• theisglogan
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api calls during the creation of a object to set picklist values?
For Example if VIN number field is filled in it'd send a api call to a endpoint and gather all the other fields values before record is saved...
Another example is if they enter in a Year, It'll send to gather the Make, User will see picklist values live in real time to be able to select make to then make a call to gather model picklist values..... All this is needed to then gather the dummy vin supported by our endpoint.
Hello, I am wanting to gather some information what all would be involved in creating a custom VF Page to display related objects but with all the fields in two columns. Screenshot one is a example of the related list currently, Screenshot two is the info I would like to show on the parent object for each related item.

User-added image
User-added image
Hello, I am looking for a way to find out bu Zipcode which County it belongs to. I do have a excel file of the county by zip but need a way to autopopulate this field on the account level. Thank you in advance for any suggestions.

User enters Zipcode 76180 and saves,
Once record is saved it'll find the zipcode in our data and populate the County field on the account.
Hello, I am looking for a way to find out bu Zipcode which County it belongs to. I do have a excel file of the county by zip but need a way to autopopulate this field on the account level. Thank you in advance for any suggestions.

User enters Zipcode 76180 and saves,
Once record is saved it'll populate the County field on the account.
Need help creating a edit/save scheduler every night at midnight. Just need to have it edit/save a Policy__C to scan for changes and/or run workflows. 
Hello, I am looking for a way to find out bu Zipcode which County it belongs to. I do have a excel file of the county by zip but need a way to autopopulate this field on the account level. Thank you in advance for any suggestions.

User enters Zipcode 76180 and saves,
Once record is saved it'll populate the County field on the account.