• Tara Root
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In this Trigger Apex,we have two custom sobjects Train__c and Passanger__c. At in Train__c there are two fields Passanger_Old_Phone_Number__c and Passanger_New_Phone_Number__c. At in Passanger__c there are one field Phone_Number__c. If the Phone number in Phone_Number__c was changed by Passanger in Passanger__c then old phone number  can be store in Passanger_Old_Phone_Number__c and new phone number can be store in Passanger_New_Phone_Number__c.
There are Lookup Relationship between Passanger__c to Train__c

We want functionality in Trigger Apex
Thank you !

Following the above steps, I am keeping on getting this error in running this command, any idea why? I am using free Developer edition online.
sfdx auth:jwt:grant --clientid mQ_ZAy3OwMRG2dGPyIt8KME3N --jwtkeyfile C:\Users\hujir\JWT\server.key --username jirong.hu@playful-bear-6bongz.com  --setdefaultdevhubusername --setalias my-hub-org
The Certificate was uploaded and visible in the “Certificate and Key Management” section.    

Your support or any guidance is greatly appreciated.

Thank you!
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I have 35 million records in my salesforce org against 1 custom object....I need to extract those records based on the filter conditions.
In workbench it keeps on loading but unable to fetch the record . Same with data loader.
Do we have any tool or any other way to extract the records ?
How to retrieve or deploy Custom Metadata Records by ANT Migration Tool?

Is this possible?

I guess it should be possible if this is available for packages and changesets but can't find a way out to do this.

How to do this?

Found some article about this here:

https://developer.salesforce.com/docs/atlas.en-us.api_meta.meta/api_meta/meta_custommetadata.htm#meta_custommetadata<types> <members>*</​members> <name>Custom​Metadata</name> </types>I see errorpackage.xml - Entity type: 'Custom​Metadata' is unknownDoes anyone knows how to overcome this error?

This should be working since version 31 but it is not working even in version 35.0
I'd like to set up the email notification for the task update. Once the Comments or Status field in the existing task has been updated by someone else, it can trigger the email notification to send to the task owner. Can it be done by the Apex Coding? 

 Area Information Analyst Sales can request for promotions into two ways (see below).  Once the promotion has been submitted for approval,  there is a level of notifications that will go to the Regional Sales Manager then to the Marketing Manager.


1. Through Distributor-Sales Promotion which is by the Account. The emails has been approved by the above mentioned managers but the area analyst is not getting the approval from the following and the approval history is not updated in the respective account.!


 Can anyone explain me what would be the problem ?