• Tarik Kadic
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Module should be revised and updated in order to meet Flow Builder procedures for completing this challenge 
Hello all,

I'm getting "We can't find criteria and immediate actions for Einstein Scores greater than or equal to 80." message  when trying to validate challenge for Prioritize Leads with Einstein Lead Scoring module (Assign Top Leads to Your Sales Rep unit). I already tried to re-create dev org with US settings and check that link added to Remote Site Settings. I've re-built process several time and typed labels myself instead of just copying them but these actions also didn't help. This module is in Become an AI Trailblazer trail that should be completed to get Be an Innovator community badge.

Looks like other users also faced the same issue and there is no any solution from SalesForce Trailhead team.  

Hi Team,

Not able to verify the step 5 of the BUSINESS ADMINISTRATION SPECIALIST SUPERBADGE because of the following error:
Challenge Not yet complete... here's what's wrong:  Unwanted fields are still present in the 'Residential Opportunity Page' layout.

I cloned the Utility layout as "Residential Opportunity Page" and modified as per the requirement but still facing the same issue.

Please share some details regarding this, your support will be very helpful for me.

I am getting this error when trying to add a currency type field to a VF page. I expect it has somethign to do with multicurrency being enabled in the org but I don't know how to handle it. Here is my apex code... if I remove the column and outputfields for opportunity.amount, then the page works fine.
How do I deal with correcting this? Thanks

<apex:pageBlockTable value="{!opportunities}" var="o" rendered="{!selectedSize <> 1}">

<apex:column rendered="{!selectedSize > 1}" headerValue="Action">

<apex:outputLink value="{!URLFOR($Action.Opportunity.View, o.id)}">view</apex:outputLink>


<apex:column headerValue="Opporunity Name">

<apex:commandLink value="{!o.name}" action="{!setbubble}" status="status" rerender="thePlot,selectedBubbles">

<apex:param value="{!o.id}" name="foo" assignTo="{!selectedId}"/>



<apex:column headervalue="Account Name"><apex:outputField value="{!o.accountId}"/></apex:column>

<apex:column headerValue="Amount"><apex:outputField value="{!o.amount}"/></apex:column>

<apex:column headerValue="Stage"><apex:outputField value="{!o.stageName}"/></apex:column>

<apex:column headerValue="Probability"><apex:outputField value="{!o.probability}"/></apex:column>

<apex:column headerValue="Close Date"><apex:outputField value="{!o.closeDate}"/></apex:column>


<apex:pageBlockSection rendered="{!selectedSize == 1}">

<apex:outputField value="{!opportunity.name}"/>

<apex:outputField value="{!opportunity.account.name}"/>

<apex:outputField value="{!opportunity.probability}"/>

<apex:outputField value="{!opportunity.closeDate}"/>

<apex:outputField value="{!opportunity.amount}"/>

<apex:outputField value="{!opportunity.lastActivityDate}"/>



Hi Team,

Not able to verify the step 5 of the BUSINESS ADMINISTRATION SPECIALIST SUPERBADGE because of the following error:
Challenge Not yet complete... here's what's wrong:&nbsp; Unwanted fields are still present in the 'Residential Opportunity Page' layout.

I cloned the Utility layout as "Residential Opportunity Page" and modified as per the requirement but still facing the same issue.

Please share some details regarding this, your support will be very helpful for me.


I am working in a lighning component. This component will be displayed in lightning app builder interface, so users will be able to put it in ANY object record page.

I use some attributes (for component configuration) in the design file. Some of them are picklist that I populate in an apex class. This picklist values should change depending on the object that use my component. Is there any way to know in which object the component is running? I know I can use {!v.objectName}  in component markup but I don't know if is possible to do something similar at design file or the apex class that I use to show my custom picklist values for my picklist attribute.

Thanks! :)

What is MVC??


I know it as MODEL(objects) VIEW(visualforce) CONTROLLER(apex).



Why we will call as MVC, and if some one asks what is MVC what definition i can tell.


What is the use of MVC architecture??

  • August 07, 2012
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