• Dominik Sokołek
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  • Member since 2019

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Hey Community,

I need to create a checkbox formula so that it will mark the checkbox 20hrs after the case was opened. I need this for the report to track service times for managers' information and the SLA for case resolution is set to 20hrs. I want to show all cases which were created more than 20hrs ago and they are still not closed.

What I got so far is this: 


It returns strange results. I am not sure whether the "20" I put, in the end, is counted as 'hours' or does it have some other value.

Your help would be much appreciated.

Hey Community,

I need to create a checkbox formula so that it will mark the checkbox 20hrs after the case was opened. I need this for the report to track service times for managers' information and the SLA for case resolution is set to 20hrs. I want to show all cases which were created more than 20hrs ago and they are still not closed.

What I got so far is this: 


It returns strange results. I am not sure whether the "20" I put, in the end, is counted as 'hours' or does it have some other value.

Your help would be much appreciated.


I am on the Test Web Chat section of the Add Your Branding to Snap-In and cannot get the chat to work. It shows whether I am online or offline, but when I click "Chat with an Expert" it goes to Loading and then nothing.

I've made sure Visualforce.com is whitelisted. I've recreated the process several times, but this is where I get stuck every time.
User-added imageUser-added imageUser-added image

Here is my Code: 

<apex:page standardStylesheets="false" sidebar="false" showHeader="false"> <style type='text/css'> .embeddedServiceHelpButton .helpButton .uiButton { background-color: #565656; font-family: "Salesforce Sans", sans-serif; } .embeddedServiceHelpButton .helpButton .uiButton:focus { outline: 1px solid #565656; } @font-face { font-family: 'Salesforce Sans'; src: url('https://www.sfdcstatic.com/system/shared/common/assets/fonts/SalesforceSans/SalesforceSans-Regular.woff') format('woff'), url('https://www.sfdcstatic.com/system/shared/common/assets/fonts/SalesforceSans/SalesforceSans-Regular.ttf') format('truetype'); } </style> <script type='text/javascript' src='https://service.force.com/embeddedservice/5.0/esw.min.js'></script> <script type='text/javascript'> var initESW = function(gslbBaseURL) { embedded_svc.settings.displayHelpButton = true; //Or false embedded_svc.settings.language = ''; //For example, enter 'en' or 'en-US' //embedded_svc.settings.defaultMinimizedText = '...'; //(Defaults to Chat with an Expert) //embedded_svc.settings.disabledMinimizedText = '...'; //(Defaults to Agent Offline) //embedded_svc.settings.loadingText = ''; //(Defaults to Loading) //embedded_svc.settings.storageDomain = 'yourdomain.com'; //(Sets the domain for your deployment so that visitors can navigate subdomains during a chat session) // Settings for Live Agent //embedded_svc.settings.directToButtonRouting = function(prechatFormData) { // Dynamically changes the button ID based on what the visitor enters in the pre-chat form. // Returns a valid button ID. //}; //embedded_svc.settings.prepopulatedPrechatFields = {}; //Sets the auto-population of pre-chat form fields //embedded_svc.settings.fallbackRouting = []; //An array of button IDs, user IDs, or userId_buttonId //embedded_svc.settings.offlineSupportMinimizedText = '...'; //(Defaults to Contact Us) embedded_svc.settings.enabledFeatures = ['LiveAgent']; embedded_svc.settings.entryFeature = 'LiveAgent'; embedded_svc.init( 'https://playful-panda-wge3na-dev-ed.my.salesforce.com', 'https://abchat-developer-edition.na91.force.com/liveAgentSetupFlow', gslbBaseURL, '00D2E000000mVht', 'Chat_Agents', { baseLiveAgentContentURL: 'https://c.la1-c2-ia2.salesforceliveagent.com/content', deploymentId: '5722E0000004d22', buttonId: '5732E0000004dXK', baseLiveAgentURL: 'https://d.la1-c2-ia2.salesforceliveagent.com/chat', eswLiveAgentDevName: 'Chat_Agents', isOfflineSupportEnabled: false } ); }; if (!window.embedded_svc) { var s = document.createElement('script'); s.setAttribute('src', 'https://playful-panda-wge3na-dev-ed.my.salesforce.com/embeddedservice/5.0/esw.min.js'); s.onload = function() { initESW(null); }; document.body.appendChild(s); } else { initESW('https://service.force.com'); } </script> </apex:page>