• Kamil Kowalczyk
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  • Member since 2020

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I'm trying to validate the modue "Create Reports and Dashboards for Sales and Marketing Managers -- Group and Categorize Your Data". I keep get the error message "Challenge Not yet complete... here's what's wrong:  The 'Pipeline Matrix Report Current and 2 FY' report does not appear to have the bucket field configured correctly." Has anyone else experienced this? There isn't anything I can find that is wrong with my configuration.
Challenge Description:
  • Upload a specified zip file as a static resource. The zip will have directories with images and you have to display a specific image on a Visualforce page.The page must be named 'ShowImage'.
  • This file must be uploaded as a Static Resource named 'vfimagetest'.
  • The page must have a Visualforce apex:image tag that displays the 'kitten1.jpg' image from the 'cats' directory of the static resource.

Screenshot of Visualforce Page:
User-added image
Screenshot of Resource Page:
User-added image

Screenshot of page preview:
User-added image

Exact text of error:
Challenge not yet complete... here's what's wrong: 
The page does not include a reference to the specified image

Can't figure out whats wrong, everything looks like its working perfectly and I used the examples in the module as a base for the code.