• FQuinones
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  • Member since 2022
  • Director of Operations and Development
  • Capital District LATINOS, Inc.

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Hello All, 

I want to create a date field that provides me with the last delivery date if the service session contains the words "Food Pantry". That is a variable (field) that will interact between multiple objects. Specifically, the Service Session Object (pmdm__ServiceSession__c) and the Service Delivery Object (pmdm__ServiceDelivery__c). 

I have the following variables: 

- Service Name (Service_Name__c)
- Delivery Date (pmdm__DeliveryDate__c)
- Service Session (pmdm__ServiceSession__c)

My intention is to add that field to the client record and it will tell me when the client visit our Food Pantry last time. It should be something like:
= Delivery Date IF Service Sessions contains "Food Pantry" 

Hello All, 

I have a manage picklist field name Age Category ("caseman__AgeCategory__c") and another field name Birthdate (Birthdate). I want to create a process builder that automatically change the picklist to the correct one based on the Age or Brithdate. 
ValuesAPI Name
Infants (0-1 years)Infants (0-1 years)
Toddlers (1-3 years)Toddlers (1-3 years)
Preschoolers (4-5 years)Preschoolers (4-5 years)
Middle Childhood (6-11 years)Middle Childhood (6-11 years)
Teenagers (12-17 years)Teenagers (12-17 years)
Adults (18-64 years)Adults (18-64 years)
Seniors (65 and over)Seniors (65 and over)

Any reccomendations? 
Hello All, 

I'm trying to create a validation rule for the field Ethnicity (picklist) and Cultural Identify (Multi-select picklist). Every time Ethnicity equals "Hispanic or Latino", I want to required the field Cultural Identity. 
I was thinking in somehting like the following: 

(ISPICKVAL(Ethnicity__c,"Hispanic or Latino")&& 

Error: Field Cultural Identity is a multi-select picklist field. Multi-select picklist fields are only supported in certain functions.

Can someone help? 
Hello All,
I want to create an status field that display “Active” or  “Inactive” according to the start date and the end date of an opportunity in comparison to TODAY’S DATE.
I think it should be something like below. 

IF TODAY is BETWEEN START DATE (npsp__Grant_Period_Start_Date__c) and END DATE (npsp__Grant_Period_End_Date__c), then display “ACTIVE”
IF TODAY is LOWER START DATE (npsp__Grant_Period_Start_Date__c) and HIGHER END DATE (npsp__Grant_Period_End_Date__c), then display “INACTIVE”,

Can anyone help? 

Hello All, 

I have a manage picklist field name Age Category ("caseman__AgeCategory__c") and another field name Birthdate (Birthdate). I want to create a process builder that automatically change the picklist to the correct one based on the Age or Brithdate. 
ValuesAPI Name
Infants (0-1 years)Infants (0-1 years)
Toddlers (1-3 years)Toddlers (1-3 years)
Preschoolers (4-5 years)Preschoolers (4-5 years)
Middle Childhood (6-11 years)Middle Childhood (6-11 years)
Teenagers (12-17 years)Teenagers (12-17 years)
Adults (18-64 years)Adults (18-64 years)
Seniors (65 and over)Seniors (65 and over)

Any reccomendations? 
Hello All, 

I'm trying to create a validation rule for the field Ethnicity (picklist) and Cultural Identify (Multi-select picklist). Every time Ethnicity equals "Hispanic or Latino", I want to required the field Cultural Identity. 
I was thinking in somehting like the following: 

(ISPICKVAL(Ethnicity__c,"Hispanic or Latino")&& 

Error: Field Cultural Identity is a multi-select picklist field. Multi-select picklist fields are only supported in certain functions.

Can someone help? 
Hello All,
I want to create an status field that display “Active” or  “Inactive” according to the start date and the end date of an opportunity in comparison to TODAY’S DATE.
I think it should be something like below. 

IF TODAY is BETWEEN START DATE (npsp__Grant_Period_Start_Date__c) and END DATE (npsp__Grant_Period_End_Date__c), then display “ACTIVE”
IF TODAY is LOWER START DATE (npsp__Grant_Period_Start_Date__c) and HIGHER END DATE (npsp__Grant_Period_End_Date__c), then display “INACTIVE”,

Can anyone help? 

Is that possible, what i should do to achieve that i need to print an invoice after every purchase everyting is ready how can i add this functionally ?