• Rizwan Ali 12
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  • Member since 2019

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On create Opportunity record , the Job Object records will create with according to Opportunity 'Quntity' Field ex: if quntity is 5 then create 5 job records and opportunity 'Amount' set in Job Object divided by 5 ex: If quntity is 5 and Amount is 1000 , set 200 to each Job records
I did this but didn't work
Please answer it.
Thanks in Advance.
If(Trigger.IsAfter && Trigger.isInsert)
       for(Opportunity opp : Trigger.New)
           Decimal Amount = opp.Amount / opp.TotalOpportunityQuantity;
           List<job__c> listofjob = new List<job__c>();
           for(integer i = 1; i<=opp.TotalOpportunityQuantity; i++)
               job__c ajob = new job__c(Name = 'Job'+i, Amount__c =Amount );
               insert listofjob;

On create Opportunity record , the Job Object records will create with according to Opportunity 'Quntity' Field ex: if quntity is 5 then create 5 job records and opportunity 'Amount' set in Job Object divided by 5 ex: If quntity is 5 and Amount is 1000 , set 200 to each Job records
I did this but didn't work
Please answer it.
Thanks in Advance.
If(Trigger.IsAfter && Trigger.isInsert)
       for(Opportunity opp : Trigger.New)
           Decimal Amount = opp.Amount / opp.TotalOpportunityQuantity;
           List<job__c> listofjob = new List<job__c>();
           for(integer i = 1; i<=opp.TotalOpportunityQuantity; i++)
               job__c ajob = new job__c(Name = 'Job'+i, Amount__c =Amount );
               insert listofjob;

I am not able to get the challenge to work on this module. Anyone else figure it out. It appears to completely ignore the changes or cant find the app. Message is: "Challenge Not yet complete... here's what's wrong: Could not find the 'Salesforce1 for Android' Connected App with the specified settings."

Checked it a dozen times, but no luck. It looks like perhaps the app name no longer has exactly the same name.