>
<th scope="col">
<div class="slds-truncate slds-text-align_center" title="Frequency">Frequency</div>
<th scope="col">
<div class="slds-truncate slds-text-align_center" title="FrequencySelection">Frequency Selection</div>
<th scope="col">
<div class="slds-truncate slds-text-align_center" title="Preparer">Preparer</div>
<th scope="col">
<div class="slds-truncate slds-text-align_center" title="CreatedBy">Created By</div>
<th scope="col">
<div class="slds-truncate slds-text-align_center" title="FirstApprover">First Approver</div>
<th scope="col">
<div class="slds-truncate slds-text-align_center" title="SecondApprover">Second Approver</div>
<!--table body start, Iterate contact list as a <tr> -->
<aura:iteration items="{!v.acctList}" var="acc">
<c:InlineEditRow singleRec="{!acc}"
frequencySelectionVal = "{!acc.Frequency_Selection__c}"
<aura:if isTrue="{!v.showSaveCancelBtn}">
<lightning:buttonGroup class="slds-m-around_medium">
<lightning:button label="Cancel" />
<lightning:button label="Save" onclick="{!c.handleSaveEdition}" variant="success"/>
fetchAcc : function(component, event, helper) {
helper.fetchAccHelper(component, event, "Name");
sortName : function(component, event, helper) {
component.set("v.selectedTabsoft", "Name");
helper.sortHelper(component, event, "Name");
sortControlNumber : function(component, event, helper) {
component.set("v.selectedTabsoft", "ControlNumber");
helper.sortHelper(component, event, "Control_Number__c");
handleSaveEdition: function (cmp, event, helper) {
var draftValues = cmp.get("v.acctList");
var action = cmp.get("c.updateAccount");
action.setParams({"acc" : draftValues});
action.setCallback(this, function(response) {
helper.fetchAccHelper(cmp, event, "Name");
cmp.set("v.showSaveCancelBtn", false);
fetchAccHelper : function(component, event, sortFieldName) {
var action = component.get("c.fetchAccount");
"parentId" : component.get("v.parentId"),
"sortField": sortFieldName,
"isAsc": component.get("v.isAsc"),
action.setCallback(this, function(response){
var state = response.getState();
if (state === "SUCCESS") {
var records =response.getReturnValue();
record.linkName = '/'+record.Id;
component.set("v.acctList", records);
sortHelper: function (component, event, sortFieldName) {
var currentDir = component.get("v.arrowDirection");
if (currentDir == 'arrowdown') {
component.set("v.arrowDirection", 'arrowup');
component.set("v.isAsc", true);
} else {
component.set("v.arrowDirection", 'arrowdown');
component.set("v.isAsc", false);
this.fetchAccHelper(component, event, sortFieldName);
.THIS .slds-table td th {
white-space:normal; /* wraps larger stuff like textarea and long text*/
.THIS .widthVal {
max-width:100% !important;
Apex Class:
public class DTController{
public static List<FIN_RCSAQ__c> fetchAccounts(String parentId) {
String query = 'SELECT Id, Name, Control_Number__c, Question_Number__c, Risk_Reference__c, Control_Objective__c,';
query += 'Group_Control_Description__c,Assertions__c,Controlled_Elsewhere__c,Controlled_Elsewhere_HFM_Code__c,';
query += 'First_Approver__c,First_Approver__r.Name,Second_Approver__c,Second_Approver__r.Name,';
query += 'Frequency_Selection__c,RCSAQ_Frequency__c,Preparer__r.Name,';
query += 'Control_Clarification__c,Frequency__c,Control_Type__c,System_Report_SAP__c,System_Report_OTC__c,System_Name__c,';
query += 'Excel_File_Name__c,Evidence_of_the_Control__c,Notes_Guidance__c,Preparer__c,Supported_By__c FROM ';
query += 'FIN_RCSAQ__c WHERE Control_Number__c LIKE \'RR%\'';
if(String.isNotBlank(parentId)) query += ' AND FIN_RCSA__c = \'' + parentId + '\'';
List<FIN_RCSAQ__c> accList = Database.query(query);
return accList;
public static List<FIN_RCSAQ__c> fetchAccount(String parentId, String sortField, boolean isAsc, String nameLike) {
String query = 'SELECT Id, Name, Control_Number__c, Question_Number__c, Risk_Reference__c, Control_Objective__c,';
query += 'Group_Control_Description__c,Assertions__c,Controlled_Elsewhere__c,Controlled_Elsewhere_HFM_Code__c,';
query += 'Control_Clarification__c,Frequency__c,Control_Type__c,System_Report_SAP__c,System_Report_OTC__c,System_Name__c,';
query += 'Preparer__r.Name,First_Approver__c,First_Approver__r.Name,Second_Approver__c,Second_Approver__r.Name,';
query += 'Frequency_Selection__c,RCSAQ_Frequency__c,';
query += 'Excel_File_Name__c,Evidence_of_the_Control__c,Notes_Guidance__c,Preparer__c,Supported_By__c FROM ';
query += 'FIN_RCSAQ__c WHERE Control_Number__c LIKE \'' + nameLike + '%\'';
if(String.isNotBlank(parentId)) query += ' AND FIN_RCSA__c = \'' + parentId + '\'';
if (sortField != '') {
query += ' order by ' + sortField;
query += isAsc ? ' asc' : ' desc';
system.debug('The query is ' + query);
return Database.query(query);
public static String getContactName(String conId) {
String conName;
List<Contact> conList = [Select Id,FirstName,LastName from Contact Where Id =: conId];
if(conList.size() > 0)
conName = String.isNotBlank(conList[0].FirstName) ? conList[0].FirstName + ' ' + conList[0].LastName : conList[0].LastName;
return conName;
public static String getUserName(String conId) {
String conName;
List<User> conList = [Select Id,FirstName,LastName from User Where Id =: conId];
if(conList.size() > 0)
conName = String.isNotBlank(conList[0].FirstName) ? conList[0].FirstName + ' ' + conList[0].LastName : conList[0].LastName;
return conName;
public static void updateAccount(List<FIN_RCSAQ__c> acc ){
update acc;
- Jon-Michael Murphey 2
- April 10, 2020
- Like
- 0
Display message in modal when standard new button is clicked on record
Im trying to create a Modal or a popup that will have a message when the standard "new" button is clicked on a record. the message is making sure the user's request meets a criteria, if so they click "continue" and it goes through creating a new record as normal. If they click "cancel" and the modal closes and nothing happens.
- Jon-Michael Murphey 2
- October 09, 2019
- Like
- 0
prevent add and delete of files from record based on status field
i have a custom object Control_Action__c and it has a picklist status field called Control_Stage__c. when the stage on this field is equal to "Approved" any files on the Control Action record can NOT be Deleted/replaced and no NEW files can be added.
- Jon-Michael Murphey 2
- December 07, 2020
- Like
- 0
Share attachments with cloned record
I have an apex controller that im using to clone a record and its related records(deepclone). Im having issues getting the attachments to be cloned with it. Let me clarify, im not wanting to clone the attachments im wanting to share them to the new cloned record. Can anybody help? see code below.
public class SRCloneWithItemsController {
//added an instance varaible for the standard controller
private ApexPages.StandardController controller {get; set;}
// add the instance for the variables being passed by id on the url
private Service_Request__c sr {get;set;}
// set the id of the record that is created -- ONLY USED BY THE TEST CLASS
public ID newRecordId {get;set;}
// initialize the controller
public SRCloneWithItemsController(ApexPages.StandardController controller) {
//initialize the stanrdard controller
this.controller = controller;
// load the current record
sr = (Service_Request__c)controller.getRecord();
// method called from the VF's action attribute to clone the sr
public PageReference cloneWithItems() {
// setup the save point for rollback
Savepoint sp = Database.setSavepoint();
Service_Request__c newsr;
try {
sr = [select Id, Opportunity__c, Account__c, OwnerId, Designer__c, Estimator__c, SKNA_Plant__c, Plant_DB_Ident__c, DB_Ident__c, Plant_DB_Ident_Name__c, Plant_No__c, Opportunity_Product__c,Billing_Account__c,Primary_Contact__c,Shipping_Address_Code__c,SKNA_Plant_Executed__c,Customer_Description_Item__c from Service_Request__c where id = :sr.id];
newsr = sr.clone(false);
insert newsr;
// set the id of the new SR created for testing
newRecordId = newsr.id;
// copy over the line items - ONLY INCLUDE THE FIELDS YOU WANT TO CLONE
List<Request__c> items = new List<Request__c>();
for (Request__c req : [Select req.Id, req.Absorb__c , req.Absorb_percentage__c , req.Account__c , req.Actual_Due_Date__c , req.Additional_Comment__c , req.Amtech_Plant_SAP_Customer__c ,
req.Amtech_Sample_Shipping_Address__c , req.Art__c , req.Art_Link__c , req.Art_on_Disk__c , req.Art_on_FTP__c , req.Art_Type__c , req.Artwork__c , req.As_Is_PDF__c , req.Asitrade__c ,
req.Assembled__c , req.Authorized_by__c , req.Blocks__c , req.Blocks_Quantity__c , req.Blocks_Type_Core__c , req.BMC_ECT__c , req.BMC_ECT_Customer_Name__c , req.Box_or_Identifcation__c ,
req.CAD__c , req.CAD_Design_Log__c , req.Change_Description__c , req.Coating__c , req.Color_1__c , req.Color_1_Amtech_Code__c , req.Color_1_percent__c , req.Color_1x__c , req.Color_2__c ,
req.Color_2_Amtech_Code__c , req.Color_2_percent__c , req.Color_2x__c , req.Color_3__c , req.Color_3_Amtech_Code__c , req.Color_3_percent__c , req.Color_3x__c , req.Color_4__c ,
req.Color_4_Amtech_Code__c , req.Color_4_percent__c , req.Color_4x__c , req.Color_5__c , req.Color_5_Amtech_Code__c , req.Color_5_percent__c , req.Color_5x__c , req.Color_6__c ,
req.Color_6_Amtech_Code__c , req.Color_6_percent__c , req.Color_6x__c , req.Color_7__c , req.Color_7_Amtech_Code__c , req.Color_7_percent__c , req.Color_7x__c , req.Color_8__c ,
req.Color_8_Amtech_Code__c , req.Color_8_percent__c , req.Color_8x__c , req.Colors__c , req.Combo_Deal__c , req.Component_Name__c , req.Components__c , req.Corr_Test__c ,
req.CTP_Artwork_Cost__c , req.CTP_Artwork_Sell__c , req.Customer_Laser__c , req.Customer_Product_provided__c , req.Customer_Sample__c , req.Customer_Service__c , req.Customer_Supplied__c ,
req.Cutting_Die__c , req.Cutting_Die_Cost__c , req.Cutting_Die_Quote__c , req.Cutting_Die_Quote_Completed__c , req.Cutting_Die_Sell__c , req.Cutting_Die_Taxable__c , req.Depth__c ,
req.Description__c , req.Description_Item__c , req.Design_Objective__c , req.Design_Request_Type__c , req.Designer__c , req.Digital_Proof__c , req.Disp_of_Sample__c ,
req.Disposition_Ground_Transport__c , req.Disposition_Other__c , req.Drawing__c , req.Eligible_for_Orders__c , req.Estimator__c , req.Existing_Die_or_Old_Sample__c ,
req.Existing_Printing_Plate__c , req.Existing_Printing_Plate_or_Old_Sample__c , req.Existing_Tooling__c , req.Exped_Disposition_5_Samples_Status__c , req.Expedited_Disposition_Approval_Status__c ,
req.Facing_Bottom__c , req.Facings_Top__c , req.Flow__c , req.Flute__c , req.Folding_Carton_Paper_Grade_other__c , req.Folding_Carton_Paper_Grades__c , req.Folding_Carton_to_be_named__c ,
req.GCMI__c , req.Glue_Joint_Type__c , req.Glue_Joint_Type2__c , req.Grade__c , req.Grade_Amtech_Code__c , req.Group_Number__c , req.HAZMAT__c , req.Honeycomb_Skid_Type_Core__c ,
req.Inventory_Flag__c , req.IsDeleted , req.Joint__c , req.Joint_Location_Inside_Outside__c , req.Joint_Location_L_W__c , req.Kraft__c , req.Lab_Testing__c , req.Label_Top_Sheet__c ,
req.Label_Top_Sheet_Color__c , req.Label_Top_Sheet_Full__c , req.Label_Top_Sheet_Length__c , req.Label_Top_Sheet_Spot__c , req.Label_Top_Sheet_Width__c , req.Length__c , req.Liner_Combo__c ,
req.Machine_Affected__c , req.Machine_Erected__c , req.Matched_Sets__c , req.Material__c , req.Material_Certification__c , req.Max_Over_percentage__c , req.Max_Under_percentage__c ,
req.Measurement__c , req.Mock_Up_Required__c , req.Multi_Component__c , req.Multipart__c , req.Multipart_Description__c , req.Mylar__c , req.No_of_Panels__c , req.of_actual_Samples__c ,
req.of_colors__c , req.of_Days__c , req.of_Elements_for_Multiparts__c , req.of_Laser__c , req.of_Proofs__c , req.of_Samples__c , req.Offset_Printing__c , req.Opportunity__c ,
req.Opportunity_Name2__c , req.Order_Comment__c , req.Order_Processing__c , req.Order_Quantity__c , req.Other_Outside_Process__c , req.Outside_Process__c , req.Owner_s_Managers_e_mail__c ,
req.Pallet_Height__c , req.Pallet_Length__c , req.Pallet_Quantity__c , req.Pallet_Wid__c , req.Paper_Core__c , req.Part_Cust_ID__c , req.Part_ID__c , req.Part_Number_per_Set__c , req.PDF__c ,
req.Pdf_cc_1__c , req.Pdf_cc_2__c , req.Pdf_Online_Approval_Request__c , req.Pdf_Online_Approver__c , req.Plant_Amtech_Code__c , req.PMS__c , req.PMS_And_Special_Colors__c , req.PO__c ,
req.Polybag__c , req.Preflight__c , req.Prepress_Type__c , req.Previous_Art_File__c , req.Previous_Estimation_Design__c , req.Price__c , req.Print_Card__c , req.Printcard_CAD__c , req.Printcard_Customer__c ,
req.Printcard_Ident__c , req.Printcard_Spec__c , req.Printed_Before__c , req.Printing__c , req.Printing_Die_Quote__c , req.Printing_Plate_Cost__c , req.Printing_Plate_Sell__c , req.Printing_Plate_Taxable__c ,
req.Printing_Plates__c , req.Printing_Plates2__c , req.Process_Colors__c , req.Project_Item_Number__c , req.Project_Number__c , req.Quantity_per_Bundle__c , req.Quantity_per_Case__c , req.Quote_Quantity__c ,
req.Quote_Quantity_1__c , req.Quote_Quantity_2__c , req.Quote_Quantity_3__c , req.Quote_Quantity_4__c , req.Quote_Quantity_5__c , req.Quote_Request__c , req.Quote_Toolling__c , req.Quoted_Price__c , req.Quoted_Price_2__c ,
req.Quoted_Price_3__c , req.Quoted_Price_4__c , req.Quoted_Price_5__c , req.Record_Type_Name_Formula__c , req.RecordTypeId , req.Related_Order__c ,
req.Request_Keywords__c , req.Request_Type__c , req.Requested_Disposition__c , req.ROS__c , req.Runners__c , req.Runners_Quantity__c , req.Runners_Type_Core__c , req.Sample_Box__c , req.Sample_provided__c , req.Sample_Request_Status__c ,
req.Sample_Requests_Created__c , req.Sample_Shipping_Tracking__c , req.Service_Request__c , req.Shipped_to_Warehouse__c , req.Signed_Quote_Attached__c , req.Sketch__c , req.SKNA_Plant__c , req.Spec__c , req.Spec_Notes__c , req.Special_Core__c ,
req.Special_Instructions__c , req.Split_Delivery__c , req.Standard_Pallet__c , req.Structure__c , req.Style__c , req.Style_Amtech_Code__c , req.Substrate__c , req.Summary_Field__c , req.Tab_Width__c , req.Target_Price_M__c , req.Tooling_Approval_Status__c ,
req.Top_Sheet_Point__c , req.TOPS_C_A_P_E__c , req.Total__c , req.Tracking_link_for_sample_shipment__c , req.Transportation__c , req.Type_Core__c , req.Units_per_Pallet__c , req.UV__c , req.Validation_Depth__c , req.Validation_Length__c , req.Validation_Tab_Width__c ,
req.Validation_Test_for_Zero__c , req.Validation_Width__c , req.Wall__c , req.Warehouse__c , req.WF_Status__c , req.Width__c , req.X4_color_Label__c , req.X5_Samples_Approval_Status__c
From Request__c req where Service_Request__c = :sr.id]) {
Request__c newreq = req.clone(false);
newreq.Service_Request__c = newsr.id;
insert items;
List<Spec__c> specs = new List<Spec__c>();
for (Spec__c spc : [Select spc.Id, spc.Amtech_Grade_Code__c , spc.Amtech_Joint_Code__c , spc.Amtech_Part_Item_no__c , spc.Amtech_Spec__c ,
spc.Amtech_Style_Code__c , spc.Blank__c , spc.CAD_Design_Log__c , spc.Caliper_Points__c , spc.Color_1_Amtech_Code__c ,
spc.Color_1_percent__c , spc.Color_1x__c , spc.Color_2_Amtech_Code__c , spc.Color_2_percent__c , spc.Color_2x__c ,
spc.Color_3_Amtech_Code__c , spc.Color_3_percent__c , spc.Color_3x__c , spc.Color_4_Amtech_Code__c , spc.Color_4_percent__c ,
spc.Color_4x__c , spc.Color_5_Amtech_Code__c , spc.Color_5_percent__c , spc.Color_5x__c , spc.Color_6_Amtech_Code__c ,
spc.Color_6_percent__c , spc.Color_6x__c , spc.Color_7_Amtech_Code__c , spc.Color_7_percent__c , spc.Color_7x__c ,
spc.Color_8_Amtech_Code__c , spc.Color_8_percent__c , spc.Color_8x__c , spc.Created_In_Amtech__c , spc.Customer_Description_Item__c ,
spc.DB_Ident__c , spc.Depth__c , spc.Grade__c , spc.IsDeleted , spc.Joint__c , spc.Joint_Location_Inside_Outside__c ,
spc.Joint_Location_Length_Width__c , spc.Length__c , spc.Max_Over__c , spc.Max_Under__c , spc.Multipart__c , spc.Name ,
spc.of_colors__c , spc.of_Elements_for_Multipart__c , spc.of_panels__c , spc.of_Samples__c , spc.Opportunity__c ,
spc.Opportunity_Account__c , spc.Part_Name_Multipart_Name__c , spc.Plant_DB_Ident_Name__c , spc.Previous_Estimation_Design__c ,
spc.Process_Inks__c , spc.Service_Request__c , spc.Service_Request_Name__c , spc.Service_Request_Status__c , spc.Style__c ,
spc.Substrate__c , spc.Tab_Width__c , spc.total_print_coverage__c , spc.Total_Print_Coverage_Calculation__c , spc.Validation_Depth__c ,
spc.Validation_Length__c , spc.Validation_Tab_Width__c , spc.Validation_Width__c , spc.Width__c
From Spec__c spc where Service_Request__c = :sr.id]) {
Spec__c newspc = spc.clone(false);
newspc.Service_Request__c = newsr.id;
insert specs;
//Get attachment
Attachment attach = [SELECT Id, Name, Body, ContentType, ParentId From Attachment LIMIT 1 ];//where ParentId = :sr.Id//
//Insert ContentVersion
ContentVersion cVersion = new ContentVersion();
cVersion.ContentLocation = 'S'; //S-Document is in Salesforce. E-Document is outside of Salesforce. L-Document is on a Social Netork.
cVersion.PathOnClient = attach.Name;//File name with extention
//cVersion.Origin = 'C';//C-Content Origin. H-Chatter Origin.//
//cVersion.OwnerId = attach.OwnerId;//Owner of the file//
cVersion.Title = attach.Name;//Name of the file
cVersion.VersionData = attach.Body;//File content
Insert cVersion;
//After saved the Content Verison, get the ContentDocumentId
Id conDocument = [SELECT ContentDocumentId FROM ContentVersion WHERE Id =:cVersion.Id].ContentDocumentId;
//Insert ContentDocumentLink
ContentDocumentLink cDocLink = new ContentDocumentLink();
cDocLink.ContentDocumentId = conDocument;//Add ContentDocumentId
cDocLink.LinkedEntityId = attach.ParentId;//Add attachment parentId
cDocLink.ShareType = 'I';//V - Viewer permission. C - Collaborator permission. I - Inferred permission.
cDocLink.Visibility = 'InternalUsers';//AllUsers, InternalUsers, SharedUsers
Insert cDocLink;
} catch (Exception e){
// roll everything back in case of error
return null;
return new PageReference('/'+newsr.id+'/e?retURL=%2F'+newsr.id);
public class SRCloneWithItemsController {
//added an instance varaible for the standard controller
private ApexPages.StandardController controller {get; set;}
// add the instance for the variables being passed by id on the url
private Service_Request__c sr {get;set;}
// set the id of the record that is created -- ONLY USED BY THE TEST CLASS
public ID newRecordId {get;set;}
// initialize the controller
public SRCloneWithItemsController(ApexPages.StandardController controller) {
//initialize the stanrdard controller
this.controller = controller;
// load the current record
sr = (Service_Request__c)controller.getRecord();
// method called from the VF's action attribute to clone the sr
public PageReference cloneWithItems() {
// setup the save point for rollback
Savepoint sp = Database.setSavepoint();
Service_Request__c newsr;
try {
sr = [select Id, Opportunity__c, Account__c, OwnerId, Designer__c, Estimator__c, SKNA_Plant__c, Plant_DB_Ident__c, DB_Ident__c, Plant_DB_Ident_Name__c, Plant_No__c, Opportunity_Product__c,Billing_Account__c,Primary_Contact__c,Shipping_Address_Code__c,SKNA_Plant_Executed__c,Customer_Description_Item__c from Service_Request__c where id = :sr.id];
newsr = sr.clone(false);
insert newsr;
// set the id of the new SR created for testing
newRecordId = newsr.id;
// copy over the line items - ONLY INCLUDE THE FIELDS YOU WANT TO CLONE
List<Request__c> items = new List<Request__c>();
for (Request__c req : [Select req.Id, req.Absorb__c , req.Absorb_percentage__c , req.Account__c , req.Actual_Due_Date__c , req.Additional_Comment__c , req.Amtech_Plant_SAP_Customer__c ,
req.Amtech_Sample_Shipping_Address__c , req.Art__c , req.Art_Link__c , req.Art_on_Disk__c , req.Art_on_FTP__c , req.Art_Type__c , req.Artwork__c , req.As_Is_PDF__c , req.Asitrade__c ,
req.Assembled__c , req.Authorized_by__c , req.Blocks__c , req.Blocks_Quantity__c , req.Blocks_Type_Core__c , req.BMC_ECT__c , req.BMC_ECT_Customer_Name__c , req.Box_or_Identifcation__c ,
req.CAD__c , req.CAD_Design_Log__c , req.Change_Description__c , req.Coating__c , req.Color_1__c , req.Color_1_Amtech_Code__c , req.Color_1_percent__c , req.Color_1x__c , req.Color_2__c ,
req.Color_2_Amtech_Code__c , req.Color_2_percent__c , req.Color_2x__c , req.Color_3__c , req.Color_3_Amtech_Code__c , req.Color_3_percent__c , req.Color_3x__c , req.Color_4__c ,
req.Color_4_Amtech_Code__c , req.Color_4_percent__c , req.Color_4x__c , req.Color_5__c , req.Color_5_Amtech_Code__c , req.Color_5_percent__c , req.Color_5x__c , req.Color_6__c ,
req.Color_6_Amtech_Code__c , req.Color_6_percent__c , req.Color_6x__c , req.Color_7__c , req.Color_7_Amtech_Code__c , req.Color_7_percent__c , req.Color_7x__c , req.Color_8__c ,
req.Color_8_Amtech_Code__c , req.Color_8_percent__c , req.Color_8x__c , req.Colors__c , req.Combo_Deal__c , req.Component_Name__c , req.Components__c , req.Corr_Test__c ,
req.CTP_Artwork_Cost__c , req.CTP_Artwork_Sell__c , req.Customer_Laser__c , req.Customer_Product_provided__c , req.Customer_Sample__c , req.Customer_Service__c , req.Customer_Supplied__c ,
req.Cutting_Die__c , req.Cutting_Die_Cost__c , req.Cutting_Die_Quote__c , req.Cutting_Die_Quote_Completed__c , req.Cutting_Die_Sell__c , req.Cutting_Die_Taxable__c , req.Depth__c ,
req.Description__c , req.Description_Item__c , req.Design_Objective__c , req.Design_Request_Type__c , req.Designer__c , req.Digital_Proof__c , req.Disp_of_Sample__c ,
req.Disposition_Ground_Transport__c , req.Disposition_Other__c , req.Drawing__c , req.Eligible_for_Orders__c , req.Estimator__c , req.Existing_Die_or_Old_Sample__c ,
req.Existing_Printing_Plate__c , req.Existing_Printing_Plate_or_Old_Sample__c , req.Existing_Tooling__c , req.Exped_Disposition_5_Samples_Status__c , req.Expedited_Disposition_Approval_Status__c ,
req.Facing_Bottom__c , req.Facings_Top__c , req.Flow__c , req.Flute__c , req.Folding_Carton_Paper_Grade_other__c , req.Folding_Carton_Paper_Grades__c , req.Folding_Carton_to_be_named__c ,
req.GCMI__c , req.Glue_Joint_Type__c , req.Glue_Joint_Type2__c , req.Grade__c , req.Grade_Amtech_Code__c , req.Group_Number__c , req.HAZMAT__c , req.Honeycomb_Skid_Type_Core__c ,
req.Inventory_Flag__c , req.IsDeleted , req.Joint__c , req.Joint_Location_Inside_Outside__c , req.Joint_Location_L_W__c , req.Kraft__c , req.Lab_Testing__c , req.Label_Top_Sheet__c ,
req.Label_Top_Sheet_Color__c , req.Label_Top_Sheet_Full__c , req.Label_Top_Sheet_Length__c , req.Label_Top_Sheet_Spot__c , req.Label_Top_Sheet_Width__c , req.Length__c , req.Liner_Combo__c ,
req.Machine_Affected__c , req.Machine_Erected__c , req.Matched_Sets__c , req.Material__c , req.Material_Certification__c , req.Max_Over_percentage__c , req.Max_Under_percentage__c ,
req.Measurement__c , req.Mock_Up_Required__c , req.Multi_Component__c , req.Multipart__c , req.Multipart_Description__c , req.Mylar__c , req.No_of_Panels__c , req.of_actual_Samples__c ,
req.of_colors__c , req.of_Days__c , req.of_Elements_for_Multiparts__c , req.of_Laser__c , req.of_Proofs__c , req.of_Samples__c , req.Offset_Printing__c , req.Opportunity__c ,
req.Opportunity_Name2__c , req.Order_Comment__c , req.Order_Processing__c , req.Order_Quantity__c , req.Other_Outside_Process__c , req.Outside_Process__c , req.Owner_s_Managers_e_mail__c ,
req.Pallet_Height__c , req.Pallet_Length__c , req.Pallet_Quantity__c , req.Pallet_Wid__c , req.Paper_Core__c , req.Part_Cust_ID__c , req.Part_ID__c , req.Part_Number_per_Set__c , req.PDF__c ,
req.Pdf_cc_1__c , req.Pdf_cc_2__c , req.Pdf_Online_Approval_Request__c , req.Pdf_Online_Approver__c , req.Plant_Amtech_Code__c , req.PMS__c , req.PMS_And_Special_Colors__c , req.PO__c ,
req.Polybag__c , req.Preflight__c , req.Prepress_Type__c , req.Previous_Art_File__c , req.Previous_Estimation_Design__c , req.Price__c , req.Print_Card__c , req.Printcard_CAD__c , req.Printcard_Customer__c ,
req.Printcard_Ident__c , req.Printcard_Spec__c , req.Printed_Before__c , req.Printing__c , req.Printing_Die_Quote__c , req.Printing_Plate_Cost__c , req.Printing_Plate_Sell__c , req.Printing_Plate_Taxable__c ,
req.Printing_Plates__c , req.Printing_Plates2__c , req.Process_Colors__c , req.Project_Item_Number__c , req.Project_Number__c , req.Quantity_per_Bundle__c , req.Quantity_per_Case__c , req.Quote_Quantity__c ,
req.Quote_Quantity_1__c , req.Quote_Quantity_2__c , req.Quote_Quantity_3__c , req.Quote_Quantity_4__c , req.Quote_Quantity_5__c , req.Quote_Request__c , req.Quote_Toolling__c , req.Quoted_Price__c , req.Quoted_Price_2__c ,
req.Quoted_Price_3__c , req.Quoted_Price_4__c , req.Quoted_Price_5__c , req.Record_Type_Name_Formula__c , req.RecordTypeId , req.Related_Order__c ,
req.Request_Keywords__c , req.Request_Type__c , req.Requested_Disposition__c , req.ROS__c , req.Runners__c , req.Runners_Quantity__c , req.Runners_Type_Core__c , req.Sample_Box__c , req.Sample_provided__c , req.Sample_Request_Status__c ,
req.Sample_Requests_Created__c , req.Sample_Shipping_Tracking__c , req.Service_Request__c , req.Shipped_to_Warehouse__c , req.Signed_Quote_Attached__c , req.Sketch__c , req.SKNA_Plant__c , req.Spec__c , req.Spec_Notes__c , req.Special_Core__c ,
req.Special_Instructions__c , req.Split_Delivery__c , req.Standard_Pallet__c , req.Structure__c , req.Style__c , req.Style_Amtech_Code__c , req.Substrate__c , req.Summary_Field__c , req.Tab_Width__c , req.Target_Price_M__c , req.Tooling_Approval_Status__c ,
req.Top_Sheet_Point__c , req.TOPS_C_A_P_E__c , req.Total__c , req.Tracking_link_for_sample_shipment__c , req.Transportation__c , req.Type_Core__c , req.Units_per_Pallet__c , req.UV__c , req.Validation_Depth__c , req.Validation_Length__c , req.Validation_Tab_Width__c ,
req.Validation_Test_for_Zero__c , req.Validation_Width__c , req.Wall__c , req.Warehouse__c , req.WF_Status__c , req.Width__c , req.X4_color_Label__c , req.X5_Samples_Approval_Status__c
From Request__c req where Service_Request__c = :sr.id]) {
Request__c newreq = req.clone(false);
newreq.Service_Request__c = newsr.id;
insert items;
List<Spec__c> specs = new List<Spec__c>();
for (Spec__c spc : [Select spc.Id, spc.Amtech_Grade_Code__c , spc.Amtech_Joint_Code__c , spc.Amtech_Part_Item_no__c , spc.Amtech_Spec__c ,
spc.Amtech_Style_Code__c , spc.Blank__c , spc.CAD_Design_Log__c , spc.Caliper_Points__c , spc.Color_1_Amtech_Code__c ,
spc.Color_1_percent__c , spc.Color_1x__c , spc.Color_2_Amtech_Code__c , spc.Color_2_percent__c , spc.Color_2x__c ,
spc.Color_3_Amtech_Code__c , spc.Color_3_percent__c , spc.Color_3x__c , spc.Color_4_Amtech_Code__c , spc.Color_4_percent__c ,
spc.Color_4x__c , spc.Color_5_Amtech_Code__c , spc.Color_5_percent__c , spc.Color_5x__c , spc.Color_6_Amtech_Code__c ,
spc.Color_6_percent__c , spc.Color_6x__c , spc.Color_7_Amtech_Code__c , spc.Color_7_percent__c , spc.Color_7x__c ,
spc.Color_8_Amtech_Code__c , spc.Color_8_percent__c , spc.Color_8x__c , spc.Created_In_Amtech__c , spc.Customer_Description_Item__c ,
spc.DB_Ident__c , spc.Depth__c , spc.Grade__c , spc.IsDeleted , spc.Joint__c , spc.Joint_Location_Inside_Outside__c ,
spc.Joint_Location_Length_Width__c , spc.Length__c , spc.Max_Over__c , spc.Max_Under__c , spc.Multipart__c , spc.Name ,
spc.of_colors__c , spc.of_Elements_for_Multipart__c , spc.of_panels__c , spc.of_Samples__c , spc.Opportunity__c ,
spc.Opportunity_Account__c , spc.Part_Name_Multipart_Name__c , spc.Plant_DB_Ident_Name__c , spc.Previous_Estimation_Design__c ,
spc.Process_Inks__c , spc.Service_Request__c , spc.Service_Request_Name__c , spc.Service_Request_Status__c , spc.Style__c ,
spc.Substrate__c , spc.Tab_Width__c , spc.total_print_coverage__c , spc.Total_Print_Coverage_Calculation__c , spc.Validation_Depth__c ,
spc.Validation_Length__c , spc.Validation_Tab_Width__c , spc.Validation_Width__c , spc.Width__c
From Spec__c spc where Service_Request__c = :sr.id]) {
Spec__c newspc = spc.clone(false);
newspc.Service_Request__c = newsr.id;
insert specs;
//Get attachment
Attachment attach = [SELECT Id, Name, Body, ContentType, ParentId From Attachment LIMIT 1 ];//where ParentId = :sr.Id//
//Insert ContentVersion
ContentVersion cVersion = new ContentVersion();
cVersion.ContentLocation = 'S'; //S-Document is in Salesforce. E-Document is outside of Salesforce. L-Document is on a Social Netork.
cVersion.PathOnClient = attach.Name;//File name with extention
//cVersion.Origin = 'C';//C-Content Origin. H-Chatter Origin.//
//cVersion.OwnerId = attach.OwnerId;//Owner of the file//
cVersion.Title = attach.Name;//Name of the file
cVersion.VersionData = attach.Body;//File content
Insert cVersion;
//After saved the Content Verison, get the ContentDocumentId
Id conDocument = [SELECT ContentDocumentId FROM ContentVersion WHERE Id =:cVersion.Id].ContentDocumentId;
//Insert ContentDocumentLink
ContentDocumentLink cDocLink = new ContentDocumentLink();
cDocLink.ContentDocumentId = conDocument;//Add ContentDocumentId
cDocLink.LinkedEntityId = attach.ParentId;//Add attachment parentId
cDocLink.ShareType = 'I';//V - Viewer permission. C - Collaborator permission. I - Inferred permission.
cDocLink.Visibility = 'InternalUsers';//AllUsers, InternalUsers, SharedUsers
Insert cDocLink;
} catch (Exception e){
// roll everything back in case of error
return null;
return new PageReference('/'+newsr.id+'/e?retURL=%2F'+newsr.id);
- Jon-Michael Murphey 2
- October 05, 2020
- Like
- 0
Im have two picklist fields Action_Frequency__c and Frequency_selection__c, Action freq is a list showing weekly, monthly, quarterly, biannually and annually. Freq Selection is the broken out by the day of the week, the num day of the month or the month.
Im have two picklist fields Action_Frequency__c and Frequency_selection__c, Action freq is a list showing weekly, monthly, quarterly, biannually and annually. Freq Selection is the broken out by the day of the week, the num day of the month or the month. Ive created two formula fields Dow__c which is turning the text day from Freq selection to a number value, and Dom__c which takes the month text to a number value. Im needing a formula that will create a due date based on the two picklist values. here is my formula so far:
- Jon-Michael Murphey 2
- July 28, 2020
- Like
- 0
How to remove a column from a Lightning Data Table
<aura:component controller="DTController">
<aura:attribute name="parentId" type="Id"/>
<aura:attribute name="nameFilter" type="string"/>
<aura:attribute type="FIN_RCSAQ__c[]" name="acctList"/>
<aura:attribute name="showSaveCancelBtn" type="boolean" default="false" />
<aura:attribute name="isAsc" type="boolean" default="true" description="boolean flag for pass sorting condition to apex class"/>
<aura:attribute name="arrowDirection" type="string" default="arrowup" description="Use for change arrow sign direction on header based on click"/>
<aura:attribute name="selectedTabsoft" type="string" default="firstName" description="Use for show/hide arraow sign on header based on conditions"/>
<aura:handler name="init" value="{!this}" action="{!c.fetchAcc}"/>
<table class="slds-table slds-table_bordered slds-table_col-bordered slds-table_cell-buffer slds-table_edit slds-table_resizable-cols" style="table-layout: fixed; width: 100% !important;">
<tr class="slds-line-height_reset">
<th class="slds-is-sortable" scope="col" onclick="{!c.sortName}">
<a href="javascript:void(0);" class="slds-th__action slds-text-link--reset">
<span class="slds-assistive-text">Sort</span>
<span class="slds-truncate" title="Name">Fin-RSCAQ</span>
<aura:if isTrue="{! and(v.arrowDirection == 'arrowdown', v.selectedTabsoft == 'Name') }">
<lightning:icon iconName="utility:arrowdown" alternativeText="Descending" size="xx-small" />
<aura:if isTrue="{! and(v.arrowDirection != 'arrowdown', v.selectedTabsoft == 'Name') }">
<lightning:icon iconName="utility:arrowup" alternativeText="Descending" size="xx-small" />
<th class="slds-is-sortable" scope="col" onclick="{!c.sortControlNumber}">
<a href="javascript:void(0);" class="slds-th__action slds-text-link--reset">
<span class="slds-assistive-text">Sort</span>
<span class="slds-truncate" title="ControlNumber">Control Number</span>
<aura:if isTrue="{! and(v.arrowDirection == 'arrowdown', v.selectedTabsoft == 'ControlNumber') }">
<lightning:icon iconName="utility:arrowdown" alternativeText="Ascending" size="xx-small" />
<aura:if isTrue="{! and(v.arrowDirection != 'arrowdown', v.selectedTabsoft == 'ControlNumber') }">
<lightning:icon iconName="utility:arrowup" alternativeText="Descending" size="xx-small" />
<th scope="col">
<div class="slds-truncate slds-text-align_center" title="ControlObjective">Control Objective</div>
<th scope="col">
<div class="slds-truncate slds-text-align_center" title="ControlledElsewhere">Controlled Elsewhere</div>
<th scope="col">
<div class="slds-truncate slds-text-align_center" title="ControlledElsewhereHFMCode">Controlled Elsewhere HFM Code</div>
<th scope="col">
<div class="slds-truncate slds-text-align_center" title="Frequency">Frequency</div>
<th scope="col">
<div class="slds-truncate slds-text-align_center" title="FrequencySelection">Frequency Selection</div>
<th scope="col">
<div class="slds-truncate slds-text-align_center" title="Preparer">Preparer</div>
<th scope="col">
<div class="slds-truncate slds-text-align_center" title="CreatedBy">Created By</div>
<th scope="col">
<div class="slds-truncate slds-text-align_center" title="FirstApprover">First Approver</div>
<th scope="col">
<div class="slds-truncate slds-text-align_center" title="SecondApprover">Second Approver</div>
<!--table body start, Iterate contact list as a <tr> -->
<aura:iteration items="{!v.acctList}" var="acc">
<c:InlineEditRow singleRec="{!acc}"
frequencySelectionVal = "{!acc.Frequency_Selection__c}"
<aura:if isTrue="{!v.showSaveCancelBtn}">
<lightning:buttonGroup class="slds-m-around_medium">
<lightning:button label="Cancel" />
<lightning:button label="Save" onclick="{!c.handleSaveEdition}" variant="success"/>
fetchAcc : function(component, event, helper) {
helper.fetchAccHelper(component, event, "Name");
sortName : function(component, event, helper) {
component.set("v.selectedTabsoft", "Name");
helper.sortHelper(component, event, "Name");
sortControlNumber : function(component, event, helper) {
component.set("v.selectedTabsoft", "ControlNumber");
helper.sortHelper(component, event, "Control_Number__c");
handleSaveEdition: function (cmp, event, helper) {
var draftValues = cmp.get("v.acctList");
var action = cmp.get("c.updateAccount");
action.setParams({"acc" : draftValues});
action.setCallback(this, function(response) {
helper.fetchAccHelper(cmp, event, "Name");
cmp.set("v.showSaveCancelBtn", false);
fetchAccHelper : function(component, event, sortFieldName) {
var action = component.get("c.fetchAccount");
"parentId" : component.get("v.parentId"),
"sortField": sortFieldName,
"isAsc": component.get("v.isAsc"),
action.setCallback(this, function(response){
var state = response.getState();
if (state === "SUCCESS") {
var records =response.getReturnValue();
record.linkName = '/'+record.Id;
component.set("v.acctList", records);
sortHelper: function (component, event, sortFieldName) {
var currentDir = component.get("v.arrowDirection");
if (currentDir == 'arrowdown') {
component.set("v.arrowDirection", 'arrowup');
component.set("v.isAsc", true);
} else {
component.set("v.arrowDirection", 'arrowdown');
component.set("v.isAsc", false);
this.fetchAccHelper(component, event, sortFieldName);
.THIS .slds-table td th {
white-space:normal; /* wraps larger stuff like textarea and long text*/
.THIS .widthVal {
max-width:100% !important;
Apex Class:
public class DTController{
public static List<FIN_RCSAQ__c> fetchAccounts(String parentId) {
String query = 'SELECT Id, Name, Control_Number__c, Question_Number__c, Risk_Reference__c, Control_Objective__c,';
query += 'Group_Control_Description__c,Assertions__c,Controlled_Elsewhere__c,Controlled_Elsewhere_HFM_Code__c,';
query += 'First_Approver__c,First_Approver__r.Name,Second_Approver__c,Second_Approver__r.Name,';
query += 'Frequency_Selection__c,RCSAQ_Frequency__c,Preparer__r.Name,';
query += 'Control_Clarification__c,Frequency__c,Control_Type__c,System_Report_SAP__c,System_Report_OTC__c,System_Name__c,';
query += 'Excel_File_Name__c,Evidence_of_the_Control__c,Notes_Guidance__c,Preparer__c,Supported_By__c FROM ';
query += 'FIN_RCSAQ__c WHERE Control_Number__c LIKE \'RR%\'';
if(String.isNotBlank(parentId)) query += ' AND FIN_RCSA__c = \'' + parentId + '\'';
List<FIN_RCSAQ__c> accList = Database.query(query);
return accList;
public static List<FIN_RCSAQ__c> fetchAccount(String parentId, String sortField, boolean isAsc, String nameLike) {
String query = 'SELECT Id, Name, Control_Number__c, Question_Number__c, Risk_Reference__c, Control_Objective__c,';
query += 'Group_Control_Description__c,Assertions__c,Controlled_Elsewhere__c,Controlled_Elsewhere_HFM_Code__c,';
query += 'Control_Clarification__c,Frequency__c,Control_Type__c,System_Report_SAP__c,System_Report_OTC__c,System_Name__c,';
query += 'Preparer__r.Name,First_Approver__c,First_Approver__r.Name,Second_Approver__c,Second_Approver__r.Name,';
query += 'Frequency_Selection__c,RCSAQ_Frequency__c,';
query += 'Excel_File_Name__c,Evidence_of_the_Control__c,Notes_Guidance__c,Preparer__c,Supported_By__c FROM ';
query += 'FIN_RCSAQ__c WHERE Control_Number__c LIKE \'' + nameLike + '%\'';
if(String.isNotBlank(parentId)) query += ' AND FIN_RCSA__c = \'' + parentId + '\'';
if (sortField != '') {
query += ' order by ' + sortField;
query += isAsc ? ' asc' : ' desc';
system.debug('The query is ' + query);
return Database.query(query);
public static String getContactName(String conId) {
String conName;
List<Contact> conList = [Select Id,FirstName,LastName from Contact Where Id =: conId];
if(conList.size() > 0)
conName = String.isNotBlank(conList[0].FirstName) ? conList[0].FirstName + ' ' + conList[0].LastName : conList[0].LastName;
return conName;
public static String getUserName(String conId) {
String conName;
List<User> conList = [Select Id,FirstName,LastName from User Where Id =: conId];
if(conList.size() > 0)
conName = String.isNotBlank(conList[0].FirstName) ? conList[0].FirstName + ' ' + conList[0].LastName : conList[0].LastName;
return conName;
public static void updateAccount(List<FIN_RCSAQ__c> acc ){
update acc;
<aura:component controller="DTController">
<aura:attribute name="parentId" type="Id"/>
<aura:attribute name="nameFilter" type="string"/>
<aura:attribute type="FIN_RCSAQ__c[]" name="acctList"/>
<aura:attribute name="showSaveCancelBtn" type="boolean" default="false" />
<aura:attribute name="isAsc" type="boolean" default="true" description="boolean flag for pass sorting condition to apex class"/>
<aura:attribute name="arrowDirection" type="string" default="arrowup" description="Use for change arrow sign direction on header based on click"/>
<aura:attribute name="selectedTabsoft" type="string" default="firstName" description="Use for show/hide arraow sign on header based on conditions"/>
<aura:handler name="init" value="{!this}" action="{!c.fetchAcc}"/>
<table class="slds-table slds-table_bordered slds-table_col-bordered slds-table_cell-buffer slds-table_edit slds-table_resizable-cols" style="table-layout: fixed; width: 100% !important;">
<tr class="slds-line-height_reset">
<th class="slds-is-sortable" scope="col" onclick="{!c.sortName}">
<a href="javascript:void(0);" class="slds-th__action slds-text-link--reset">
<span class="slds-assistive-text">Sort</span>
<span class="slds-truncate" title="Name">Fin-RSCAQ</span>
<aura:if isTrue="{! and(v.arrowDirection == 'arrowdown', v.selectedTabsoft == 'Name') }">
<lightning:icon iconName="utility:arrowdown" alternativeText="Descending" size="xx-small" />
<aura:if isTrue="{! and(v.arrowDirection != 'arrowdown', v.selectedTabsoft == 'Name') }">
<lightning:icon iconName="utility:arrowup" alternativeText="Descending" size="xx-small" />
<th class="slds-is-sortable" scope="col" onclick="{!c.sortControlNumber}">
<a href="javascript:void(0);" class="slds-th__action slds-text-link--reset">
<span class="slds-assistive-text">Sort</span>
<span class="slds-truncate" title="ControlNumber">Control Number</span>
<aura:if isTrue="{! and(v.arrowDirection == 'arrowdown', v.selectedTabsoft == 'ControlNumber') }">
<lightning:icon iconName="utility:arrowdown" alternativeText="Ascending" size="xx-small" />
<aura:if isTrue="{! and(v.arrowDirection != 'arrowdown', v.selectedTabsoft == 'ControlNumber') }">
<lightning:icon iconName="utility:arrowup" alternativeText="Descending" size="xx-small" />
<th scope="col">
<div class="slds-truncate slds-text-align_center" title="ControlObjective">Control Objective</div>
<th scope="col">
<div class="slds-truncate slds-text-align_center" title="ControlledElsewhere">Controlled Elsewhere</div>
<th scope="col">
<div class="slds-truncate slds-text-align_center" title="ControlledElsewhereHFMCode">Controlled Elsewhere HFM Code</div>
<th scope="col">
<div class="slds-truncate slds-text-align_center" title="Frequency">Frequency</div>
<th scope="col">
<div class="slds-truncate slds-text-align_center" title="FrequencySelection">Frequency Selection</div>
<th scope="col">
<div class="slds-truncate slds-text-align_center" title="Preparer">Preparer</div>
<th scope="col">
<div class="slds-truncate slds-text-align_center" title="CreatedBy">Created By</div>
<th scope="col">
<div class="slds-truncate slds-text-align_center" title="FirstApprover">First Approver</div>
<th scope="col">
<div class="slds-truncate slds-text-align_center" title="SecondApprover">Second Approver</div>
<!--table body start, Iterate contact list as a <tr> -->
<aura:iteration items="{!v.acctList}" var="acc">
<c:InlineEditRow singleRec="{!acc}"
frequencySelectionVal = "{!acc.Frequency_Selection__c}"
<aura:if isTrue="{!v.showSaveCancelBtn}">
<lightning:buttonGroup class="slds-m-around_medium">
<lightning:button label="Cancel" />
<lightning:button label="Save" onclick="{!c.handleSaveEdition}" variant="success"/>
fetchAcc : function(component, event, helper) {
helper.fetchAccHelper(component, event, "Name");
sortName : function(component, event, helper) {
component.set("v.selectedTabsoft", "Name");
helper.sortHelper(component, event, "Name");
sortControlNumber : function(component, event, helper) {
component.set("v.selectedTabsoft", "ControlNumber");
helper.sortHelper(component, event, "Control_Number__c");
handleSaveEdition: function (cmp, event, helper) {
var draftValues = cmp.get("v.acctList");
var action = cmp.get("c.updateAccount");
action.setParams({"acc" : draftValues});
action.setCallback(this, function(response) {
helper.fetchAccHelper(cmp, event, "Name");
cmp.set("v.showSaveCancelBtn", false);
fetchAccHelper : function(component, event, sortFieldName) {
var action = component.get("c.fetchAccount");
"parentId" : component.get("v.parentId"),
"sortField": sortFieldName,
"isAsc": component.get("v.isAsc"),
action.setCallback(this, function(response){
var state = response.getState();
if (state === "SUCCESS") {
var records =response.getReturnValue();
record.linkName = '/'+record.Id;
component.set("v.acctList", records);
sortHelper: function (component, event, sortFieldName) {
var currentDir = component.get("v.arrowDirection");
if (currentDir == 'arrowdown') {
component.set("v.arrowDirection", 'arrowup');
component.set("v.isAsc", true);
} else {
component.set("v.arrowDirection", 'arrowdown');
component.set("v.isAsc", false);
this.fetchAccHelper(component, event, sortFieldName);
.THIS .slds-table td th {
white-space:normal; /* wraps larger stuff like textarea and long text*/
.THIS .widthVal {
max-width:100% !important;
Apex Class:
public class DTController{
public static List<FIN_RCSAQ__c> fetchAccounts(String parentId) {
String query = 'SELECT Id, Name, Control_Number__c, Question_Number__c, Risk_Reference__c, Control_Objective__c,';
query += 'Group_Control_Description__c,Assertions__c,Controlled_Elsewhere__c,Controlled_Elsewhere_HFM_Code__c,';
query += 'First_Approver__c,First_Approver__r.Name,Second_Approver__c,Second_Approver__r.Name,';
query += 'Frequency_Selection__c,RCSAQ_Frequency__c,Preparer__r.Name,';
query += 'Control_Clarification__c,Frequency__c,Control_Type__c,System_Report_SAP__c,System_Report_OTC__c,System_Name__c,';
query += 'Excel_File_Name__c,Evidence_of_the_Control__c,Notes_Guidance__c,Preparer__c,Supported_By__c FROM ';
query += 'FIN_RCSAQ__c WHERE Control_Number__c LIKE \'RR%\'';
if(String.isNotBlank(parentId)) query += ' AND FIN_RCSA__c = \'' + parentId + '\'';
List<FIN_RCSAQ__c> accList = Database.query(query);
return accList;
public static List<FIN_RCSAQ__c> fetchAccount(String parentId, String sortField, boolean isAsc, String nameLike) {
String query = 'SELECT Id, Name, Control_Number__c, Question_Number__c, Risk_Reference__c, Control_Objective__c,';
query += 'Group_Control_Description__c,Assertions__c,Controlled_Elsewhere__c,Controlled_Elsewhere_HFM_Code__c,';
query += 'Control_Clarification__c,Frequency__c,Control_Type__c,System_Report_SAP__c,System_Report_OTC__c,System_Name__c,';
query += 'Preparer__r.Name,First_Approver__c,First_Approver__r.Name,Second_Approver__c,Second_Approver__r.Name,';
query += 'Frequency_Selection__c,RCSAQ_Frequency__c,';
query += 'Excel_File_Name__c,Evidence_of_the_Control__c,Notes_Guidance__c,Preparer__c,Supported_By__c FROM ';
query += 'FIN_RCSAQ__c WHERE Control_Number__c LIKE \'' + nameLike + '%\'';
if(String.isNotBlank(parentId)) query += ' AND FIN_RCSA__c = \'' + parentId + '\'';
if (sortField != '') {
query += ' order by ' + sortField;
query += isAsc ? ' asc' : ' desc';
system.debug('The query is ' + query);
return Database.query(query);
public static String getContactName(String conId) {
String conName;
List<Contact> conList = [Select Id,FirstName,LastName from Contact Where Id =: conId];
if(conList.size() > 0)
conName = String.isNotBlank(conList[0].FirstName) ? conList[0].FirstName + ' ' + conList[0].LastName : conList[0].LastName;
return conName;
public static String getUserName(String conId) {
String conName;
List<User> conList = [Select Id,FirstName,LastName from User Where Id =: conId];
if(conList.size() > 0)
conName = String.isNotBlank(conList[0].FirstName) ? conList[0].FirstName + ' ' + conList[0].LastName : conList[0].LastName;
return conName;
public static void updateAccount(List<FIN_RCSAQ__c> acc ){
update acc;
- Jon-Michael Murphey 2
- April 10, 2020
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custom clone button with selected fields on Lightning experience
Hi All,
I am new to salesforce lightning experience, I would like to create a custom clone button with selected fields only on opportunity, does anyone know to do that? Thanks.
I am new to salesforce lightning experience, I would like to create a custom clone button with selected fields only on opportunity, does anyone know to do that? Thanks.
- Betty Liu
- May 11, 2017
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- 0