• Rohit Soni 35
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Can anyone tell as to how to get the refresh token from the configured Oauth provider , I am trying to use the Auth.AuthToken.refreshAccessToken(....) api , but it returns null in AT and message as - No_Refresh_Token , has anyone tried using this api? , anything specific sequence needs to be followed to use this?

Can anyone tell me how to delete the chat transcript events , my storage is 110% used , with max used by chat transcripts , need to get rid of it as my Bot is throwing Connection issues,

I am trying to get hold of the logged in userId/username in the Apex code invoked from the Einstein Bot , but it always returns the user used to run the Bot? ,  I did see some workaround like : https://blog.enree.co/2018/11/salesforce-dealing-with-the-running-user-on-einstein-bot-dialogs.html

Isn't there a straightforward way to achieve this?


I am trying to fetch the AccessToken of the current user logged in (using federation) , by running the Apex Code- 


This Apex code is invoved as a "Invocable" method from the Bot using Apex Action , its returning the AT corresponding to the user chosen as. a Bot User in the Bot config , and if the Chat Bot. user is choosen , then AT is null , I want the AT corresponding to the current logged in user , instead of the user being used to run the Bot, can someone please provide some help here.


I followed the link to setup Bot in the Lighning App (Service Console) for my case :


But the Bot window does not show up , it shows as blank in the VS page , can anyone suggest what could I be missing?
Hey Folks , wanted to check if anyone has used this api - Auth.AuthToken.getAccessToken(...) , basically I am trying to retrieve the Access Token for the current user , I am finding it has cached in Access token for some other user and returns that one , instead of the token corresponding to the current user
Can anyone please help here?, also is there a way to get hold of the ID_token for the current user?
Hey Folks , wanted to check if anyone has used this api - Auth.AuthToken.getAccessToken(...) , basically I am trying to retrieve the Access Token for the current user , I am finding it has cached in Access token for some other user and returns that one , instead of the token corresponding to the current user
Can anyone please help here?, also is there a way to get hold of the ID_token for the current user?

I've implemented an external Open Id Connect Auth. Provider and i manage to login successfully.

Now i'm required to propagate the id_token provided by the third party IDP and I'm stuck on this demand.

I've managed to get an access token, using Auth.AuthToken.getAccessToken('AuthProviderId', 'Open ID connect'), but i need to retrieve the id_token. 

I've set the IdP to send the id_token on the refresh token response but when I use Auth.AuthToken.refreshAccessToken(AuthProviderId, 'Open ID connect', accessToken); it only returns a renewed access token but it won't return the id_token.

Is there any way to retrieve current user's id_token? If not, how can i retrieve the refresh_token? If i can get that refresh token i would be able to make a refresh_token callout without using the authtoken.refreshAccessToken method.





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I recently began experimenting with the Einstein Bot Builder, and connected my bot to the Live Agent Chat Button. My Live Agent chat sessions work fine without the bot, but once I connect the bot, I receive the error "There is a connection issue."

Does anyone know how to fix this?
I appreciate any help!