• Kranthi Tamada 1
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Hi All,

We are using E2CP for creating cases through email. But we notice that the cases are not getting created by emailing to 'support@XXX.com'.

I was able to capture a debug log, and I received the following error: Insert failed. First exception on row 0; first error: REQUIRED_FIELD_MISSING, Required fields are missing: [Product, Component, Version]: [Product, Component, Version]
Recently we have made changes in cases. But it is necessary to keep them as mandatory (required) fields.
In this is the case, we can certainly achieve this with Validation Rules on those fields, making sure to exclude our E2CP Context User (Support Integration) in the formula. 

Could anyone suggest how to exclude E2CP Context User by using of Validation Rules and Formula?

Thanks in Advance.

Hi All,

How the Assets are generated for products during the entitlement process?

Please help me with the above query.
Thanks in Advance.


Hi All,

Our Customer wants to download some software from the customer portal.
But we are getting below error after entering username and password.

" This site requires browser cookie support. Your browser appears to be blocking cookies from this site. Please enable cookie support for this site and try again.
If you just enabled cookies for this site, you may have to try logging in twice for the browser to register the cookie and allow login."

I am unable to find out what exactly the issue is from Salesforce end or Browser end.
In the browser settings, I changed the status of the cookie to allow all cookies but still no luck.
Please help me to find out what exactly the issue is.

                           Thanks in Advance 
Hi All,

When customer added a comment from portal he recieves a email alert. Whenever our support team adding comment from standard salesforce then the customer recieving email twice. One is from custom way which i created (Apex Trigger) and another is from E2CP. 
How can i stop E2CP email alert?

Thanks in Advance
Hi All,

I Created Custom New Case Comment Notification by using  of workfow. Initially it is working  but  i have a small issue:

 I have appended this email link into the Email Template


But this link is redirecting to portal secure page. I want this link should be redirected to existing case id. 


I tried this but it is not working.

Any Suggestions please
Thanks in Advance
Hi all,

One of our client getting error as below:

Our Client created a case
 , then he received an email which he needed to provide more information by replying the email.

When he replied the email, he found he could not deliver the email to support@company.com (mailto:support@mvista.com" style="color:#1155cc" target="_blank).

and he got message like this" your message wasn't delievered to support@company.com, because the address couldn't be found, or is unable to receive mail.

the response was : our client account is disabled.
i.e. why would our client receive an error “User account disabled” when sending his email to this address?

The process what happens inside SF when an email is received at support@company.com . Where is the reception of the emails here configured in SF to create Cases in the system?

Please help me with proper solution 

Thanks in advance
Hi All,

I have a query, breifly i am going to explain what i did till now. Hope this forum may help me.

Whenever the support agent adds the new comment, Then the Customer is notified with email along with the case link.Whenever a customer clicks on the case link it is redirecting to standard SF login page but the customer doesn't use standard login details they will have community portal logins. So we need to update the customer portal URL instead of the standard case URL in the email notification. We have tried to do the changes but Managed packages are installed in the templates(Code is in encrypted). 

Then After we approched to our third party people (E2CP) regarding this issue . They replied like this " You want to check the Email Alerts you have configured and the Support Settings to see if any Email Template is defined there." we checked all the Email Templates which we have, but No email template got matched with our issue. After i shared one screen shot of Email and sent to our third party people. They confirmed
the email template which i sent a screenshot of is not related to E2CP and suggest to speak to whoever configured your Customer Portal to further investigate this.
We want to know how the email alerts are getting routed so that we can change the case url.

 Can anyone help regarding this?

Thanks in Advance

Hi All,

I have a query, breifly i am going to explain what i did till now. Hope this forum may help me. (we are trying to upload certificate for a subdomain).

Our customer is having issues with custom URLs that are built for their Customer Community. The custom URLs are marked as "unsecured sites" so many of their users are unable to log in because they don't have the SSL Certification required to make it a secure site. Recently our Certicate got expired so we have followed below steps to renew a CA-signed certificate,

1. Setup > Security > Certificate and Key Management
2. Click on the label name of your existing Certificate
3. Click "Download Certificate Signing Request"
4. Deliver this to your External Certificate Authority (CA) or to your IT Department to send it for you.
5. CA sends back a new valid cert with new dates
6. From the same page in Step 3, Click "Update Signed Certificate"
7. Upload your new .crt file and click Save.
8. Notice your new expiration date. (if there is a problem with the updated CRT, the upload will fail)

we have uploaded certification in SF under certificate management and Custome url's.

We have followed the same steps and our domain is Active, and i can see status of the certificate, Expiry date, and our custom URL.But still, we are getting 'Not Secure' message in browser.

Can anyone help regarding this?

Thanks in Advance.
Hi All,

We are using E2CP for creating cases through email. But we notice that the cases are not getting created by emailing to 'support@XXX.com'.

I was able to capture a debug log, and I received the following error: Insert failed. First exception on row 0; first error: REQUIRED_FIELD_MISSING, Required fields are missing: [Product, Component, Version]: [Product, Component, Version]
Recently we have made changes in cases. But it is necessary to keep them as mandatory (required) fields.
In this is the case, we can certainly achieve this with Validation Rules on those fields, making sure to exclude our E2CP Context User (Support Integration) in the formula. 

Could anyone suggest how to exclude E2CP Context User by using of Validation Rules and Formula?

Thanks in Advance.
Hi All,

I Created Custom New Case Comment Notification by using  of workfow. Initially it is working  but  i have a small issue:

 I have appended this email link into the Email Template


But this link is redirecting to portal secure page. I want this link should be redirected to existing case id. 


I tried this but it is not working.

Any Suggestions please
Thanks in Advance

Hi All,

I have a query, breifly i am going to explain what i did till now. Hope this forum may help me. (we are trying to upload certificate for a subdomain).

Our customer is having issues with custom URLs that are built for their Customer Community. The custom URLs are marked as "unsecured sites" so many of their users are unable to log in because they don't have the SSL Certification required to make it a secure site. Recently our Certicate got expired so we have followed below steps to renew a CA-signed certificate,

1. Setup > Security > Certificate and Key Management
2. Click on the label name of your existing Certificate
3. Click "Download Certificate Signing Request"
4. Deliver this to your External Certificate Authority (CA) or to your IT Department to send it for you.
5. CA sends back a new valid cert with new dates
6. From the same page in Step 3, Click "Update Signed Certificate"
7. Upload your new .crt file and click Save.
8. Notice your new expiration date. (if there is a problem with the updated CRT, the upload will fail)

we have uploaded certification in SF under certificate management and Custome url's.

We have followed the same steps and our domain is Active, and i can see status of the certificate, Expiry date, and our custom URL.But still, we are getting 'Not Secure' message in browser.

Can anyone help regarding this?

Thanks in Advance.

I want to add a link into email which allows the use to select a url which will redirect the user directly to the case within the Customer Portal.



I tried the following but I states that the url does not exists



Can anybody provide me advise on how to resolve this?





  • August 19, 2009
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