• Owen Edwards 7
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we are three students doing a graduation project on salesforce plateforme.
my question is the following :
- we created a first account called, isitech.partner@gmail.com "system administrator": fully working even with the apex eclipse force.com api.
- we created a second account edold "system administrator" : fully working able to use the api as well.
our problem is that we need two more accounts with the same authorizations to be able to connect to our own computers each without resetting the security token each, because in the end it disconnects the other computer.
we would like to have each our own account and work on our project together and sync it all together, but the developer edition doesn't allow us to have more than two salesforce license, is there a way to get two more somehow? or any other way to create accounts allowed to modify the plateforme for our project?
thanks again in advance