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Schedule Class code coverage is 0%
I have written a schedule class to update the lead source to web if the lead source is null. I have written test class as well. But code coverage is 0% can anyone help me so that code coverage is 100%
global class LeadMaintanace implements Schedulable{
global void execute(SchedulableContext SC) {
List<Lead> li =[Select Id,Name from Lead where LeadSource = 'null' LIMIT 10];
List<Lead> lu= new List<Lead>();
for(Lead ld:li){
ld.LeadSource = 'Web';
update lu;
test class
public class TestLeadMaintanace {
static void setup(){
List<Lead> li = new List<Lead>();
for(Integer i;i<10;i++){
Lead ld = new Lead(Company = 'Proseraa',LastName ='MN',Status = 'Working - Contacted');
update li;
static testmethod void TestJobSchedule(){
string sch = '0 30 12 2 20 ?';
string jobid=System.Schedule('SchedulableClass',sch, new LeadMaintanace());
List<Lead> li =[Select Id from Lead where LeadSource=null limit 10];
global class LeadMaintanace implements Schedulable{
global void execute(SchedulableContext SC) {
List<Lead> li =[Select Id,Name from Lead where LeadSource = 'null' LIMIT 10];
List<Lead> lu= new List<Lead>();
for(Lead ld:li){
ld.LeadSource = 'Web';
update lu;
test class
public class TestLeadMaintanace {
static void setup(){
List<Lead> li = new List<Lead>();
for(Integer i;i<10;i++){
Lead ld = new Lead(Company = 'Proseraa',LastName ='MN',Status = 'Working - Contacted');
update li;
static testmethod void TestJobSchedule(){
string sch = '0 30 12 2 20 ?';
string jobid=System.Schedule('SchedulableClass',sch, new LeadMaintanace());
List<Lead> li =[Select Id from Lead where LeadSource=null limit 10];
- Shruthi MN 19
- February 20, 2020
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- 0
Bacth test class error
private class Accountupdate {
static void tetslead(){
List<Account> l= new List<Account>();
Account a= new Account();
insert l;
Accountupdate ap= new Accountupdate();
Id jobid= Database.executeBatch(ap);
global class Accountupdate implements Database.Batchable<sObject>
global Database.QueryLocator start(Database.BatchableContext BC)
String query = 'SELECT Id,Name,Phone FROM Account ';
return Database.getQueryLocator(query);
global void execute(Database.BatchableContext BC, List<Account> scope)
for ( Account a : scope)
update scope;
global void finish(Database.BatchableContext BC)
I am getting below error
private class Accountupdate {
static void tetslead(){
List<Account> l= new List<Account>();
Account a= new Account();
insert l;
Accountupdate ap= new Accountupdate();
Id jobid= Database.executeBatch(ap);
global class Accountupdate implements Database.Batchable<sObject>
global Database.QueryLocator start(Database.BatchableContext BC)
String query = 'SELECT Id,Name,Phone FROM Account ';
return Database.getQueryLocator(query);
global void execute(Database.BatchableContext BC, List<Account> scope)
for ( Account a : scope)
update scope;
global void finish(Database.BatchableContext BC)
I am getting below error
- Shruthi MN 19
- February 18, 2020
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- 0
Inline edit error
I have written a code to add all opportunity amount on quota object and display the list of all opportunity
I am getting the above error
Now I have added inline edit for the same on VF page
<apex:page controller="listopponquota" lightningStylesheets="true" action="{!docallouts}">
<apex:form >
<apex:pageBlock rendered="true" >
<apex:pageBlockTable value="{!oppList}" var="v">
<apex:column value="{!v.OwnerId}"/>
<apex:column headerValue="Opportunity Name">
<apex:outputlink value="/{!v.Id}">{!v.Name}</apex:outputlink>
<apex:column value="{!v.CloseDate}"/>
<apex:column value="{!v.StageName}"/>
<apex:column value="{!v.Amount}"/>
<apex:outputField value="{!oppList}">
<apex:inlineEditSupport showOnEdit="saveButton, cancelButton"
hideOnEdit="editButton,deleteButton" event="ondblclick"
changedStyleClass="myBoldClass" resetFunction="resetInlineEdit"/>
- Shruthi MN 19
- February 12, 2020
- Like
- 0
Apex Code To add opportunity amount
I have written the below code to add all amount on quota object I am getting below error

public with sharing class listopponquota {
public list<Opportunity> oppList{get;set;}
public list<quota__c> qutoaList{get;set;}
public set<ID> oppIds = new set<ID>();
public void listopponquota()
String selectedVal ='';
oppList = new list<Opportunity>();
qutoaList = new list<quota__c>();
public pageReference oppList() {
Id qId = (Id) ApexPages.currentPage().getParameters().get('id');
List<quota__c> quotaList1 = new List<quota__c>();
List<Opportunity> oppList1 = new List<Opportunity>();
quotaList1 =[select Id, Name,Start_Date__c,End_Date__c,Assign_to_User__c,Actual_Amount__c, OwnerId from quota__c where Id =: qId Limit 1];
oppList1 = [Select Id, Name, CloseDate, StageName,OwnerId,Amount From Opportunity where StageName = 'Closed Won'];
if(quotaList1.size() > 0){
for(quota__c q : quotaList1){
for(Opportunity opp : oppList1){
if(opp.CloseDate >= q.Start_Date__c && opp.CloseDate <= q.End_Date__c && q.Assign_to_User__c == q.OwnerId){
for(aggregateresult ag : [SELECT SUM(Amount) sum FROM Opportunity where ID =:oppIds]){
for(quota__c q : quotaList1){
if(q.Actual_Amount__c != double.valueof(ag.get('SUM'))){
q.Actual_Amount__c = double.valueof(ag.get('SUM'));
return null;
public void doCallout(){
update qutoaList;
public with sharing class listopponquota {
public list<Opportunity> oppList{get;set;}
public list<quota__c> qutoaList{get;set;}
public set<ID> oppIds = new set<ID>();
public void listopponquota()
String selectedVal ='';
oppList = new list<Opportunity>();
qutoaList = new list<quota__c>();
public pageReference oppList() {
Id qId = (Id) ApexPages.currentPage().getParameters().get('id');
List<quota__c> quotaList1 = new List<quota__c>();
List<Opportunity> oppList1 = new List<Opportunity>();
quotaList1 =[select Id, Name,Start_Date__c,End_Date__c,Assign_to_User__c,Actual_Amount__c, OwnerId from quota__c where Id =: qId Limit 1];
oppList1 = [Select Id, Name, CloseDate, StageName,OwnerId,Amount From Opportunity where StageName = 'Closed Won'];
if(quotaList1.size() > 0){
for(quota__c q : quotaList1){
for(Opportunity opp : oppList1){
if(opp.CloseDate >= q.Start_Date__c && opp.CloseDate <= q.End_Date__c && q.Assign_to_User__c == q.OwnerId){
for(aggregateresult ag : [SELECT SUM(Amount) sum FROM Opportunity where ID =:oppIds]){
for(quota__c q : quotaList1){
if(q.Actual_Amount__c != double.valueof(ag.get('SUM'))){
q.Actual_Amount__c = double.valueof(ag.get('SUM'));
return null;
public void doCallout(){
update qutoaList;
- Shruthi MN 19
- February 12, 2020
- Like
- 0
Code ato all opp amount
I have written the below code to update bulk records to add all opportunity amount on quota object. Since it is a bulk record I have used asynchronous bulk update records.
public with sharing class listopponquota {
public list<Opportunity> oppList{get;set;}
public list<quota__c> qutoaList{get;set;}
public set<ID> oppIds = new set<ID>();
public void listopponquota()
String selectedVal ='';
oppList = new list<Opportunity>();
qutoaList = new list<quota__c>();
public pageReference oppList() {
Id qId = (Id) ApexPages.currentPage().getParameters().get('id');
List<quota__c> quotaList1 = new List<quota__c>();
List<Opportunity> oppList1 = new List<Opportunity>();
quotaList1 =[select Id, Name,Start_Date__c,End_Date__c,Assign_to_User__c,Actual_Amount__c, OwnerId from quota__c where Id =: qId Limit 1];
oppList1 = [Select Id, Name, CloseDate, StageName,OwnerId,Amount From Opportunity where StageName = 'Closed Won'];
if(quotaList1.size() > 0){
for(quota__c q : quotaList1){
for(Opportunity opp : oppList1){
if(opp.CloseDate >= q.Start_Date__c && opp.CloseDate <= q.End_Date__c && q.Assign_to_User__c == q.OwnerId){
for(aggregateresult ag : [SELECT SUM(Amount) sum FROM Opportunity where ID =:oppIds]){
for(quota__c q : quotaList1){
if(q.Actual_Amount__c != double.valueof(ag.get('SUM'))){
q.Actual_Amount__c = double.valueof(ag.get('SUM'));
return null;
public class FutureClassLimitsTest {
public static void docallouts(){
update qutoaList;
public with sharing class listopponquota {
public list<Opportunity> oppList{get;set;}
public list<quota__c> qutoaList{get;set;}
public set<ID> oppIds = new set<ID>();
public void listopponquota()
String selectedVal ='';
oppList = new list<Opportunity>();
qutoaList = new list<quota__c>();
public pageReference oppList() {
Id qId = (Id) ApexPages.currentPage().getParameters().get('id');
List<quota__c> quotaList1 = new List<quota__c>();
List<Opportunity> oppList1 = new List<Opportunity>();
quotaList1 =[select Id, Name,Start_Date__c,End_Date__c,Assign_to_User__c,Actual_Amount__c, OwnerId from quota__c where Id =: qId Limit 1];
oppList1 = [Select Id, Name, CloseDate, StageName,OwnerId,Amount From Opportunity where StageName = 'Closed Won'];
if(quotaList1.size() > 0){
for(quota__c q : quotaList1){
for(Opportunity opp : oppList1){
if(opp.CloseDate >= q.Start_Date__c && opp.CloseDate <= q.End_Date__c && q.Assign_to_User__c == q.OwnerId){
for(aggregateresult ag : [SELECT SUM(Amount) sum FROM Opportunity where ID =:oppIds]){
for(quota__c q : quotaList1){
if(q.Actual_Amount__c != double.valueof(ag.get('SUM'))){
q.Actual_Amount__c = double.valueof(ag.get('SUM'));
return null;
public class FutureClassLimitsTest {
public static void docallouts(){
update qutoaList;
- Shruthi MN 19
- February 12, 2020
- Like
- 0
To update all opportunity amount on quota
I have written a VF code to display all opportunity amount on quota amount feild but I am getting the below error
public with sharing class listopponquota {
public list<Opportunity> oppList{get;set;}
public list<quota__c> qutoaList{get;set;}
public set<ID> oppIds = new set<ID>();
public class listopponquota implements Queueable, Database.AllowsCallouts {
public void execute(QueueableContext context) {
public listopponquota()
String selectedVal ='';
oppList = new list<Opportunity>();
qutoaList = new list<quota__c>();
public pageReference oppList() {
Id qId = (Id) ApexPages.currentPage().getParameters().get('id');
List<quota__c> quotaList1 = new List<quota__c>();
List<Opportunity> oppList1 = new List<Opportunity>();
quotaList1 =[select Id, Name,Start_Date__c,End_Date__c,Assign_to_User__c,Actual_Amount__c, OwnerId from quota__c where Id =: qId Limit 1];
oppList1 = [Select Id, Name, CloseDate, StageName,OwnerId,Amount From Opportunity where StageName = 'Closed Won'];
if(quotaList1.size() > 0){
for(quota__c q : quotaList1){
for(Opportunity opp : oppList1){
if(opp.CloseDate >= q.Start_Date__c && opp.CloseDate <= q.End_Date__c && q.Assign_to_User__c == q.OwnerId){
for(aggregateresult ag : [SELECT SUM(Amount) sum FROM Opportunity where ID =:oppIds]){
for(quota__c q : quotaList1){
if(q.Actual_Amount__c != double.valueof(ag.get('SUM'))){
q.Actual_Amount__c = double.valueof(ag.get('SUM'));
return null;
public void doCallout(){
update qutoaList;
<apex:page controller="listopponquota" lightningStylesheets="true" action="{!doCallout}">
<apex:form >
<apex:pageBlock rendered="true" >
<apex:pageBlockTable value="{!oppList}" var="v">
<apex:column value="{!v.OwnerId}"/>
<apex:column headerValue="Opportunity Name">
<apex:outputlink value="/{!v.Id}">{!v.Name}</apex:outputlink>
<apex:column value="{!v.CloseDate}"/>
<apex:column value="{!v.StageName}"/>
<apex:column value="{!v.Amount}"/>
public with sharing class listopponquota {
public list<Opportunity> oppList{get;set;}
public list<quota__c> qutoaList{get;set;}
public set<ID> oppIds = new set<ID>();
public class listopponquota implements Queueable, Database.AllowsCallouts {
public void execute(QueueableContext context) {
public listopponquota()
String selectedVal ='';
oppList = new list<Opportunity>();
qutoaList = new list<quota__c>();
public pageReference oppList() {
Id qId = (Id) ApexPages.currentPage().getParameters().get('id');
List<quota__c> quotaList1 = new List<quota__c>();
List<Opportunity> oppList1 = new List<Opportunity>();
quotaList1 =[select Id, Name,Start_Date__c,End_Date__c,Assign_to_User__c,Actual_Amount__c, OwnerId from quota__c where Id =: qId Limit 1];
oppList1 = [Select Id, Name, CloseDate, StageName,OwnerId,Amount From Opportunity where StageName = 'Closed Won'];
if(quotaList1.size() > 0){
for(quota__c q : quotaList1){
for(Opportunity opp : oppList1){
if(opp.CloseDate >= q.Start_Date__c && opp.CloseDate <= q.End_Date__c && q.Assign_to_User__c == q.OwnerId){
for(aggregateresult ag : [SELECT SUM(Amount) sum FROM Opportunity where ID =:oppIds]){
for(quota__c q : quotaList1){
if(q.Actual_Amount__c != double.valueof(ag.get('SUM'))){
q.Actual_Amount__c = double.valueof(ag.get('SUM'));
return null;
public void doCallout(){
update qutoaList;
<apex:page controller="listopponquota" lightningStylesheets="true" action="{!doCallout}">
<apex:form >
<apex:pageBlock rendered="true" >
<apex:pageBlockTable value="{!oppList}" var="v">
<apex:column value="{!v.OwnerId}"/>
<apex:column headerValue="Opportunity Name">
<apex:outputlink value="/{!v.Id}">{!v.Name}</apex:outputlink>
<apex:column value="{!v.CloseDate}"/>
<apex:column value="{!v.StageName}"/>
<apex:column value="{!v.Amount}"/>
- Shruthi MN 19
- February 12, 2020
- Like
- 0
Test class to add all opp amount
I have written a test class to add all amount on quota which lies between start and end date of quota
I am getting below error

Test class
public class Test_listopponquota {
static testMethod void listopponquota(){
Quota__c a = new Quota__c(Name = 'Test');
a.Assign_to_User__c = 'Shruthi MN';
a.Start_Date__c = date.today();
a.Start_Date__c = date.today() + 12;
insert a;
Opportunity o = new Opportunity();
o.name = 'Test';
o.StageName = 'Closed Won';
o.CloseDate = date.today();
o.Type = 'New Customers';
insert o;
public with sharing class listopponquota {
public list<Opportunity> oppList{get;set;}
public list<quota__c> qutoaList{get;set;}
public set<ID> oppIds = new set<ID>();
public listopponquota()
String selectedVal ='';
oppList = new list<Opportunity>();
qutoaList = new list<quota__c>();
public pageReference oppList() {
Id qId = (Id) ApexPages.currentPage().getParameters().get('id');
List<quota__c> quotaList1 = new List<quota__c>();
List<Opportunity> oppList1 = new List<Opportunity>();
quotaList1 =[select Id, Name,Start_Date__c,End_Date__c,Assign_to_User__c,Actual_Amount__c, OwnerId from quota__c where Id =: qId Limit 1];
oppList1 = [Select Id, Name, CloseDate, StageName,OwnerId,Amount From Opportunity where StageName = 'Closed Won'];
if(quotaList1.size() > 0){
for(quota__c q : quotaList1){
for(Opportunity opp : oppList1){
if(opp.CloseDate >= q.Start_Date__c && opp.CloseDate <= q.End_Date__c && q.Assign_to_User__c == q.OwnerId){
for(aggregateresult ag : [SELECT SUM(Amount) sum FROM Opportunity where ID =:oppIds]){
for(quota__c q : quotaList1){
if(q.Actual_Amount__c != double.valueof(ag.get('SUM'))){
q.Actual_Amount__c = double.valueof(ag.get('SUM'));
return null;
public void doCallout(){
update qutoaList;
<apex:page controller="listopponquota" lightningStylesheets="true" action="{!doCallout}">
<apex:form >
<apex:pageBlock rendered="true" >
<apex:pageBlockTable value="{!oppList}" var="v">
<apex:column value="{!v.OwnerId}"/>
<apex:column headerValue="Opportunity Name">
<apex:outputlink value="/{!v.Id}">{!v.Name}</apex:outputlink>
<apex:column value="{!v.CloseDate}"/>
<apex:column value="{!v.StageName}"/>
<apex:column value="{!v.Amount}"/>
I am getting below error
Test class
public class Test_listopponquota {
static testMethod void listopponquota(){
Quota__c a = new Quota__c(Name = 'Test');
a.Assign_to_User__c = 'Shruthi MN';
a.Start_Date__c = date.today();
a.Start_Date__c = date.today() + 12;
insert a;
Opportunity o = new Opportunity();
o.name = 'Test';
o.StageName = 'Closed Won';
o.CloseDate = date.today();
o.Type = 'New Customers';
insert o;
public with sharing class listopponquota {
public list<Opportunity> oppList{get;set;}
public list<quota__c> qutoaList{get;set;}
public set<ID> oppIds = new set<ID>();
public listopponquota()
String selectedVal ='';
oppList = new list<Opportunity>();
qutoaList = new list<quota__c>();
public pageReference oppList() {
Id qId = (Id) ApexPages.currentPage().getParameters().get('id');
List<quota__c> quotaList1 = new List<quota__c>();
List<Opportunity> oppList1 = new List<Opportunity>();
quotaList1 =[select Id, Name,Start_Date__c,End_Date__c,Assign_to_User__c,Actual_Amount__c, OwnerId from quota__c where Id =: qId Limit 1];
oppList1 = [Select Id, Name, CloseDate, StageName,OwnerId,Amount From Opportunity where StageName = 'Closed Won'];
if(quotaList1.size() > 0){
for(quota__c q : quotaList1){
for(Opportunity opp : oppList1){
if(opp.CloseDate >= q.Start_Date__c && opp.CloseDate <= q.End_Date__c && q.Assign_to_User__c == q.OwnerId){
for(aggregateresult ag : [SELECT SUM(Amount) sum FROM Opportunity where ID =:oppIds]){
for(quota__c q : quotaList1){
if(q.Actual_Amount__c != double.valueof(ag.get('SUM'))){
q.Actual_Amount__c = double.valueof(ag.get('SUM'));
return null;
public void doCallout(){
update qutoaList;
<apex:page controller="listopponquota" lightningStylesheets="true" action="{!doCallout}">
<apex:form >
<apex:pageBlock rendered="true" >
<apex:pageBlockTable value="{!oppList}" var="v">
<apex:column value="{!v.OwnerId}"/>
<apex:column headerValue="Opportunity Name">
<apex:outputlink value="/{!v.Id}">{!v.Name}</apex:outputlink>
<apex:column value="{!v.CloseDate}"/>
<apex:column value="{!v.StageName}"/>
<apex:column value="{!v.Amount}"/>
- Shruthi MN 19
- February 12, 2020
- Like
- 0
Test class to display opp list
Can anyone provide Test class for following use Case.
Consider all positive negative and bulk test case
Use case ::
Collection of Closed Won Opportunities
1. I have created a custom quota object
2. Create a VF page to display all the Closed won opportunities in the org Only if
1)The opportunitys cloased date lies between start and end date of quota
2)The User which is dispalyed in the assed to user should be the same as the owner
3) The record type is BDM
I have written the below test class for the same. I do not know how to write the logic can anyone help me with the same
Apex class
public with sharing class listopponquota {
public list<Opportunity> oppList{get;set;}
public listopponquota()
String selectedVal ='';
oppList = new list<Opportunity>();
public pageReference oppList() {
Id qId = (Id) ApexPages.currentPage().getParameters().get('id');
List<quota__c> quotaList1 = new List<quota__c>();
List<Opportunity> oppList1 = new List<Opportunity>();
quotaList1 =[select Id, Name,Start_Date__c,End_Date__c,Assign_to_User__c, OwnerId from quota__c where Id =: qId Limit 1];
oppList1 = [Select Id, Name, CloseDate, StageName,OwnerId,Amount From Opportunity where StageName = 'Closed Won'];
if(quotaList1.size() > 0){
for(quota__c q : quotaList1){
for(Opportunity opp : oppList1){
if(opp.CloseDate >= q.Start_Date__c && opp.CloseDate <= q.End_Date__c && q.Assign_to_User__c == q.OwnerId){
return null;
Vf page
<apex:page controller="listopponquota" lightningStylesheets="true" >
<apex:form >
<apex:pageBlock rendered="true" >
<apex:pageBlockTable value="{!oppList}" var="v">
<apex:column value="{!v.OwnerId}"/>
<apex:column headerValue="Opportunity Name">
<apex:outputlink value="/{!v.Id}">{!v.Name}</apex:outputlink>
<apex:column value="{!v.CloseDate}"/>
<apex:column value="{!v.StageName}"/>
<apex:column value="{!v.Amount}"/>
Test class
private class testclassquotaVfpage{
static testMethod void listopponquota(){
Quota__c op = new Quota__c ();
op.Name = 'test_shruthi';
op.Start_Date__c = Date.newInstance(2020,02,06);
op.End_Date__c = Date.newInstance(2020,02,19);
insert op;
Opportunity opp = new Opportunity(Name='test opp', StageName='stage', Probability = 95, CloseDate=system.today());
Opportunity opp = new Opportunity();
opp.Name = 'test_shruthi';
opp.type = 'New Customer';
opp.CloseDate = system.today();
opp.StageName ='Closed Won';
// add all required fields here
insert opp;
Database.executeBatch(new ContactWithClosedWonOpportunities());
Consider all positive negative and bulk test case
Use case ::
Collection of Closed Won Opportunities
1. I have created a custom quota object
2. Create a VF page to display all the Closed won opportunities in the org Only if
1)The opportunitys cloased date lies between start and end date of quota
2)The User which is dispalyed in the assed to user should be the same as the owner
3) The record type is BDM
I have written the below test class for the same. I do not know how to write the logic can anyone help me with the same
Apex class
public with sharing class listopponquota {
public list<Opportunity> oppList{get;set;}
public listopponquota()
String selectedVal ='';
oppList = new list<Opportunity>();
public pageReference oppList() {
Id qId = (Id) ApexPages.currentPage().getParameters().get('id');
List<quota__c> quotaList1 = new List<quota__c>();
List<Opportunity> oppList1 = new List<Opportunity>();
quotaList1 =[select Id, Name,Start_Date__c,End_Date__c,Assign_to_User__c, OwnerId from quota__c where Id =: qId Limit 1];
oppList1 = [Select Id, Name, CloseDate, StageName,OwnerId,Amount From Opportunity where StageName = 'Closed Won'];
if(quotaList1.size() > 0){
for(quota__c q : quotaList1){
for(Opportunity opp : oppList1){
if(opp.CloseDate >= q.Start_Date__c && opp.CloseDate <= q.End_Date__c && q.Assign_to_User__c == q.OwnerId){
return null;
Vf page
<apex:page controller="listopponquota" lightningStylesheets="true" >
<apex:form >
<apex:pageBlock rendered="true" >
<apex:pageBlockTable value="{!oppList}" var="v">
<apex:column value="{!v.OwnerId}"/>
<apex:column headerValue="Opportunity Name">
<apex:outputlink value="/{!v.Id}">{!v.Name}</apex:outputlink>
<apex:column value="{!v.CloseDate}"/>
<apex:column value="{!v.StageName}"/>
<apex:column value="{!v.Amount}"/>
Test class
private class testclassquotaVfpage{
static testMethod void listopponquota(){
Quota__c op = new Quota__c ();
op.Name = 'test_shruthi';
op.Start_Date__c = Date.newInstance(2020,02,06);
op.End_Date__c = Date.newInstance(2020,02,19);
insert op;
Opportunity opp = new Opportunity(Name='test opp', StageName='stage', Probability = 95, CloseDate=system.today());
Opportunity opp = new Opportunity();
opp.Name = 'test_shruthi';
opp.type = 'New Customer';
opp.CloseDate = system.today();
opp.StageName ='Closed Won';
// add all required fields here
insert opp;
Database.executeBatch(new ContactWithClosedWonOpportunities());
- Shruthi MN 19
- February 10, 2020
- Like
- 0
Error!! I am getting error for searching with single letter
Can anyone help me fix the code I am getting the below error
search term must be longer than one character: s
Error is in expression '{!runQuery}' in component <apex:commandButton> in page productsearchpopupcontroller: Class.ProductSearchPopupController.runQuery: line 63, column 1
An unexpected error has occurred. Your development organization has been notified.
global class ProductSearchPopupController {
public String query {get; set;}
public List<PricebookEntry__c> products {get; set;}
public List<wrapProduct> wrapProductList {get; set;}
public List<PricebookEntry__c> selectedProduct{get;set;}
public List<QuoteLineitem__c> quoteLineList{get;set;}
public List<wrapProduct> selectedWrapperList{get;set;}
public Boolean normalList{get;set;}
public Boolean selectedList{get;set;}
public Boolean block{get;set;}
public Boolean block1{get;set;}
public Boolean block2{get;set;}
public String SalesPrice {get; set;}
public integer Discount {get; set;}
public String Quantity {get; set;}
public String ServiceDate {get; set;}
Id recordId;
public ProductSearchPopupController(ApexPages.StandardController controller){
recordId = controller.getId();
system.debug('recordId '+recordId);
wrapProductList = new List<wrapProduct>();
selectedWrapperList = new List<wrapProduct>();
normalList = true;
selectedList = false;
block = true;
block1 = false;
block2 = false;
public PageReference runQuery1(){
List<PricebookEntry__c> searchResults=[select id, Name, ProductCode__c, Product2Id__r.Product_Description__c,UnitPrice__c, UseStandardPrice__c from PricebookEntry__c];
if(searchResults.size() >= 0){
for(PricebookEntry__c a: searchResults) {
// As each Account is processed we create a new wrapAccount object and add it to the wrapAccountList
wrapProductList.add(new wrapProduct(a));
block = true;
block1 = true;
block2 = false;
return null;
public PageReference runQuery(){
wrapProductList = new List<wrapProduct>();
if(query == null || query == ''){
system.debug('query '+query);
ApexPages.addmessage(new ApexPages.message(ApexPages.severity.Info,'Please enter Product to search for'));
system.debug('query '+query);
List<List<PricebookEntry__c>> searchResults=[FIND :query IN ALL FIELDS RETURNING PricebookEntry__c (id, Name, ProductCode__c, Product2Id__r.Product_Description__c,UnitPrice__c, UseStandardPrice__c)];
for(PricebookEntry__c a: searchResults[0]) {
// As each Account is processed we create a new wrapAccount object and add it to the wrapAccountList
wrapProductList.add(new wrapProduct(a));
block = true;
block1 = true;
block2 = false;
return null;
public PageReference ProceedWithSelectedToNextPage(){
selectedWrapperList = new List<wrapProduct>();
normalList = false;
selectedList = true;
for(wrapProduct selectedWrapObj: wrapProductList){
system.debug('selectedWrapObj.selected ---------'+selectedWrapObj.selected);
if(selectedWrapObj.selected == true)
system.debug('selectedWrapperList size ---------'+selectedWrapperList.size());
PageReference pageRef = new PageReference('/apex/AccountOpportunityTwoPage');
return pageRef;
public void processSelected() {
selectedProduct = new List<PricebookEntry__c>();
for(wrapProduct wrapProductObj : wrapProductList) {
if(wrapProductObj.selected == true) {
block = false;
block1 = false;
block2 = true;
public void GoBack() {
block = true;
block1 = true;
block2 = false;
global class wrapProduct{
public PricebookEntry__c acc {get;set;}
public Boolean selected {get;set;}
public wrapProduct(PricebookEntry__c p) {
this.acc = p;
this.selected = false;
public pagereference saveproduct(){
List<QuoteLineitem__c> quoteLineList = new List<QuoteLineitem__c>();
for(PricebookEntry__c sp:selectedProduct){
system.debug('sp '+sp);
QuoteLineitem__c qli = new QuoteLineitem__c();
qli.QuotesId__c = recordId;
qli.ListPrice__c = sp.UnitPrice__c;
qli.UnitPrice__c = sp.UnitPrice__c;
qli.Product2Id__c = sp.Product2Id__c;
if(Discount!=0 || Discount!=null){
qli.Discount__c = Discount;
qli.Quantity__c = Decimal.valueof(Quantity);
if(quoteLineList.size() > 0){
insert quoteLineList;
PageReference pageRef = new PageReference('https://proseraa.lightning.force.com/lightning/r/Quotes__c/'+recordId+'/view');
return pageRef;
return null;
public void insertTestData(){
Product2__c testProduct = new Product2__c();
testProduct.Name='Test product';
insert testProduct;
PricebookEntry__c testpbe = new PricebookEntry__c();
testpbe.Name='Test PriceBookEntry';
testpbe.UnitPrice__c =123;
insert testpbe;
search term must be longer than one character: s
Error is in expression '{!runQuery}' in component <apex:commandButton> in page productsearchpopupcontroller: Class.ProductSearchPopupController.runQuery: line 63, column 1
An unexpected error has occurred. Your development organization has been notified.
global class ProductSearchPopupController {
public String query {get; set;}
public List<PricebookEntry__c> products {get; set;}
public List<wrapProduct> wrapProductList {get; set;}
public List<PricebookEntry__c> selectedProduct{get;set;}
public List<QuoteLineitem__c> quoteLineList{get;set;}
public List<wrapProduct> selectedWrapperList{get;set;}
public Boolean normalList{get;set;}
public Boolean selectedList{get;set;}
public Boolean block{get;set;}
public Boolean block1{get;set;}
public Boolean block2{get;set;}
public String SalesPrice {get; set;}
public integer Discount {get; set;}
public String Quantity {get; set;}
public String ServiceDate {get; set;}
Id recordId;
public ProductSearchPopupController(ApexPages.StandardController controller){
recordId = controller.getId();
system.debug('recordId '+recordId);
wrapProductList = new List<wrapProduct>();
selectedWrapperList = new List<wrapProduct>();
normalList = true;
selectedList = false;
block = true;
block1 = false;
block2 = false;
public PageReference runQuery1(){
List<PricebookEntry__c> searchResults=[select id, Name, ProductCode__c, Product2Id__r.Product_Description__c,UnitPrice__c, UseStandardPrice__c from PricebookEntry__c];
if(searchResults.size() >= 0){
for(PricebookEntry__c a: searchResults) {
// As each Account is processed we create a new wrapAccount object and add it to the wrapAccountList
wrapProductList.add(new wrapProduct(a));
block = true;
block1 = true;
block2 = false;
return null;
public PageReference runQuery(){
wrapProductList = new List<wrapProduct>();
if(query == null || query == ''){
system.debug('query '+query);
ApexPages.addmessage(new ApexPages.message(ApexPages.severity.Info,'Please enter Product to search for'));
system.debug('query '+query);
List<List<PricebookEntry__c>> searchResults=[FIND :query IN ALL FIELDS RETURNING PricebookEntry__c (id, Name, ProductCode__c, Product2Id__r.Product_Description__c,UnitPrice__c, UseStandardPrice__c)];
for(PricebookEntry__c a: searchResults[0]) {
// As each Account is processed we create a new wrapAccount object and add it to the wrapAccountList
wrapProductList.add(new wrapProduct(a));
block = true;
block1 = true;
block2 = false;
return null;
public PageReference ProceedWithSelectedToNextPage(){
selectedWrapperList = new List<wrapProduct>();
normalList = false;
selectedList = true;
for(wrapProduct selectedWrapObj: wrapProductList){
system.debug('selectedWrapObj.selected ---------'+selectedWrapObj.selected);
if(selectedWrapObj.selected == true)
system.debug('selectedWrapperList size ---------'+selectedWrapperList.size());
PageReference pageRef = new PageReference('/apex/AccountOpportunityTwoPage');
return pageRef;
public void processSelected() {
selectedProduct = new List<PricebookEntry__c>();
for(wrapProduct wrapProductObj : wrapProductList) {
if(wrapProductObj.selected == true) {
block = false;
block1 = false;
block2 = true;
public void GoBack() {
block = true;
block1 = true;
block2 = false;
global class wrapProduct{
public PricebookEntry__c acc {get;set;}
public Boolean selected {get;set;}
public wrapProduct(PricebookEntry__c p) {
this.acc = p;
this.selected = false;
public pagereference saveproduct(){
List<QuoteLineitem__c> quoteLineList = new List<QuoteLineitem__c>();
for(PricebookEntry__c sp:selectedProduct){
system.debug('sp '+sp);
QuoteLineitem__c qli = new QuoteLineitem__c();
qli.QuotesId__c = recordId;
qli.ListPrice__c = sp.UnitPrice__c;
qli.UnitPrice__c = sp.UnitPrice__c;
qli.Product2Id__c = sp.Product2Id__c;
if(Discount!=0 || Discount!=null){
qli.Discount__c = Discount;
qli.Quantity__c = Decimal.valueof(Quantity);
if(quoteLineList.size() > 0){
insert quoteLineList;
PageReference pageRef = new PageReference('https://proseraa.lightning.force.com/lightning/r/Quotes__c/'+recordId+'/view');
return pageRef;
return null;
public void insertTestData(){
Product2__c testProduct = new Product2__c();
testProduct.Name='Test product';
insert testProduct;
PricebookEntry__c testpbe = new PricebookEntry__c();
testpbe.Name='Test PriceBookEntry';
testpbe.UnitPrice__c =123;
insert testpbe;
- Shruthi MN 19
- December 04, 2019
- Like
- 0
Can anyone correct the code
I written a code to add products on quoteline items. I want to display error message when a single letter is added. Can anyone correct the code.
'search term must be longer than one character: s'.
global class ProductSearchPopupController {
public String query {get; set;}
public List<PricebookEntry__c> products {get; set;}
public List<wrapProduct> wrapProductList {get; set;}
public List<PricebookEntry__c> selectedProduct{get;set;}
public List<QuoteLineitem__c> quoteLineList{get;set;}
public List<wrapProduct> selectedWrapperList{get;set;}
public Boolean normalList{get;set;}
public Boolean selectedList{get;set;}
public Boolean block{get;set;}
public Boolean block1{get;set;}
public Boolean block2{get;set;}
public String SalesPrice {get; set;}
public integer Discount {get; set;}
public String Quantity {get; set;}
public String ServiceDate {get; set;}
Id recordId;
public ProductSearchPopupController(ApexPages.StandardController controller){
recordId = controller.getId();
system.debug('recordId '+recordId);
wrapProductList = new List<wrapProduct>();
selectedWrapperList = new List<wrapProduct>();
normalList = true;
selectedList = false;
block = true;
block1 = false;
block2 = false;
public PageReference runQuery1(){
List<PricebookEntry__c> searchResults=[select id, Name, ProductCode__c, Product2Id__r.Product_Description__c,UnitPrice__c, UseStandardPrice__c from PricebookEntry__c];
if(searchResults.size()>= 0 ){
for(PricebookEntry__c a: searchResults) {
// As each Account is processed we create a new wrapAccount object and add it to the wrapAccountList
wrapProductList.add(new wrapProduct(a));
block = true;
block1 = true;
block2 = false;
return null;
public PageReference runQuery(){
wrapProductList = new List<wrapProduct>();
if(query == null || query == ''){
system.debug('query '+query);
ApexPages.addmessage(new ApexPages.message(ApexPages.severity.Info,'Please enter Product to search for'));
else if (searchText.length()<2)
Apexpages.addMessage(new Apexpages.Message(ApexPages.severity.INFO, 'Input box must contain at least two characters'));
system.debug('query '+query);
List<List<PricebookEntry__c>> searchResults=[FIND :query IN ALL FIELDS RETURNING PricebookEntry__c (id, Name, ProductCode__c, Product2Id__r.Product_Description__c,UnitPrice__c, UseStandardPrice__c)];
for(PricebookEntry__c a: searchResults[0]) {
// As each Account is processed we create a new wrapAccount object and add it to the wrapAccountList
wrapProductList.add(new wrapProduct(a));
block = true;
block1 = true;
block2 = false;
return null;
public PageReference ProceedWithSelectedToNextPage(){
selectedWrapperList = new List<wrapProduct>();
normalList = false;
selectedList = true;
for(wrapProduct selectedWrapObj: wrapProductList){
system.debug('selectedWrapObj.selected ---------'+selectedWrapObj.selected);
if(selectedWrapObj.selected == true)
system.debug('selectedWrapperList size ---------'+selectedWrapperList.size());
PageReference pageRef = new PageReference('/apex/AccountOpportunityTwoPage');
return pageRef;
public void processSelected() {
selectedProduct = new List<PricebookEntry__c>();
for(wrapProduct wrapProductObj : wrapProductList) {
if(wrapProductObj.selected == true) {
block = false;
block1 = false;
block2 = true;
public void GoBack() {
block = true;
block1 = true;
block2 = false;
global class wrapProduct{
public PricebookEntry__c acc {get;set;}
public Boolean selected {get;set;}
public wrapProduct(PricebookEntry__c p) {
this.acc = p;
this.selected = false;
public pagereference saveproduct(){
List<QuoteLineitem__c> quoteLineList = new List<QuoteLineitem__c>();
for(PricebookEntry__c sp:selectedProduct){
system.debug('sp '+sp);
QuoteLineitem__c qli = new QuoteLineitem__c();
qli.QuotesId__c = recordId;
qli.ListPrice__c = sp.UnitPrice__c;
qli.UnitPrice__c = sp.UnitPrice__c;
qli.Product2Id__c = sp.Product2Id__c;
if(Discount!=0 || Discount!=null){
qli.Discount__c = Discount;
qli.Quantity__c = Decimal.valueof(Quantity);
if(quoteLineList.size() > 0){
insert quoteLineList;
PageReference pageRef = new PageReference('https://proseraa.lightning.force.com/lightning/r/Quotes__c/'+recordId+'/view');
return pageRef;
return null;
public void insertTestData(){
Product2__c testProduct = new Product2__c();
testProduct.Name='Test product';
insert testProduct;
PricebookEntry__c testpbe = new PricebookEntry__c();
testpbe.Name='Test PriceBookEntry';
testpbe.UnitPrice__c =123;
insert testpbe;
<apex:page standardController="Quotes__c" extensions="ProductSearchPopupController" showHeader="false" sidebar="false" lightningStylesheets="true">
<apex:form id="form" >
<apex:pageMessages ></apex:pageMessages>
<div style="width 100%">
<apex:pageBlock title="Add Products" id="block" rendered="{!block}">
<div align="center" >
<apex:pageBlockSection columns="1" id="section" >
Enter the product to be added and select Go<br/>
<apex:inputText value="{!query}" id="query" style="width: 1200px; height: 40px;"/>
<apex:commandButton value="Go" action="{!runQuery}" style="align: right:100px;border-style:solid;
color:white; position:relative;background-color:rgba(13, 112, 165, 1);"/>
<apex:commandButton value="Cancel" action="{!cancel}" style="float: centre:200px ;border-style:solid;
color:rgb(21, 137, 238); background-color:white;" />
<apex:pageBlock id="block1" rendered="{!block1}" >
<apex:pageBlockSection columns="1">
<apex:pageBlockTable value="{!wrapProductList}" var="accWrap">
<apex:column >
<apex:facet name="header">
<apex:inputCheckbox onclick="selectAllCheckboxes(this,'inputId')"/>
<apex:inputCheckbox value="{!accWrap.selected}" id="inputId"/>
<apex:column headerValue="Name">
<apex:outputLink value="#">{!accWrap.acc.Name}</apex:outputLink>
<apex:column headerValue="Product Code">
<apex:outputText value="{!accWrap.acc.ProductCode__c}" />
<apex:column headerValue="Product Description">
<apex:outputText value="{!accWrap.acc.Product2Id__r.Product_Description__c}" />
<apex:column headerValue="Unit Price">
<apex:outputText value="{!accWrap.acc.UnitPrice__c}" />
<apex:column headerValue="Standard Price">
<apex:outputText value="{!accWrap.acc.UseStandardPrice__c}" />
<apex:commandButton value="Next" action="{!processSelected}" style="float: right;border-style:solid;
color:white; background-color:rgba(13, 112, 165, 1);align-items: right;justify-content:right;"/>
<apex:pageBlock id="block2" rendered="{!block2}" >
<apex:pageblockSection title="All Products" collapsible="false" columns="3">
<apex:pageBlockTable value="{!selectedProduct}" var="c" id="table2" title="Selected Products">
<apex:column value="{!c.Name}" headerValue="Product Name"/>
<apex:column headerValue="Sales Price">
<apex:inputText value="{!c.UnitPrice__c}" id="UnitPrice" />
<apex:column headerValue="Discount">
<apex:inputText value="{!discount}" id="discount" />
<apex:column headerValue="Quantity">
<apex:inputText value="{!quantity}" id="quantity" />
<apex:commandButton action="{!GoBack}" value="Back" style="border-style:solid;
color:white; background-color:rgba(13, 112, 165, 1);"/>
<apex:commandButton action="{!saveproduct}" value="Save" style="float: right;border-style:solid;
color:white; background-color:rgba(13, 112, 165, 1);"/>
<apex:commandButton value="Cancel" action="{!cancel}" style="float: right;border-style:solid;
color:rgb(21, 137, 238); background-color:white;"/>
'search term must be longer than one character: s'.
global class ProductSearchPopupController {
public String query {get; set;}
public List<PricebookEntry__c> products {get; set;}
public List<wrapProduct> wrapProductList {get; set;}
public List<PricebookEntry__c> selectedProduct{get;set;}
public List<QuoteLineitem__c> quoteLineList{get;set;}
public List<wrapProduct> selectedWrapperList{get;set;}
public Boolean normalList{get;set;}
public Boolean selectedList{get;set;}
public Boolean block{get;set;}
public Boolean block1{get;set;}
public Boolean block2{get;set;}
public String SalesPrice {get; set;}
public integer Discount {get; set;}
public String Quantity {get; set;}
public String ServiceDate {get; set;}
Id recordId;
public ProductSearchPopupController(ApexPages.StandardController controller){
recordId = controller.getId();
system.debug('recordId '+recordId);
wrapProductList = new List<wrapProduct>();
selectedWrapperList = new List<wrapProduct>();
normalList = true;
selectedList = false;
block = true;
block1 = false;
block2 = false;
public PageReference runQuery1(){
List<PricebookEntry__c> searchResults=[select id, Name, ProductCode__c, Product2Id__r.Product_Description__c,UnitPrice__c, UseStandardPrice__c from PricebookEntry__c];
if(searchResults.size()>= 0 ){
for(PricebookEntry__c a: searchResults) {
// As each Account is processed we create a new wrapAccount object and add it to the wrapAccountList
wrapProductList.add(new wrapProduct(a));
block = true;
block1 = true;
block2 = false;
return null;
public PageReference runQuery(){
wrapProductList = new List<wrapProduct>();
if(query == null || query == ''){
system.debug('query '+query);
ApexPages.addmessage(new ApexPages.message(ApexPages.severity.Info,'Please enter Product to search for'));
else if (searchText.length()<2)
Apexpages.addMessage(new Apexpages.Message(ApexPages.severity.INFO, 'Input box must contain at least two characters'));
system.debug('query '+query);
List<List<PricebookEntry__c>> searchResults=[FIND :query IN ALL FIELDS RETURNING PricebookEntry__c (id, Name, ProductCode__c, Product2Id__r.Product_Description__c,UnitPrice__c, UseStandardPrice__c)];
for(PricebookEntry__c a: searchResults[0]) {
// As each Account is processed we create a new wrapAccount object and add it to the wrapAccountList
wrapProductList.add(new wrapProduct(a));
block = true;
block1 = true;
block2 = false;
return null;
public PageReference ProceedWithSelectedToNextPage(){
selectedWrapperList = new List<wrapProduct>();
normalList = false;
selectedList = true;
for(wrapProduct selectedWrapObj: wrapProductList){
system.debug('selectedWrapObj.selected ---------'+selectedWrapObj.selected);
if(selectedWrapObj.selected == true)
system.debug('selectedWrapperList size ---------'+selectedWrapperList.size());
PageReference pageRef = new PageReference('/apex/AccountOpportunityTwoPage');
return pageRef;
public void processSelected() {
selectedProduct = new List<PricebookEntry__c>();
for(wrapProduct wrapProductObj : wrapProductList) {
if(wrapProductObj.selected == true) {
block = false;
block1 = false;
block2 = true;
public void GoBack() {
block = true;
block1 = true;
block2 = false;
global class wrapProduct{
public PricebookEntry__c acc {get;set;}
public Boolean selected {get;set;}
public wrapProduct(PricebookEntry__c p) {
this.acc = p;
this.selected = false;
public pagereference saveproduct(){
List<QuoteLineitem__c> quoteLineList = new List<QuoteLineitem__c>();
for(PricebookEntry__c sp:selectedProduct){
system.debug('sp '+sp);
QuoteLineitem__c qli = new QuoteLineitem__c();
qli.QuotesId__c = recordId;
qli.ListPrice__c = sp.UnitPrice__c;
qli.UnitPrice__c = sp.UnitPrice__c;
qli.Product2Id__c = sp.Product2Id__c;
if(Discount!=0 || Discount!=null){
qli.Discount__c = Discount;
qli.Quantity__c = Decimal.valueof(Quantity);
if(quoteLineList.size() > 0){
insert quoteLineList;
PageReference pageRef = new PageReference('https://proseraa.lightning.force.com/lightning/r/Quotes__c/'+recordId+'/view');
return pageRef;
return null;
public void insertTestData(){
Product2__c testProduct = new Product2__c();
testProduct.Name='Test product';
insert testProduct;
PricebookEntry__c testpbe = new PricebookEntry__c();
testpbe.Name='Test PriceBookEntry';
testpbe.UnitPrice__c =123;
insert testpbe;
<apex:page standardController="Quotes__c" extensions="ProductSearchPopupController" showHeader="false" sidebar="false" lightningStylesheets="true">
<apex:form id="form" >
<apex:pageMessages ></apex:pageMessages>
<div style="width 100%">
<apex:pageBlock title="Add Products" id="block" rendered="{!block}">
<div align="center" >
<apex:pageBlockSection columns="1" id="section" >
Enter the product to be added and select Go<br/>
<apex:inputText value="{!query}" id="query" style="width: 1200px; height: 40px;"/>
<apex:commandButton value="Go" action="{!runQuery}" style="align: right:100px;border-style:solid;
color:white; position:relative;background-color:rgba(13, 112, 165, 1);"/>
<apex:commandButton value="Cancel" action="{!cancel}" style="float: centre:200px ;border-style:solid;
color:rgb(21, 137, 238); background-color:white;" />
<apex:pageBlock id="block1" rendered="{!block1}" >
<apex:pageBlockSection columns="1">
<apex:pageBlockTable value="{!wrapProductList}" var="accWrap">
<apex:column >
<apex:facet name="header">
<apex:inputCheckbox onclick="selectAllCheckboxes(this,'inputId')"/>
<apex:inputCheckbox value="{!accWrap.selected}" id="inputId"/>
<apex:column headerValue="Name">
<apex:outputLink value="#">{!accWrap.acc.Name}</apex:outputLink>
<apex:column headerValue="Product Code">
<apex:outputText value="{!accWrap.acc.ProductCode__c}" />
<apex:column headerValue="Product Description">
<apex:outputText value="{!accWrap.acc.Product2Id__r.Product_Description__c}" />
<apex:column headerValue="Unit Price">
<apex:outputText value="{!accWrap.acc.UnitPrice__c}" />
<apex:column headerValue="Standard Price">
<apex:outputText value="{!accWrap.acc.UseStandardPrice__c}" />
<apex:commandButton value="Next" action="{!processSelected}" style="float: right;border-style:solid;
color:white; background-color:rgba(13, 112, 165, 1);align-items: right;justify-content:right;"/>
<apex:pageBlock id="block2" rendered="{!block2}" >
<apex:pageblockSection title="All Products" collapsible="false" columns="3">
<apex:pageBlockTable value="{!selectedProduct}" var="c" id="table2" title="Selected Products">
<apex:column value="{!c.Name}" headerValue="Product Name"/>
<apex:column headerValue="Sales Price">
<apex:inputText value="{!c.UnitPrice__c}" id="UnitPrice" />
<apex:column headerValue="Discount">
<apex:inputText value="{!discount}" id="discount" />
<apex:column headerValue="Quantity">
<apex:inputText value="{!quantity}" id="quantity" />
<apex:commandButton action="{!GoBack}" value="Back" style="border-style:solid;
color:white; background-color:rgba(13, 112, 165, 1);"/>
<apex:commandButton action="{!saveproduct}" value="Save" style="float: right;border-style:solid;
color:white; background-color:rgba(13, 112, 165, 1);"/>
<apex:commandButton value="Cancel" action="{!cancel}" style="float: right;border-style:solid;
color:rgb(21, 137, 238); background-color:white;"/>
- Shruthi MN 19
- December 04, 2019
- Like
- 0
Display error message for adding one letter in search
I am trying to add error message
global class ProductSearchPopupController {
public String query {get; set;}
public List<PricebookEntry__c> products {get; set;}
public List<wrapProduct> wrapProductList {get; set;}
public List<PricebookEntry__c> selectedProduct{get;set;}
public List<QuoteLineitem__c> quoteLineList{get;set;}
public List<wrapProduct> selectedWrapperList{get;set;}
public Boolean normalList{get;set;}
public Boolean selectedList{get;set;}
public Boolean block{get;set;}
public Boolean block1{get;set;}
public Boolean block2{get;set;}
public String SalesPrice {get; set;}
public integer Discount {get; set;}
public String Quantity {get; set;}
public String ServiceDate {get; set;}
Id recordId;
public ProductSearchPopupController(ApexPages.StandardController controller){
recordId = controller.getId();
system.debug('recordId '+recordId);
wrapProductList = new List<wrapProduct>();
selectedWrapperList = new List<wrapProduct>();
normalList = true;
selectedList = false;
block = true;
block1 = false;
block2 = false;
public PageReference runQuery1(){
List<PricebookEntry__c> searchResults=[select id, Name, ProductCode__c, Product2Id__r.Product_Description__c,UnitPrice__c, UseStandardPrice__c from PricebookEntry__c];
if(searchResults.size()>= 0 ){
for(PricebookEntry__c a: searchResults) {
// As each Account is processed we create a new wrapAccount object and add it to the wrapAccountList
wrapProductList.add(new wrapProduct(a));
block = true;
block1 = true;
block2 = false;
return null;
public PageReference runQuery(){
wrapProductList = new List<wrapProduct>();
if(query == null || query == ''){
system.debug('query '+query);
ApexPages.addmessage(new ApexPages.message(ApexPages.severity.Info,'Please enter Product to search for'));
else if (searchText.length()<2)
Apexpages.addMessage(new Apexpages.Message(ApexPages.severity.INFO, 'Input box must contain at least two characters'));
system.debug('query '+query);
List<List<PricebookEntry__c>> searchResults=[FIND :query IN ALL FIELDS RETURNING PricebookEntry__c (id, Name, ProductCode__c, Product2Id__r.Product_Description__c,UnitPrice__c, UseStandardPrice__c)];
for(PricebookEntry__c a: searchResults[0]) {
// As each Account is processed we create a new wrapAccount object and add it to the wrapAccountList
wrapProductList.add(new wrapProduct(a));
block = true;
block1 = true;
block2 = false;
return null;
public PageReference ProceedWithSelectedToNextPage(){
selectedWrapperList = new List<wrapProduct>();
normalList = false;
selectedList = true;
for(wrapProduct selectedWrapObj: wrapProductList){
system.debug('selectedWrapObj.selected ---------'+selectedWrapObj.selected);
if(selectedWrapObj.selected == true)
system.debug('selectedWrapperList size ---------'+selectedWrapperList.size());
PageReference pageRef = new PageReference('/apex/AccountOpportunityTwoPage');
return pageRef;
public void processSelected() {
selectedProduct = new List<PricebookEntry__c>();
for(wrapProduct wrapProductObj : wrapProductList) {
if(wrapProductObj.selected == true) {
block = false;
block1 = false;
block2 = true;
public void GoBack() {
block = true;
block1 = true;
block2 = false;
global class wrapProduct{
public PricebookEntry__c acc {get;set;}
public Boolean selected {get;set;}
public wrapProduct(PricebookEntry__c p) {
this.acc = p;
this.selected = false;
public pagereference saveproduct(){
List<QuoteLineitem__c> quoteLineList = new List<QuoteLineitem__c>();
for(PricebookEntry__c sp:selectedProduct){
system.debug('sp '+sp);
QuoteLineitem__c qli = new QuoteLineitem__c();
qli.QuotesId__c = recordId;
qli.ListPrice__c = sp.UnitPrice__c;
qli.UnitPrice__c = sp.UnitPrice__c;
qli.Product2Id__c = sp.Product2Id__c;
if(Discount!=0 || Discount!=null){
qli.Discount__c = Discount;
qli.Quantity__c = Decimal.valueof(Quantity);
if(quoteLineList.size() > 0){
insert quoteLineList;
PageReference pageRef = new PageReference('https://proseraa.lightning.force.com/lightning/r/Quotes__c/'+recordId+'/view');
return pageRef;
return null;
public void insertTestData(){
Product2__c testProduct = new Product2__c();
testProduct.Name='Test product';
insert testProduct;
PricebookEntry__c testpbe = new PricebookEntry__c();
testpbe.Name='Test PriceBookEntry';
testpbe.UnitPrice__c =123;
insert testpbe;
global class ProductSearchPopupController {
public String query {get; set;}
public List<PricebookEntry__c> products {get; set;}
public List<wrapProduct> wrapProductList {get; set;}
public List<PricebookEntry__c> selectedProduct{get;set;}
public List<QuoteLineitem__c> quoteLineList{get;set;}
public List<wrapProduct> selectedWrapperList{get;set;}
public Boolean normalList{get;set;}
public Boolean selectedList{get;set;}
public Boolean block{get;set;}
public Boolean block1{get;set;}
public Boolean block2{get;set;}
public String SalesPrice {get; set;}
public integer Discount {get; set;}
public String Quantity {get; set;}
public String ServiceDate {get; set;}
Id recordId;
public ProductSearchPopupController(ApexPages.StandardController controller){
recordId = controller.getId();
system.debug('recordId '+recordId);
wrapProductList = new List<wrapProduct>();
selectedWrapperList = new List<wrapProduct>();
normalList = true;
selectedList = false;
block = true;
block1 = false;
block2 = false;
public PageReference runQuery1(){
List<PricebookEntry__c> searchResults=[select id, Name, ProductCode__c, Product2Id__r.Product_Description__c,UnitPrice__c, UseStandardPrice__c from PricebookEntry__c];
if(searchResults.size()>= 0 ){
for(PricebookEntry__c a: searchResults) {
// As each Account is processed we create a new wrapAccount object and add it to the wrapAccountList
wrapProductList.add(new wrapProduct(a));
block = true;
block1 = true;
block2 = false;
return null;
public PageReference runQuery(){
wrapProductList = new List<wrapProduct>();
if(query == null || query == ''){
system.debug('query '+query);
ApexPages.addmessage(new ApexPages.message(ApexPages.severity.Info,'Please enter Product to search for'));
else if (searchText.length()<2)
Apexpages.addMessage(new Apexpages.Message(ApexPages.severity.INFO, 'Input box must contain at least two characters'));
system.debug('query '+query);
List<List<PricebookEntry__c>> searchResults=[FIND :query IN ALL FIELDS RETURNING PricebookEntry__c (id, Name, ProductCode__c, Product2Id__r.Product_Description__c,UnitPrice__c, UseStandardPrice__c)];
for(PricebookEntry__c a: searchResults[0]) {
// As each Account is processed we create a new wrapAccount object and add it to the wrapAccountList
wrapProductList.add(new wrapProduct(a));
block = true;
block1 = true;
block2 = false;
return null;
public PageReference ProceedWithSelectedToNextPage(){
selectedWrapperList = new List<wrapProduct>();
normalList = false;
selectedList = true;
for(wrapProduct selectedWrapObj: wrapProductList){
system.debug('selectedWrapObj.selected ---------'+selectedWrapObj.selected);
if(selectedWrapObj.selected == true)
system.debug('selectedWrapperList size ---------'+selectedWrapperList.size());
PageReference pageRef = new PageReference('/apex/AccountOpportunityTwoPage');
return pageRef;
public void processSelected() {
selectedProduct = new List<PricebookEntry__c>();
for(wrapProduct wrapProductObj : wrapProductList) {
if(wrapProductObj.selected == true) {
block = false;
block1 = false;
block2 = true;
public void GoBack() {
block = true;
block1 = true;
block2 = false;
global class wrapProduct{
public PricebookEntry__c acc {get;set;}
public Boolean selected {get;set;}
public wrapProduct(PricebookEntry__c p) {
this.acc = p;
this.selected = false;
public pagereference saveproduct(){
List<QuoteLineitem__c> quoteLineList = new List<QuoteLineitem__c>();
for(PricebookEntry__c sp:selectedProduct){
system.debug('sp '+sp);
QuoteLineitem__c qli = new QuoteLineitem__c();
qli.QuotesId__c = recordId;
qli.ListPrice__c = sp.UnitPrice__c;
qli.UnitPrice__c = sp.UnitPrice__c;
qli.Product2Id__c = sp.Product2Id__c;
if(Discount!=0 || Discount!=null){
qli.Discount__c = Discount;
qli.Quantity__c = Decimal.valueof(Quantity);
if(quoteLineList.size() > 0){
insert quoteLineList;
PageReference pageRef = new PageReference('https://proseraa.lightning.force.com/lightning/r/Quotes__c/'+recordId+'/view');
return pageRef;
return null;
public void insertTestData(){
Product2__c testProduct = new Product2__c();
testProduct.Name='Test product';
insert testProduct;
PricebookEntry__c testpbe = new PricebookEntry__c();
testpbe.Name='Test PriceBookEntry';
testpbe.UnitPrice__c =123;
insert testpbe;
- Shruthi MN 19
- December 04, 2019
- Like
- 0
search term must be longer than one character: s Error is in expression '{!runQuery}' in component <apex:commandButton> in page productsearchpopupcontroller: Class.ProductSearchPopupController.runQuery: line 63, column 1
I am getting this error message if I add single letter for search. 'search term must be longer than one character: s
Error is in expression '{!runQuery}' in component <apex:commandButton> in page productsearchpopupcontroller: Class.ProductSearchPopupController.runQuery: line 63, column 1'
Below is the apex controller
global class ProductSearchPopupController {
public String query {get; set;}
public List<PricebookEntry__c> products {get; set;}
public List<wrapProduct> wrapProductList {get; set;}
public List<PricebookEntry__c> selectedProduct{get;set;}
public List<QuoteLineitem__c> quoteLineList{get;set;}
public List<wrapProduct> selectedWrapperList{get;set;}
public Boolean normalList{get;set;}
public Boolean selectedList{get;set;}
public Boolean block{get;set;}
public Boolean block1{get;set;}
public Boolean block2{get;set;}
public String SalesPrice {get; set;}
public integer Discount {get; set;}
public String Quantity {get; set;}
public String ServiceDate {get; set;}
Id recordId;
public ProductSearchPopupController(ApexPages.StandardController controller){
recordId = controller.getId();
system.debug('recordId '+recordId);
wrapProductList = new List<wrapProduct>();
selectedWrapperList = new List<wrapProduct>();
normalList = true;
selectedList = false;
block = true;
block1 = false;
block2 = false;
public PageReference runQuery1(){
List<PricebookEntry__c> searchResults=[select id, Name, ProductCode__c, Product2Id__r.Product_Description__c,UnitPrice__c, UseStandardPrice__c from PricebookEntry__c];
if(searchResults.size()>= 0 ){
for(PricebookEntry__c a: searchResults) {
// As each Account is processed we create a new wrapAccount object and add it to the wrapAccountList
wrapProductList.add(new wrapProduct(a));
block = true;
block1 = true;
block2 = false;
return null;
public PageReference runQuery(){
wrapProductList = new List<wrapProduct>();
if(query == null || query == ''){
system.debug('query '+query);
ApexPages.addmessage(new ApexPages.message(ApexPages.severity.Info,'Please enter Product to search for'));
return null;
system.debug('query '+query);
List<List<PricebookEntry__c>> searchResults=[FIND :query IN ALL FIELDS RETURNING PricebookEntry__c (id, Name, ProductCode__c, Product2Id__r.Product_Description__c,UnitPrice__c, UseStandardPrice__c)];
for(PricebookEntry__c a: searchResults[0]) {
// As each Account is processed we create a new wrapAccount object and add it to the wrapAccountList
wrapProductList.add(new wrapProduct(a));
block = true;
block1 = true;
block2 = false;
return null;
public PageReference ProceedWithSelectedToNextPage(){
selectedWrapperList = new List<wrapProduct>();
normalList = false;
selectedList = true;
for(wrapProduct selectedWrapObj: wrapProductList){
system.debug('selectedWrapObj.selected ---------'+selectedWrapObj.selected);
if(selectedWrapObj.selected == true)
system.debug('selectedWrapperList size ---------'+selectedWrapperList.size());
PageReference pageRef = new PageReference('/apex/AccountOpportunityTwoPage');
return pageRef;
public void processSelected() {
selectedProduct = new List<PricebookEntry__c>();
for(wrapProduct wrapProductObj : wrapProductList) {
if(wrapProductObj.selected == true) {
block = false;
block1 = false;
block2 = true;
public void GoBack() {
block = true;
block1 = true;
block2 = false;
global class wrapProduct{
public PricebookEntry__c acc {get;set;}
public Boolean selected {get;set;}
public wrapProduct(PricebookEntry__c p) {
this.acc = p;
this.selected = false;
public pagereference saveproduct(){
List<QuoteLineitem__c> quoteLineList = new List<QuoteLineitem__c>();
for(PricebookEntry__c sp:selectedProduct){
system.debug('sp '+sp);
QuoteLineitem__c qli = new QuoteLineitem__c();
qli.QuotesId__c = recordId;
qli.ListPrice__c = sp.UnitPrice__c;
qli.UnitPrice__c = sp.UnitPrice__c;
qli.Product2Id__c = sp.Product2Id__c;
if(Discount!=0 || Discount!=null){
qli.Discount__c = Discount;
qli.Quantity__c = Decimal.valueof(Quantity);
if(quoteLineList.size() > 0){
insert quoteLineList;
PageReference pageRef = new PageReference('https://proseraa.lightning.force.com/lightning/r/Quotes__c/'+recordId+'/view');
return pageRef;
return null;
Below is the VF Code
<apex:page standardController="Quotes__c" extensions="ProductSearchPopupController" showHeader="false" sidebar="false" lightningStylesheets="true">
<apex:form id="form" >
<apex:pageMessages ></apex:pageMessages>
<div style="width 100%">
<apex:pageBlock title="Add Products" id="block" rendered="{!block}">
<div align="center" >
<apex:pageBlockSection columns="1" id="section" >
Enter the product to be added and select Go<br/>
<apex:inputText value="{!query}" id="query" style="width: 1200px; height: 40px;"/>
<apex:commandButton value="Go" action="{!runQuery}" style="align: right:100px;border-style:solid;
color:white; position:relative;background-color:rgba(13, 112, 165, 1);"/>
<apex:commandButton value="Cancel" action="{!cancel}" style="float: centre:200px ;border-style:solid;
color:rgb(21, 137, 238); background-color:white;" />
<apex:pageBlock id="block1" rendered="{!block1}" >
<apex:pageBlockSection columns="1">
<apex:pageBlockTable value="{!wrapProductList}" var="accWrap">
<apex:column >
<apex:facet name="header">
<apex:inputCheckbox onclick="selectAllCheckboxes(this,'inputId')"/>
<apex:inputCheckbox value="{!accWrap.selected}" id="inputId"/>
<apex:column headerValue="Name">
<apex:outputLink value="#">{!accWrap.acc.Name}</apex:outputLink>
<apex:column headerValue="Product Code">
<apex:outputText value="{!accWrap.acc.ProductCode__c}" />
<apex:column headerValue="Product Description">
<apex:outputText value="{!accWrap.acc.Product2Id__r.Product_Description__c}" />
<apex:column headerValue="Unit Price">
<apex:outputText value="{!accWrap.acc.UnitPrice__c}" />
<apex:column headerValue="Standard Price">
<apex:outputText value="{!accWrap.acc.UseStandardPrice__c}" />
<apex:commandButton value="Next" action="{!processSelected}" style="float: right;border-style:solid;
color:white; background-color:rgba(13, 112, 165, 1);align-items: right;justify-content:right;"/>
<apex:pageBlock id="block2" rendered="{!block2}" >
<apex:pageblockSection title="All Products" collapsible="false" columns="3">
<apex:pageBlockTable value="{!selectedProduct}" var="c" id="table2" title="Selected Products">
<apex:column value="{!c.Name}" headerValue="Product Name"/>
<apex:column headerValue="Sales Price">
<apex:inputText value="{!c.UnitPrice__c}" id="UnitPrice" />
<apex:column headerValue="Discount">
<apex:inputText value="{!discount}" id="discount" />
<apex:column headerValue="Quantity">
<apex:inputText value="{!quantity}" id="quantity" />
<apex:commandButton action="{!GoBack}" value="Back" style="border-style:solid;
color:white; background-color:rgba(13, 112, 165, 1);"/>
<apex:commandButton action="{!saveproduct}" value="Save" style="float: right;border-style:solid;
color:white; background-color:rgba(13, 112, 165, 1);"/>
<apex:commandButton value="Cancel" action="{!cancel}" style="float: right;border-style:solid;
color:rgb(21, 137, 238); background-color:white;"/>
I am getting this error message if I add single letter for search. 'search term must be longer than one character: s
Error is in expression '{!runQuery}' in component <apex:commandButton> in page productsearchpopupcontroller: Class.ProductSearchPopupController.runQuery: line 63, column 1'
Below is the apex controller
global class ProductSearchPopupController {
public String query {get; set;}
public List<PricebookEntry__c> products {get; set;}
public List<wrapProduct> wrapProductList {get; set;}
public List<PricebookEntry__c> selectedProduct{get;set;}
public List<QuoteLineitem__c> quoteLineList{get;set;}
public List<wrapProduct> selectedWrapperList{get;set;}
public Boolean normalList{get;set;}
public Boolean selectedList{get;set;}
public Boolean block{get;set;}
public Boolean block1{get;set;}
public Boolean block2{get;set;}
public String SalesPrice {get; set;}
public integer Discount {get; set;}
public String Quantity {get; set;}
public String ServiceDate {get; set;}
Id recordId;
public ProductSearchPopupController(ApexPages.StandardController controller){
recordId = controller.getId();
system.debug('recordId '+recordId);
wrapProductList = new List<wrapProduct>();
selectedWrapperList = new List<wrapProduct>();
normalList = true;
selectedList = false;
block = true;
block1 = false;
block2 = false;
public PageReference runQuery1(){
List<PricebookEntry__c> searchResults=[select id, Name, ProductCode__c, Product2Id__r.Product_Description__c,UnitPrice__c, UseStandardPrice__c from PricebookEntry__c];
if(searchResults.size()>= 0 ){
for(PricebookEntry__c a: searchResults) {
// As each Account is processed we create a new wrapAccount object and add it to the wrapAccountList
wrapProductList.add(new wrapProduct(a));
block = true;
block1 = true;
block2 = false;
return null;
public PageReference runQuery(){
wrapProductList = new List<wrapProduct>();
if(query == null || query == ''){
system.debug('query '+query);
ApexPages.addmessage(new ApexPages.message(ApexPages.severity.Info,'Please enter Product to search for'));
return null;
system.debug('query '+query);
List<List<PricebookEntry__c>> searchResults=[FIND :query IN ALL FIELDS RETURNING PricebookEntry__c (id, Name, ProductCode__c, Product2Id__r.Product_Description__c,UnitPrice__c, UseStandardPrice__c)];
for(PricebookEntry__c a: searchResults[0]) {
// As each Account is processed we create a new wrapAccount object and add it to the wrapAccountList
wrapProductList.add(new wrapProduct(a));
block = true;
block1 = true;
block2 = false;
return null;
public PageReference ProceedWithSelectedToNextPage(){
selectedWrapperList = new List<wrapProduct>();
normalList = false;
selectedList = true;
for(wrapProduct selectedWrapObj: wrapProductList){
system.debug('selectedWrapObj.selected ---------'+selectedWrapObj.selected);
if(selectedWrapObj.selected == true)
system.debug('selectedWrapperList size ---------'+selectedWrapperList.size());
PageReference pageRef = new PageReference('/apex/AccountOpportunityTwoPage');
return pageRef;
public void processSelected() {
selectedProduct = new List<PricebookEntry__c>();
for(wrapProduct wrapProductObj : wrapProductList) {
if(wrapProductObj.selected == true) {
block = false;
block1 = false;
block2 = true;
public void GoBack() {
block = true;
block1 = true;
block2 = false;
global class wrapProduct{
public PricebookEntry__c acc {get;set;}
public Boolean selected {get;set;}
public wrapProduct(PricebookEntry__c p) {
this.acc = p;
this.selected = false;
public pagereference saveproduct(){
List<QuoteLineitem__c> quoteLineList = new List<QuoteLineitem__c>();
for(PricebookEntry__c sp:selectedProduct){
system.debug('sp '+sp);
QuoteLineitem__c qli = new QuoteLineitem__c();
qli.QuotesId__c = recordId;
qli.ListPrice__c = sp.UnitPrice__c;
qli.UnitPrice__c = sp.UnitPrice__c;
qli.Product2Id__c = sp.Product2Id__c;
if(Discount!=0 || Discount!=null){
qli.Discount__c = Discount;
qli.Quantity__c = Decimal.valueof(Quantity);
if(quoteLineList.size() > 0){
insert quoteLineList;
PageReference pageRef = new PageReference('https://proseraa.lightning.force.com/lightning/r/Quotes__c/'+recordId+'/view');
return pageRef;
return null;
Below is the VF Code
<apex:page standardController="Quotes__c" extensions="ProductSearchPopupController" showHeader="false" sidebar="false" lightningStylesheets="true">
<apex:form id="form" >
<apex:pageMessages ></apex:pageMessages>
<div style="width 100%">
<apex:pageBlock title="Add Products" id="block" rendered="{!block}">
<div align="center" >
<apex:pageBlockSection columns="1" id="section" >
Enter the product to be added and select Go<br/>
<apex:inputText value="{!query}" id="query" style="width: 1200px; height: 40px;"/>
<apex:commandButton value="Go" action="{!runQuery}" style="align: right:100px;border-style:solid;
color:white; position:relative;background-color:rgba(13, 112, 165, 1);"/>
<apex:commandButton value="Cancel" action="{!cancel}" style="float: centre:200px ;border-style:solid;
color:rgb(21, 137, 238); background-color:white;" />
<apex:pageBlock id="block1" rendered="{!block1}" >
<apex:pageBlockSection columns="1">
<apex:pageBlockTable value="{!wrapProductList}" var="accWrap">
<apex:column >
<apex:facet name="header">
<apex:inputCheckbox onclick="selectAllCheckboxes(this,'inputId')"/>
<apex:inputCheckbox value="{!accWrap.selected}" id="inputId"/>
<apex:column headerValue="Name">
<apex:outputLink value="#">{!accWrap.acc.Name}</apex:outputLink>
<apex:column headerValue="Product Code">
<apex:outputText value="{!accWrap.acc.ProductCode__c}" />
<apex:column headerValue="Product Description">
<apex:outputText value="{!accWrap.acc.Product2Id__r.Product_Description__c}" />
<apex:column headerValue="Unit Price">
<apex:outputText value="{!accWrap.acc.UnitPrice__c}" />
<apex:column headerValue="Standard Price">
<apex:outputText value="{!accWrap.acc.UseStandardPrice__c}" />
<apex:commandButton value="Next" action="{!processSelected}" style="float: right;border-style:solid;
color:white; background-color:rgba(13, 112, 165, 1);align-items: right;justify-content:right;"/>
<apex:pageBlock id="block2" rendered="{!block2}" >
<apex:pageblockSection title="All Products" collapsible="false" columns="3">
<apex:pageBlockTable value="{!selectedProduct}" var="c" id="table2" title="Selected Products">
<apex:column value="{!c.Name}" headerValue="Product Name"/>
<apex:column headerValue="Sales Price">
<apex:inputText value="{!c.UnitPrice__c}" id="UnitPrice" />
<apex:column headerValue="Discount">
<apex:inputText value="{!discount}" id="discount" />
<apex:column headerValue="Quantity">
<apex:inputText value="{!quantity}" id="quantity" />
<apex:commandButton action="{!GoBack}" value="Back" style="border-style:solid;
color:white; background-color:rgba(13, 112, 165, 1);"/>
<apex:commandButton action="{!saveproduct}" value="Save" style="float: right;border-style:solid;
color:white; background-color:rgba(13, 112, 165, 1);"/>
<apex:commandButton value="Cancel" action="{!cancel}" style="float: right;border-style:solid;
color:rgb(21, 137, 238); background-color:white;"/>
- Shruthi MN 19
- December 04, 2019
- Like
- 0
Alignment of button
Can anyone help me in aligning the buttons to right
<apex:page standardController="Quotes__c" extensions="ProductSearchPopupController" showHeader="false" sidebar="false" lightningStylesheets="true">
<apex:form id="form" >
<apex:pageMessages ></apex:pageMessages>
<apex:messages />
<div style="width 100%">
<apex:pageBlock title="Add Products" id="block" rendered="{!block}">
<div align="center" >
<apex:pageBlockSection columns="1" id="section" >
Enter the product to be added and select Go<br/>
<apex:inputText value="{!query}" id="query"/>
<apex:commandButton value="Go" action="{!runQuery}" style="border-style:solid;
color:white; class:centre;background-color:rgba(13, 112, 165, 1);style=float:right;"/>
<apex:commandButton value="Cancel" action="{!cancel}" style="border-style:solid;
color:rgb(21, 137, 238); background-color:white;" />
<apex:pageBlock id="block1" rendered="{!block1}" >
<apex:pageBlockSection columns="1">
<apex:pageBlockTable value="{!wrapProductList}" var="accWrap">
<apex:column >
<apex:facet name="header">
<apex:inputCheckbox onclick="selectAllCheckboxes(this,'inputId')"/>
<apex:inputCheckbox value="{!accWrap.selected}" id="inputId"/>
<apex:column headerValue="Name">
<apex:outputLink value="#">{!accWrap.acc.Name}</apex:outputLink>
<apex:column headerValue="Product Code">
<apex:outputText value="{!accWrap.acc.ProductCode__c}" />
<apex:column headerValue="Product Description">
<apex:outputText value="{!accWrap.acc.Product2Id__r.Product_Description__c}" />
<apex:column headerValue="Unit Price">
<apex:outputText value="{!accWrap.acc.UnitPrice__c}" />
<apex:column headerValue="Standard Price">
<apex:outputText value="{!accWrap.acc.UseStandardPrice__c}" />
<apex:commandButton value="Next" action="{!processSelected}" style="border-style:solid;
color:white; background-color:rgba(13, 112, 165, 1);align-items: right;justify-content:right;"/>
<apex:pageBlock id="block2" rendered="{!block2}" >
<apex:pageblockSection title="All Products" collapsible="false" columns="3">
<apex:pageBlockTable value="{!selectedProduct}" var="c" id="table2" title="Selected Products">
<apex:column value="{!c.Name}" headerValue="Product Name"/>
<apex:column headerValue="Sales Price">
<apex:inputText value="{!c.UnitPrice__c}" id="UnitPrice" />
<apex:column headerValue="Discount">
<apex:inputText value="{!discount}" id="discount" />
<apex:column headerValue="Quantity">
<apex:inputText value="{!quantity}" id="quantity" />
<apex:commandButton action="{!GoBack}" value="Back" style="border-style:solid;
color:white; background-color:rgba(13, 112, 165, 1);"/>
<apex:commandButton action="{!saveproduct}" value="Save" style="border-style:solid;
color:white; background-color:rgba(13, 112, 165, 1);"/>
<apex:commandButton value="Cancel" oncomplete="doRedirect()" style="border-style:solid;
color:rgb(21, 137, 238); background-color:white;"/>
<apex:page standardController="Quotes__c" extensions="ProductSearchPopupController" showHeader="false" sidebar="false" lightningStylesheets="true">
<apex:form id="form" >
<apex:pageMessages ></apex:pageMessages>
<apex:messages />
<div style="width 100%">
<apex:pageBlock title="Add Products" id="block" rendered="{!block}">
<div align="center" >
<apex:pageBlockSection columns="1" id="section" >
Enter the product to be added and select Go<br/>
<apex:inputText value="{!query}" id="query"/>
<apex:commandButton value="Go" action="{!runQuery}" style="border-style:solid;
color:white; class:centre;background-color:rgba(13, 112, 165, 1);style=float:right;"/>
<apex:commandButton value="Cancel" action="{!cancel}" style="border-style:solid;
color:rgb(21, 137, 238); background-color:white;" />
<apex:pageBlock id="block1" rendered="{!block1}" >
<apex:pageBlockSection columns="1">
<apex:pageBlockTable value="{!wrapProductList}" var="accWrap">
<apex:column >
<apex:facet name="header">
<apex:inputCheckbox onclick="selectAllCheckboxes(this,'inputId')"/>
<apex:inputCheckbox value="{!accWrap.selected}" id="inputId"/>
<apex:column headerValue="Name">
<apex:outputLink value="#">{!accWrap.acc.Name}</apex:outputLink>
<apex:column headerValue="Product Code">
<apex:outputText value="{!accWrap.acc.ProductCode__c}" />
<apex:column headerValue="Product Description">
<apex:outputText value="{!accWrap.acc.Product2Id__r.Product_Description__c}" />
<apex:column headerValue="Unit Price">
<apex:outputText value="{!accWrap.acc.UnitPrice__c}" />
<apex:column headerValue="Standard Price">
<apex:outputText value="{!accWrap.acc.UseStandardPrice__c}" />
<apex:commandButton value="Next" action="{!processSelected}" style="border-style:solid;
color:white; background-color:rgba(13, 112, 165, 1);align-items: right;justify-content:right;"/>
<apex:pageBlock id="block2" rendered="{!block2}" >
<apex:pageblockSection title="All Products" collapsible="false" columns="3">
<apex:pageBlockTable value="{!selectedProduct}" var="c" id="table2" title="Selected Products">
<apex:column value="{!c.Name}" headerValue="Product Name"/>
<apex:column headerValue="Sales Price">
<apex:inputText value="{!c.UnitPrice__c}" id="UnitPrice" />
<apex:column headerValue="Discount">
<apex:inputText value="{!discount}" id="discount" />
<apex:column headerValue="Quantity">
<apex:inputText value="{!quantity}" id="quantity" />
<apex:commandButton action="{!GoBack}" value="Back" style="border-style:solid;
color:white; background-color:rgba(13, 112, 165, 1);"/>
<apex:commandButton action="{!saveproduct}" value="Save" style="border-style:solid;
color:white; background-color:rgba(13, 112, 165, 1);"/>
<apex:commandButton value="Cancel" oncomplete="doRedirect()" style="border-style:solid;
color:rgb(21, 137, 238); background-color:white;"/>
- Shruthi MN 19
- November 28, 2019
- Like
- 0
Code ato all opp amount
I have written the below code to update bulk records to add all opportunity amount on quota object. Since it is a bulk record I have used asynchronous bulk update records.
public with sharing class listopponquota {
public list<Opportunity> oppList{get;set;}
public list<quota__c> qutoaList{get;set;}
public set<ID> oppIds = new set<ID>();
public void listopponquota()
String selectedVal ='';
oppList = new list<Opportunity>();
qutoaList = new list<quota__c>();
public pageReference oppList() {
Id qId = (Id) ApexPages.currentPage().getParameters().get('id');
List<quota__c> quotaList1 = new List<quota__c>();
List<Opportunity> oppList1 = new List<Opportunity>();
quotaList1 =[select Id, Name,Start_Date__c,End_Date__c,Assign_to_User__c,Actual_Amount__c, OwnerId from quota__c where Id =: qId Limit 1];
oppList1 = [Select Id, Name, CloseDate, StageName,OwnerId,Amount From Opportunity where StageName = 'Closed Won'];
if(quotaList1.size() > 0){
for(quota__c q : quotaList1){
for(Opportunity opp : oppList1){
if(opp.CloseDate >= q.Start_Date__c && opp.CloseDate <= q.End_Date__c && q.Assign_to_User__c == q.OwnerId){
for(aggregateresult ag : [SELECT SUM(Amount) sum FROM Opportunity where ID =:oppIds]){
for(quota__c q : quotaList1){
if(q.Actual_Amount__c != double.valueof(ag.get('SUM'))){
q.Actual_Amount__c = double.valueof(ag.get('SUM'));
return null;
public class FutureClassLimitsTest {
public static void docallouts(){
update qutoaList;
public with sharing class listopponquota {
public list<Opportunity> oppList{get;set;}
public list<quota__c> qutoaList{get;set;}
public set<ID> oppIds = new set<ID>();
public void listopponquota()
String selectedVal ='';
oppList = new list<Opportunity>();
qutoaList = new list<quota__c>();
public pageReference oppList() {
Id qId = (Id) ApexPages.currentPage().getParameters().get('id');
List<quota__c> quotaList1 = new List<quota__c>();
List<Opportunity> oppList1 = new List<Opportunity>();
quotaList1 =[select Id, Name,Start_Date__c,End_Date__c,Assign_to_User__c,Actual_Amount__c, OwnerId from quota__c where Id =: qId Limit 1];
oppList1 = [Select Id, Name, CloseDate, StageName,OwnerId,Amount From Opportunity where StageName = 'Closed Won'];
if(quotaList1.size() > 0){
for(quota__c q : quotaList1){
for(Opportunity opp : oppList1){
if(opp.CloseDate >= q.Start_Date__c && opp.CloseDate <= q.End_Date__c && q.Assign_to_User__c == q.OwnerId){
for(aggregateresult ag : [SELECT SUM(Amount) sum FROM Opportunity where ID =:oppIds]){
for(quota__c q : quotaList1){
if(q.Actual_Amount__c != double.valueof(ag.get('SUM'))){
q.Actual_Amount__c = double.valueof(ag.get('SUM'));
return null;
public class FutureClassLimitsTest {
public static void docallouts(){
update qutoaList;
- Shruthi MN 19
- February 12, 2020
- Like
- 0
Test class to add all opp amount
I have written a test class to add all amount on quota which lies between start and end date of quota
I am getting below error

Test class
public class Test_listopponquota {
static testMethod void listopponquota(){
Quota__c a = new Quota__c(Name = 'Test');
a.Assign_to_User__c = 'Shruthi MN';
a.Start_Date__c = date.today();
a.Start_Date__c = date.today() + 12;
insert a;
Opportunity o = new Opportunity();
o.name = 'Test';
o.StageName = 'Closed Won';
o.CloseDate = date.today();
o.Type = 'New Customers';
insert o;
public with sharing class listopponquota {
public list<Opportunity> oppList{get;set;}
public list<quota__c> qutoaList{get;set;}
public set<ID> oppIds = new set<ID>();
public listopponquota()
String selectedVal ='';
oppList = new list<Opportunity>();
qutoaList = new list<quota__c>();
public pageReference oppList() {
Id qId = (Id) ApexPages.currentPage().getParameters().get('id');
List<quota__c> quotaList1 = new List<quota__c>();
List<Opportunity> oppList1 = new List<Opportunity>();
quotaList1 =[select Id, Name,Start_Date__c,End_Date__c,Assign_to_User__c,Actual_Amount__c, OwnerId from quota__c where Id =: qId Limit 1];
oppList1 = [Select Id, Name, CloseDate, StageName,OwnerId,Amount From Opportunity where StageName = 'Closed Won'];
if(quotaList1.size() > 0){
for(quota__c q : quotaList1){
for(Opportunity opp : oppList1){
if(opp.CloseDate >= q.Start_Date__c && opp.CloseDate <= q.End_Date__c && q.Assign_to_User__c == q.OwnerId){
for(aggregateresult ag : [SELECT SUM(Amount) sum FROM Opportunity where ID =:oppIds]){
for(quota__c q : quotaList1){
if(q.Actual_Amount__c != double.valueof(ag.get('SUM'))){
q.Actual_Amount__c = double.valueof(ag.get('SUM'));
return null;
public void doCallout(){
update qutoaList;
<apex:page controller="listopponquota" lightningStylesheets="true" action="{!doCallout}">
<apex:form >
<apex:pageBlock rendered="true" >
<apex:pageBlockTable value="{!oppList}" var="v">
<apex:column value="{!v.OwnerId}"/>
<apex:column headerValue="Opportunity Name">
<apex:outputlink value="/{!v.Id}">{!v.Name}</apex:outputlink>
<apex:column value="{!v.CloseDate}"/>
<apex:column value="{!v.StageName}"/>
<apex:column value="{!v.Amount}"/>
I am getting below error
Test class
public class Test_listopponquota {
static testMethod void listopponquota(){
Quota__c a = new Quota__c(Name = 'Test');
a.Assign_to_User__c = 'Shruthi MN';
a.Start_Date__c = date.today();
a.Start_Date__c = date.today() + 12;
insert a;
Opportunity o = new Opportunity();
o.name = 'Test';
o.StageName = 'Closed Won';
o.CloseDate = date.today();
o.Type = 'New Customers';
insert o;
public with sharing class listopponquota {
public list<Opportunity> oppList{get;set;}
public list<quota__c> qutoaList{get;set;}
public set<ID> oppIds = new set<ID>();
public listopponquota()
String selectedVal ='';
oppList = new list<Opportunity>();
qutoaList = new list<quota__c>();
public pageReference oppList() {
Id qId = (Id) ApexPages.currentPage().getParameters().get('id');
List<quota__c> quotaList1 = new List<quota__c>();
List<Opportunity> oppList1 = new List<Opportunity>();
quotaList1 =[select Id, Name,Start_Date__c,End_Date__c,Assign_to_User__c,Actual_Amount__c, OwnerId from quota__c where Id =: qId Limit 1];
oppList1 = [Select Id, Name, CloseDate, StageName,OwnerId,Amount From Opportunity where StageName = 'Closed Won'];
if(quotaList1.size() > 0){
for(quota__c q : quotaList1){
for(Opportunity opp : oppList1){
if(opp.CloseDate >= q.Start_Date__c && opp.CloseDate <= q.End_Date__c && q.Assign_to_User__c == q.OwnerId){
for(aggregateresult ag : [SELECT SUM(Amount) sum FROM Opportunity where ID =:oppIds]){
for(quota__c q : quotaList1){
if(q.Actual_Amount__c != double.valueof(ag.get('SUM'))){
q.Actual_Amount__c = double.valueof(ag.get('SUM'));
return null;
public void doCallout(){
update qutoaList;
<apex:page controller="listopponquota" lightningStylesheets="true" action="{!doCallout}">
<apex:form >
<apex:pageBlock rendered="true" >
<apex:pageBlockTable value="{!oppList}" var="v">
<apex:column value="{!v.OwnerId}"/>
<apex:column headerValue="Opportunity Name">
<apex:outputlink value="/{!v.Id}">{!v.Name}</apex:outputlink>
<apex:column value="{!v.CloseDate}"/>
<apex:column value="{!v.StageName}"/>
<apex:column value="{!v.Amount}"/>
- Shruthi MN 19
- February 12, 2020
- Like
- 0
Test class to display opp list
Can anyone provide Test class for following use Case.
Consider all positive negative and bulk test case
Use case ::
Collection of Closed Won Opportunities
1. I have created a custom quota object
2. Create a VF page to display all the Closed won opportunities in the org Only if
1)The opportunitys cloased date lies between start and end date of quota
2)The User which is dispalyed in the assed to user should be the same as the owner
3) The record type is BDM
I have written the below test class for the same. I do not know how to write the logic can anyone help me with the same
Apex class
public with sharing class listopponquota {
public list<Opportunity> oppList{get;set;}
public listopponquota()
String selectedVal ='';
oppList = new list<Opportunity>();
public pageReference oppList() {
Id qId = (Id) ApexPages.currentPage().getParameters().get('id');
List<quota__c> quotaList1 = new List<quota__c>();
List<Opportunity> oppList1 = new List<Opportunity>();
quotaList1 =[select Id, Name,Start_Date__c,End_Date__c,Assign_to_User__c, OwnerId from quota__c where Id =: qId Limit 1];
oppList1 = [Select Id, Name, CloseDate, StageName,OwnerId,Amount From Opportunity where StageName = 'Closed Won'];
if(quotaList1.size() > 0){
for(quota__c q : quotaList1){
for(Opportunity opp : oppList1){
if(opp.CloseDate >= q.Start_Date__c && opp.CloseDate <= q.End_Date__c && q.Assign_to_User__c == q.OwnerId){
return null;
Vf page
<apex:page controller="listopponquota" lightningStylesheets="true" >
<apex:form >
<apex:pageBlock rendered="true" >
<apex:pageBlockTable value="{!oppList}" var="v">
<apex:column value="{!v.OwnerId}"/>
<apex:column headerValue="Opportunity Name">
<apex:outputlink value="/{!v.Id}">{!v.Name}</apex:outputlink>
<apex:column value="{!v.CloseDate}"/>
<apex:column value="{!v.StageName}"/>
<apex:column value="{!v.Amount}"/>
Test class
private class testclassquotaVfpage{
static testMethod void listopponquota(){
Quota__c op = new Quota__c ();
op.Name = 'test_shruthi';
op.Start_Date__c = Date.newInstance(2020,02,06);
op.End_Date__c = Date.newInstance(2020,02,19);
insert op;
Opportunity opp = new Opportunity(Name='test opp', StageName='stage', Probability = 95, CloseDate=system.today());
Opportunity opp = new Opportunity();
opp.Name = 'test_shruthi';
opp.type = 'New Customer';
opp.CloseDate = system.today();
opp.StageName ='Closed Won';
// add all required fields here
insert opp;
Database.executeBatch(new ContactWithClosedWonOpportunities());
Consider all positive negative and bulk test case
Use case ::
Collection of Closed Won Opportunities
1. I have created a custom quota object
2. Create a VF page to display all the Closed won opportunities in the org Only if
1)The opportunitys cloased date lies between start and end date of quota
2)The User which is dispalyed in the assed to user should be the same as the owner
3) The record type is BDM
I have written the below test class for the same. I do not know how to write the logic can anyone help me with the same
Apex class
public with sharing class listopponquota {
public list<Opportunity> oppList{get;set;}
public listopponquota()
String selectedVal ='';
oppList = new list<Opportunity>();
public pageReference oppList() {
Id qId = (Id) ApexPages.currentPage().getParameters().get('id');
List<quota__c> quotaList1 = new List<quota__c>();
List<Opportunity> oppList1 = new List<Opportunity>();
quotaList1 =[select Id, Name,Start_Date__c,End_Date__c,Assign_to_User__c, OwnerId from quota__c where Id =: qId Limit 1];
oppList1 = [Select Id, Name, CloseDate, StageName,OwnerId,Amount From Opportunity where StageName = 'Closed Won'];
if(quotaList1.size() > 0){
for(quota__c q : quotaList1){
for(Opportunity opp : oppList1){
if(opp.CloseDate >= q.Start_Date__c && opp.CloseDate <= q.End_Date__c && q.Assign_to_User__c == q.OwnerId){
return null;
Vf page
<apex:page controller="listopponquota" lightningStylesheets="true" >
<apex:form >
<apex:pageBlock rendered="true" >
<apex:pageBlockTable value="{!oppList}" var="v">
<apex:column value="{!v.OwnerId}"/>
<apex:column headerValue="Opportunity Name">
<apex:outputlink value="/{!v.Id}">{!v.Name}</apex:outputlink>
<apex:column value="{!v.CloseDate}"/>
<apex:column value="{!v.StageName}"/>
<apex:column value="{!v.Amount}"/>
Test class
private class testclassquotaVfpage{
static testMethod void listopponquota(){
Quota__c op = new Quota__c ();
op.Name = 'test_shruthi';
op.Start_Date__c = Date.newInstance(2020,02,06);
op.End_Date__c = Date.newInstance(2020,02,19);
insert op;
Opportunity opp = new Opportunity(Name='test opp', StageName='stage', Probability = 95, CloseDate=system.today());
Opportunity opp = new Opportunity();
opp.Name = 'test_shruthi';
opp.type = 'New Customer';
opp.CloseDate = system.today();
opp.StageName ='Closed Won';
// add all required fields here
insert opp;
Database.executeBatch(new ContactWithClosedWonOpportunities());
- Shruthi MN 19
- February 10, 2020
- Like
- 0
Error validation
I have designed a vf page for search and add products . I have wriiten error message if a user selects go as please enter the product name. Now I want to add one more validation as 'invalid entry' in they enter anything other the the existing prdocut name. Can you help me with the if else statement and correct the code. I an new to developement.
Below is the controller class
public class ProductSearchPopupController {
public String query {get; set;}
public List<PricebookEntry__c> products {get; set;}
public List<wrapProduct> wrapProductList {get; set;}
public List<PricebookEntry__c> selectedProduct{get;set;}
public List<QuoteLineitem__c> quoteLineList{get;set;}
public List<wrapProduct> selectedWrapperList{get;set;}
public Boolean normalList{get;set;}
public Boolean selectedList{get;set;}
public Boolean block{get;set;}
public Boolean block1{get;set;}
public Boolean block2{get;set;}
public String SalesPrice {get; set;}
public integer Discount {get; set;}
public String Quantity {get; set;}
public String ServiceDate {get; set;}
Id recordId;
public ProductSearchPopupController(ApexPages.StandardController controller){
recordId = controller.getId();
system.debug('recordId '+recordId);
wrapProductList = new List<wrapProduct>();
selectedWrapperList = new List<wrapProduct>();
normalList = true;
selectedList = false;
block = true;
block1 = false;
block2 = false;
public PageReference runQuery(){
if(query == null || query == ''){
system.debug('query '+query);
ApexPages.addmessage(new ApexPages.message(ApexPages.severity.Info,'Please enter Product to search for'));
return null;
system.debug('query '+query);
List<List<PricebookEntry__c>> searchResults=[FIND :query IN ALL FIELDS RETURNING PricebookEntry__c (id, Name, ProductCode__c, Product2Id__r.Product_Description__c,UnitPrice__c, UseStandardPrice__c)];
for(PricebookEntry__c a: searchResults[0]) {
// As each Account is processed we create a new wrapAccount object and add it to the wrapAccountList
wrapProductList.add(new wrapProduct(a));
block = true;
block1 = true;
block2 = false;
return null;
public PageReference ProceedWithSelectedToNextPage(){
selectedWrapperList = new List<wrapProduct>();
normalList = false;
selectedList = true;
for(wrapProduct selectedWrapObj: wrapProductList){
system.debug('selectedWrapObj.selected ---------'+selectedWrapObj.selected);
if(selectedWrapObj.selected == true)
system.debug('selectedWrapperList size ---------'+selectedWrapperList.size());
PageReference pageRef = new PageReference('/apex/AccountOpportunityTwoPage');
return pageRef;
public void processSelected() {
selectedProduct = new List<PricebookEntry__c>();
for(wrapProduct wrapProductObj : wrapProductList) {
if(wrapProductObj.selected == true) {
block = false;
block1 = false;
block2 = true;
public void GoBack() {
block = true;
block1 = true;
block2 = false;
public class wrapProduct{
public PricebookEntry__c acc {get;set;}
public Boolean selected {get;set;}
public wrapProduct(PricebookEntry__c p) {
this.acc = p;
this.selected = false;
public pagereference saveproduct(){
List<QuoteLineitem__c> quoteLineList = new List<QuoteLineitem__c>();
for(PricebookEntry__c sp:selectedProduct){
system.debug('sp '+sp);
QuoteLineitem__c qli = new QuoteLineitem__c();
qli.QuotesId__c = recordId;
qli.ListPrice__c = sp.UnitPrice__c;
qli.UnitPrice__c = sp.UnitPrice__c;
qli.Product2Id__c = sp.Product2Id__c;
if(Discount!=0 || Discount!=null){
qli.Discount__c = Discount;
insert quoteLineList;
PageReference pageRef = new PageReference('https://proseraa.lightning.force.com/lightning/r/Quotes__c/'+recordId+'/view');
return pageRef;
return null;
- Shruthi Narsi
- November 28, 2019
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- 0