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A couple of days ago I started Salesforce Certified Exam, answered 1 question, and then it was paused. The image on the screen said: 'Please wait for our specialist to connect with you as soon as possible'. 20 minutes past nothing happened.
I connected to Kryterion Support, they answered me that no able to reschedule or cancel an exam and I should open a case in Salesforce Support.
SF Support has not been answered for a couple of days.
The exam still suspended now.

Does anyone has a suspended issue or know some solution?

Hey guys,
i am starting to freak out ^^  i have created multiple records in my testsetup methode. Now, i want to test my controller methode in different ways...Null, bulky, postive. I thought i have query the records i want to use in the specific test methode to test that the controller methode works like it should. 

Unfortunately, the controller methode catches all records  in my testsetup methode... 
Controller methode:
    public List<Opportunity>getOpportuntiies(){
        List <Opportunity> oppList = [SELECT Name, Account.Name, Stagename, CloseDate, z_Vertragsbeginn__c FROM Opportunity WHERE OwnerId =:UserInfo.getUserId() AND IsClosed = false AND z_Vertragsbeginn__c <= Last_Month LIMIT 100 ];
        numOpps = oppList.size();
        return oppList;        

testsetup methode: 

 @testSetup static void setup () {
        Opportunity opp = new Opportunity ();
        opp.Name = 'test';
        opp.StageName = '40 - Demo Termin vereinbart';
        opp.Override_Region__c = 'München';
        opp.CloseDate = System.today();
        opp.z_Vertragsbeginn__c = System.today().addDays(-91);
        insert opp;
        Opportunity opp1 = new Opportunity ();
        opp1.Name = 'test';
        opp1.StageName = '40 - Demo Termin vereinbart';
        opp1.Override_Region__c = 'München';
        opp1.CloseDate = System.today();
     	opp1.z_Vertragsbeginn__c = System.today().addDays(-35);
        insert opp1;
        Opportunity opp2 = new Opportunity ();
        opp2.Name = 'test';
        opp2.StageName = '40 - Demo Termin vereinbart';
        opp2.Override_Region__c = 'München';
        opp2.CloseDate = System.today();
        opp2.z_Vertragsbeginn__c = System.today();
        insert opp2;

Null test 

@isTest static void getOpportuntiiesNull(){
        List<Opportunity> tstOpps = new List <Opportunity>();         
        tstOpps = [SELECT Name, Account.Name, Stagename, CloseDate, z_Vertragsbeginn__c 
                   FROM Opportunity WHERE OwnerId =:UserInfo.getUserId() AND IsClosed = false AND z_Vertragsbeginn__c = THIS_Month];
        system.assertEquals(1, tstOpps.size());
        TaskList tstCtrl = new TaskList();
        system.assertEquals(0, tstCtrl.getOpportuntiies().size());

I am getting the below error when trying to login to trailhead

This page isn’t working
trailhead.salesforce.com is currently unable to handle this request.
Trailhead seems to not be working well today.  It isn't recording my completed challenges and now is saying that I need to log in, but then won't let me do so.  Any idea?