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I created a trigger on case. Member_ID__c is a auto-number field on contact object. I am trying to find out repeat cases logged by a contact using custom checkbox Repeat_Caller__c on case. There are many other conditions, but I removed them in this code for simplicity. I am not able to match Member_ID__c field in cases even though multiple cases are created by the same contact. In other words, I am not able to enter the IF condition. I have pasted the trigger below.

Please guide me as to where the problem might be. Any help is appreciated.

trigger repeatCase1 on Case (before insert,before update) {
    List<Case> caseList = trigger.new;   
    Set<id> memberIdSet = new set<id>();
    for(case c: caseList){
      List<Case> allcase = [select Contact.Member_ID__c from case where contact.Member_ID__c IN: memberIdSet];               
      for(Case cs: caseList ){  
        for(Case all: allcase ){ 
            if(cs.contact.Member_ID__c == all.contact.Member_ID__c ){

Hi all,

We need to implement the following pattern at my org:
  • callout to external data source
  • if that callout takes too long (according to some configurable threshold), log an error (ie do some DML)
  • if that callout timed out on the remote server, try it again
Recognizing the potential for the dreaded "You have uncommitted work pending. Please commit or rollback before calling out." error, I put the error logging code in a future method, thus isolating the DML from the callouts. However, the error is still being thrown. I reduced the issue down to this pattern:
public static void foo() {
    Http http = new Http();
    HttpRequest req = new Httprequest();
    req.setEndpoint('https://test.salesforce.com'); //whatever endpoint
    http.send(req); //works fine
    http.send(req); //throws calloutexception

@future public static void bar() {

Am I correct to assume that calling a future method counts as a DML operation? Is there any documentation I'm missing somewhere?


i am a newbie to salesforce and trying to complete this trailhead challenge and unable to find a way through apex to generate this method for creating new contacts with unique id. as one requirement to pass the challenge is "The 'generateRandomContacts' method must be capable of consistently generating contacts with unique first names."

If somebody successfully completed the task kindly help me.
