• deep kaur
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I have found the following error:
Challenge Not yet complete... here's what's wrong:
Some billing state names do not meet data quality standards, or the data import was unsuccessful.
I used the following data standards.
1. Account names should not be in all capital letters.
2. All accounts must have a Type.
3. All Billing States must use the two-letter state abbreviation instead of spelling out the full name
4. Remove the household from the account name.
Please help me. I tried all the possible alternatives but unable to solve this challenge.

I have found the following error:
Challenge Not yet complete... here's what's wrong:
Some billing state names do not meet data quality standards, or the data import was unsuccessful.
I used the following data standards.
1. Account names should not be in all capital letters.
2. All accounts must have a Type.
3. All Billing States must use the two-letter state abbreviation instead of spelling out the full name
4. Remove the household from the account name.
Please help me. I tried all the possible alternatives but unable to solve this challenge.

Challenge Requirements:
Create a flow:
Name: New Lead
Type: Screen Flow
In the flow, add a screen with these required screen fields.
Last Name
Company Name
In the flow, create a lead record.
Use the screen fields to set the lead’s Last Name and Company.
Store the lead’s ID in a Text variable called leadId.
In the flow, add another screen with a Lightning component screen field.
Name the field Upload_File
Choose the forceContent:fileUpload Lightning component.
Use the leadId variable to set the component's Related Record ID attribute.
Activate the New Lead flow.
Create a new Lightning page:
Type: Home page
Label: Process Automation Home
In Process Automation Home, add a Flow component that references the New Lead flow.
Activate the page and set it as the default Home page.

I did all of this and yet it says it cannot detect force content?User-added image
User-added image
I keep getting the following error message, even after trying in 3 new playgrounds: 
Challenge Not yet complete... here's what's wrong: 
Some billing state names do not meet data quality standards, or the data import was unsuccessful.

I followed all of the instructions:
1. Installed unmanaged package in the new playground
2. Added Residential picklist type to Accounts
3. Cleaned up Account list:
a. Removed "Household" from Account name (this wasn't specified, but it didn't seem necessary)
b. Removed duplicate records
c. Changed accounts in ALL CAPS to only cap first letter of first and last name
d. Changed state name to 3 letter State code
e. Saved as .CSV file
4. Imported list using Import Wizard

I received an email confirming the import was successful with 11 rows processed and I see the accounts when I search up accounts in the playground. 

Thanks in advance for any help!
Hello everyone, I've been working on this challenge in the Date Security portion of Trailhead for some time but need some help (See below)

The challenge requires a profile to be created with the following traits:
    Name: Account Reviewer
    Salesforce license type
    Only read access to Account object. (And no access to any other object in the Org)

Understand that I did read the indepth reading before hand and I created a read-only clone profile in the Accounts profile list but am stuck as how to proceed from there. Challenge error states: Challenge not yet complete ... here's what's wrong: The 'Account Reviewer' profile does not work as expected. Please Advise.
There was an unexpected error in your org which is preventing this assessment check from completing: System.DmlException: Delete failed. First exception on row 0 with id 001o000000U6x0kAAB; first error: FIELD_CUSTOM_VALIDATION_EXCEPTION, Cannot delete account with related opportunities. - Can any help me with this?