• Iago Silva
  • 135 Points
  • Member since 2020

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I'm trying to update an already created community in a scratch org using Salesforce DX, but I'm getting this error:
You cannot delete a site from Experience Cloud, but you can disable it through the administration settings in the Experience Workspaces.

But I'm not trying to delete the community, just update it.

Any ideia?
Thanks in advance.

Is there a way to update a custom metadata record using standard REST API?
I know that GraphQL is not fully released but I'd like to know if there is a way to test it in my developer org. Do I have to enable it somewhere? 

'm already following the instructions written in https://developer.salesforce.com/docs/platform/graphql/guide/get-started.html but in Postman I receive the following error:  

User-added image
Do I have to create another trailhead account with my partner credentials to do the trailhead modules available in Partner Learning Camp?
I'm not being able to use my personal trailhead account, when I click on start the site ask me to create a trailhead account.

Learning Partner Camp

Trailhead new account creation page

When I try to deploy the Contract Status standard picklist field to a scratch org I get this error:
field integrity exception: unknown (invalid value)
Someone know how to handle it?
Thanks in advance ;)
I'm trying to create a scratch org but I'm facing the following message: "A scratch org was created with username test-lixxfwlh1ygb@example.com, but the settings failed to deploy".
I guess that is something related with knowledge settings, but I'm not sure. I try to set up knowldege settings in the scratch org definition file in two different forms:
1º form:
"knowledgeSettings": {
      "enableKnowledge": true,
      "defaultLanguage": "pt_BR",
      "enableLightningKnowledge": true,
      "enableLightningKbAutoLoadRichTextField": true,
      "enableKnowledgeTitleAutoComplete": true,
      "enableKnowledgeKeywordAutoComplete": true,
      "suggestedArticles" : {
        "useSuggestedArticlesForCase": true,
        "caseFields": ["Subject", "Type"]

2º form:
"knowledgeSettings": {
    "enableKnowledge": true,
    "defaultLanguage": "pt_BR",
    "enableLightningKnowledge": true,
    "enableLightningKbAutoLoadRichTextField": true,
    "enableKnowledgeTitleAutoComplete": true,
    "enableKnowledgeKeywordAutoComplete": true
  "knowledgeSuggestedArticlesSettings": {
    "useSuggestedArticlesForCase": true
  "knowledgeCaseFieldsSettings": {
    "caseFields": ["Subject", "Type"]

But in both ways I get that message. 
Here the full scratch org definition file:
  "orgName": "Intelbras - Scratch Org",
  "edition": "Enterprise",
  "language": "pt_BR",
  "features": ["ContactsToMultipleAccounts", "Knowledge", "B2BCommerce", "Communities", "SalesCloudEinstein", "Entitlements", "OrderManagement", "StateAndCountryPicklist", "ServiceCloud", "MarketingUser", "PartnerCommunity", "AdditionalFieldHistory:40", "CaseClassification", "WorkThanksPref"],
  "settings": {
    "accountSettings": {
      "enableRelateContactToMultipleAccounts": true,
      "enableAccountTeams": true
    "communitiesSettings": {
      "enableNetworksEnabled": true
    "opportunityScoreSettings": {
      "enableOpportunityScoring": true
    "opportunitySettings": {
      "enableOpportunityTeam": true,
      "enableOpportunityFieldHistoryTracking": true
    "knowledgeSettings": {
      "enableKnowledge": true,
      "defaultLanguage": "pt_BR",
      "enableLightningKnowledge": true,
      "enableLightningKbAutoLoadRichTextField": true,
      "enableKnowledgeTitleAutoComplete": true,
      "enableKnowledgeKeywordAutoComplete": true,
      "suggestedArticles" : {
        "useSuggestedArticlesForCase": true,
        "caseFields": ["Subject", "Type"]
    "mobileSettings": {
      "enableS1EncryptedStoragePref2": false
    "chatterSettings": {
        "enableChatter": true
    "entitlementSettings": {
      "enableEntitlements": true,
      "enableEntitlementVersioning": true,
      "entitlementLookupLimitedToActiveStatus": true,
      "enableMilestoneFeedItem": true
    "securitySettings": {
      "enableAdminLoginAsAnyUser": true
    "lightningExperienceSettings": {
      "enableS1DesktopEnabled": true
    "orderManagementSettings": {
      "enableOrderManagement": true
    "orderSettings": {
      "enableOrders": true,
      "enableEnhancedCommerceOrders": true,
      "enableOptionalPricebook": true
    "commerceSettings": {
      "commerceEnabled": true
    "quoteSettings": {
      "enableQuote": true
    "campaignSettings": {
      "enableCampaignInfluence2": true
    "experienceBundleSettings": {
      "enableExperienceBundleMetadata": true
    "deploymentSettings": {
      "doesSkipAsyncApexValidation": true
    "workDotComSettings": {
      "enableWorkThanksPref": true,
      "enableProfileSkills": true
    "enhancedNotesSettings": {
      "enableEnhancedNotes": true
    "surveySettings": {
      "enableSurvey": true
    "sharingSettings": {
      "enableAssetSharing": true
    "emailAdministrationSettings": {
      "enableEnhancedEmailEnabled": true
    "activitiesSettings": {
      "allowUsersToRelateMultipleContactsToTasksAndEvents": true

Any ideias? Thanks in advance.

I'm trying to pull a community to a scratch org but it gives the following errors:

User-added image

I create a script to populate a scratch org with data from my production org, but the Id's of my scratch org doesn't match the type of my production/qa/developer org. 

For example, in production/developer org I have a custom object called Establishment__c and its ids starts with 'a15' and in my scratch org they start com 'a0z'. So if I try to create records in the scratch org with the same Id, I got an error: Invalid Id type for Establishment__c object.

Is there a way to create a scratch org with the same id pattern of my production/developer org?
If I create a store in B2B commerce and a Community in Salesforce can I versioning using Salesforce DX?
I'm trying to set a Local Development Server for Lightning Web Components according to this link but when I try to install the plugin @salesforce/lwc-dev-server I get this error message :
Code: ShellParseError

and a .js file named npm-cli.js opens in my editor with this content:
#!/usr/bin/env node 

Anyone knows what to do? Thanks in advance.
Hello everybody

We have two sandboxes, in one sandboxe when we accept a chat by omni-channel a case is automatically created but in another sandbox the case is not created.

We set all the same settings in both sandboxes. Do I have to enable another setting to create the case automatically?

Thanks in advance. 
Hello everybody.

I would like to use Einstein Lead Scoring in a scratch org but when I enable this feature it doesn't become ready to use, just say the message "It can take up to 48 hours to analyze your lead conversion history and your current leads." but it already have passed more than 48 hours.

Have someone faced this issue?

User-added image
Hello everyone

I'm trying to push my development to a scratch org but I'm facing some issues:

User-added image

The objects 'CustomerCreditData__c' and 'OpportunitySegment__c' have master-detail fields to Account and Opportunity objects, respectively, and these fields already exist in the scratch org.

Also, I've enabled 'Einsten Lead Scoring' in the scratch org but I have no access to the component when I try to create a Lightning Page to the Lead object (third error in the print).

And I don't know what means the last two errors too.

Someone can help me?
Thanks in advance.
Hello everyone

I'm trying to push my development to a scratch org but I'm facing some issues:

Deploy errorsI already activate Einstein Opportunity Scoring, Einstein Lead Scoring and Contatcs to Multiples Accounts in scratch org but the errors keep happen.

Any suggestions?
Hello everybody

I'm trying to enable "Contacts to Multiple Accounts" in a scratch org but it gives the message: "You can't enable Contacts to Multiple Accounts with the feature in its current state. Contact salesforce.com for help enabling Contacts to Multiple Accounts."

I've tried to create a scratch org with "ContactsToMultipleAccounts" feature in the scratch definition file but when I create the scratch org the feature is disable and when I try to enable it, show the same message.

(I'm using org shape funcionality)

Someone knows what I have to do?
Thaks in advance :)
Hello everybody!!

Is there a way to create a scratch org with all packages from appexchange that there are in the production?

Maybe using the project-scratch-def.json file?

Thanks in advance
Hello everybody

I would like to know how I can integrate Salesforce with PayPal

This is the scenario:

- First I want to know details about the payments I received like amount, date, payer email, payer cpf 
(cpf is a Brazilian document, like security number and it's required when  creating a PayPal account in Brazil), and store those data in Salesforce
(in an object)

- Second, I want details about the withdrawals I do in my PalPal account, like amount, date, and the payments that compose this withdrawal, and
store this information in Salesforce (in an object)

Is this possible?

I've read the PayPal documentation but I've got lost 

Thanks in advance ;)
Hello everybody !!
How can I deserealize this JSON? 
    "infopay": [
            "chavebanco": 4020.0,
            "codigocliente": "2000746",
            "tipotitulo": null,
            "valortitulo": 0.0,
            "datapagamento": "2021-02-20T00:00:00",
            "status": 4
            "chavebanco": 8886.0,
            "codigocliente": "2000466",
            "tipotitulo": null,
            "valortitulo": 0.0,
            "datapagamento": "2021-04-20T00:00:00",
            "status": 6
            "chavebanco": 8842.0,
            "codigocliente": "2000466",
            "tipotitulo": null,
            "valortitulo": 0.0,
            "datapagamento": "2021-04-20T00:00:00",
            "status": 8
            "chavebanco": 8887.0,
            "codigocliente": "2000466",
            "tipotitulo": null,
            "valortitulo": 0.0,
            "datapagamento": "2021-04-20T00:00:00",
            "status": 6

I have the public class TemplateDataIntegrationFieldsGATEC.InformacoesPagamentoINData and I tried to do this:
TemplateDataIntegrationFieldsGATEC.InformacoesPagamentoINData resp = (TemplateDataIntegrationFieldsGATEC.InformacoesPagamentoINData) JSON.deserialize(response.getBody(), TemplateDataIntegrationFieldsGATEC.InformacoesPagamentoINData.class);

List<TemplateDataIntegrationFieldsGATEC.InformacoesPagamentoINData> respList = new List<TemplateDataIntegrationFieldsGATEC.InformacoesPagamentoINData>{resp};

But it gives:
(InformacoesPagamentoINData:[chavebanco=null, codigoFazenda=null, codigocliente=null, datapagamento=null, status=null, tipotitulo=null, valortitulo=null])

Thanks in advance :)
Hello everybody !!

I'm working on a LWC and I'm using Leaflet and LeafletDraw js libraries.

It work's fine but when I resize or zoom the window,  the component overtake its space in the container.

Someone know how to fix it?

Image 1: before resize the window
User-added image

Image 2: after resize the window

User-added image
I know that GraphQL is not fully released but I'd like to know if there is a way to test it in my developer org. Do I have to enable it somewhere? 

'm already following the instructions written in https://developer.salesforce.com/docs/platform/graphql/guide/get-started.html but in Postman I receive the following error:  

User-added image
I create a script to populate a scratch org with data from my production org, but the Id's of my scratch org doesn't match the type of my production/qa/developer org. 

For example, in production/developer org I have a custom object called Establishment__c and its ids starts with 'a15' and in my scratch org they start com 'a0z'. So if I try to create records in the scratch org with the same Id, I got an error: Invalid Id type for Establishment__c object.

Is there a way to create a scratch org with the same id pattern of my production/developer org?
I'm trying to set a Local Development Server for Lightning Web Components according to this link but when I try to install the plugin @salesforce/lwc-dev-server I get this error message :
Code: ShellParseError

and a .js file named npm-cli.js opens in my editor with this content:
#!/usr/bin/env node 

Anyone knows what to do? Thanks in advance.
Hello everybody

We have two sandboxes, in one sandboxe when we accept a chat by omni-channel a case is automatically created but in another sandbox the case is not created.

We set all the same settings in both sandboxes. Do I have to enable another setting to create the case automatically?

Thanks in advance. 
Hello everybody.

I would like to use Einstein Lead Scoring in a scratch org but when I enable this feature it doesn't become ready to use, just say the message "It can take up to 48 hours to analyze your lead conversion history and your current leads." but it already have passed more than 48 hours.

Have someone faced this issue?

User-added image
Hello everyone

I'm trying to push my development to a scratch org but I'm facing some issues:

Deploy errorsI already activate Einstein Opportunity Scoring, Einstein Lead Scoring and Contatcs to Multiples Accounts in scratch org but the errors keep happen.

Any suggestions?
Hello everybody

I'm trying to enable "Contacts to Multiple Accounts" in a scratch org but it gives the message: "You can't enable Contacts to Multiple Accounts with the feature in its current state. Contact salesforce.com for help enabling Contacts to Multiple Accounts."

I've tried to create a scratch org with "ContactsToMultipleAccounts" feature in the scratch definition file but when I create the scratch org the feature is disable and when I try to enable it, show the same message.

(I'm using org shape funcionality)

Someone knows what I have to do?
Thaks in advance :)
Hello everybody!!

Is there a way to create a scratch org with all packages from appexchange that there are in the production?

Maybe using the project-scratch-def.json file?

Thanks in advance
Hello everybody

I would like to know how I can integrate Salesforce with PayPal

This is the scenario:

- First I want to know details about the payments I received like amount, date, payer email, payer cpf 
(cpf is a Brazilian document, like security number and it's required when  creating a PayPal account in Brazil), and store those data in Salesforce
(in an object)

- Second, I want details about the withdrawals I do in my PalPal account, like amount, date, and the payments that compose this withdrawal, and
store this information in Salesforce (in an object)

Is this possible?

I've read the PayPal documentation but I've got lost 

Thanks in advance ;)
Hello everybody !!

I'm developing a Lightning Web Component that has 3 fields and I would like to know how I can turn the labels bold because they are very 'erased' within the Salesforce background.


Here's the code:
<div class="slds-size_2-of-4 slds-p-around_x-small">
            <lightning-record-edit-form object-api-name="Contact">
                <lightning-input-field field-name='AccountId' label='Conta' required data-my-id='orderAccount' onchange={showCleanButton}></lightning-input-field>
        <div class="slds-size_1-of-4 slds-p-around_x-small">
            <lightning-input type="date" label="Data" placeholder="Insira a data do pedido" required data-my-id='orderDate' onchange={showCleanButton}></lightning-input>

        <div class="slds-size_1-of-4 slds-p-around_x-small">
            <lightning-input type="text" label="Número do Pedido" placeholder="Insira o número do pedido" data-my-id='orderNumber' onchange={showCleanButton}></lightning-input>
Thanks in advance ;)

I'm trying to show a report in a community page, as an Admin I can see the report but when I log into the community as a user with Customer Community license I'm presented the following error:

Error communitySomeone can help me?
Thanks in advance ;)