• Nikolay Mitjul
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Greetings community,

I stuck in question about "emailchangesuccess.jsp ". You may see it on the picture below. .force.com/yoursitename/setup/user/emailchangesuccess.jsp
When experience user changes his email address, he receives one email on to his old email box and another one on to his new email box where he has a button with email change confirmation (Click the following link to complete the change to your email address. This link will expire in 72 hours:). After clicking on to that link, new tab in browser will be opened where you may see "emailchangesuccess.jsp" as on the screenshot above.
I need to change text there, but I can not find where I can do it or is it possible in general.

Thank you in advance,
Yours sincerely,
I want to deploy translation changes to git to have it there. I made changes in Translation Workbench, but do not know what metadata should I use do deploy it.
Greetings community,

I stuck in question about "emailchangesuccess.jsp ". You may see it on the picture below. .force.com/yoursitename/setup/user/emailchangesuccess.jsp
When experience user changes his email address, he receives one email on to his old email box and another one on to his new email box where he has a button with email change confirmation (Click the following link to complete the change to your email address. This link will expire in 72 hours:). After clicking on to that link, new tab in browser will be opened where you may see "emailchangesuccess.jsp" as on the screenshot above.
I need to change text there, but I can not find where I can do it or is it possible in general.

Thank you in advance,
Yours sincerely,
Hi All,

I am trying to create a custom LWC component to register users in the community. I want to display the error messages to the users for any invalid data. I am trying to use toast messages to show the errors but can not see any message on the community.

I tried to put that component on a record page & I can see the toast message there but not sure why the message is not displayed on the community page.
Below is the sample code that I am trying to execute in the community:-
import { LightningElement } from 'lwc';
import saveUser from '@salesforce/apex/CommRegister.createUser';
import { ShowToastEvent } from 'lightning/platformShowToastEvent';

export default class CommRegister extends LightningElement {
		.then((result) => {
		.catch((error) => {
			const evt = new ShowToastEvent({
                        title: 'Error',
                        message: 'This is an error message',
                        variant: 'error',
                        mode: 'dismissable'
Is there any limitation of the community or any setting that needs to be enabled before using toasts in custom LWC?

I am not able to save my record. no error message is showing.
Here is my class.

public with sharing class ScheduleClass {
    public static Product_Schedule__c submitSchedule(String psRecordId, string psName, string psDescription){
        Product_Schedule__c psObj = new Product_Schedule__c();
        insert psObj;
        return psObj;
If I add the id of my record page it works but if I am trying to pass the id through my js file it is not working.
Here is my JS File:
import {LightningElement, track, api } from 'lwc';
import submitSchedule from '@salesforce/apex/ScheduleClass.submitSchedule';
import {ShowToastEvent} from 'lightning/platformShowToastEvent';

export default class ScheduleClass extends LightningElement {
    @track psObjName;
    @track psObjDescription;
    @api psRecordId;
    @track errorMsg;
        if(event.target.name == 'psName'){
        this.psObjName = event.target.value;
        if(event.target.name == 'psDescription'){
        this.psObjDescription = event.target.value;  
        this.psRecordId = result.Id;
        window.console.log('psRecordId ' + this.psRecordId);       
        const toastEvent = new ShowToastEvent({
            message:'Record created successfully',
          /*Start Navigation*/
            type: 'standard__recordPage',
            attributes: {
                psRecordId: this.psRecordId,
                objectApiName: 'Invoice_Schedule__c',
                actionName: 'view'
         /*End Navigation*/
    .catch(error =>{

What Am I doing wrong?
Hello All,

I am trying to create a community user, i went through the folowing steps:
1. Created an account.
2. Created a contact
3. On the contact detail page, clicked on 'Manage external user' and created a user.

The issue is that when the external user is created, that external user is not receiving the welcome email or the reset password email. 
I am interested in setting up multi-language translations within our Community. Body material can be translated by changing the field name tags to the chosen foreign languages and changing property tags to their corresponding translations. However, the Navigation Menu (Aura) component offers no property names that correspond with the tab options in the menu. Say I have Proposals, Offers, Orders as my menu tabs, none of these are listed as property tags. Is this a limitation of Salesforce or is there a hidden way to trace the property tag names of each menu options? Thanks in advance.
I am succesfully creating contentversion through the SOAP API, but when creating a contentdocument link (that links my document to another object record) I get an error: INSUFFICIENT_ACCESS_OR_READONLY

What access does the authenticated user need for proper access? Is it to do with the object I am linking the content file to? If so, what permission is needed?
  • May 12, 2017
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I'm experiencing a strange problem that cropped up yesterday morning.  I am suddenly getting a 'page not found' error when trying to access my community in my sandbox org.  I have not changed any of the custom URL settings in weeks and was accessing and using the sandbox community the very night before without issue.

Sandbox: https://sandbox-hirebotics.cs51.force.com/ (<-- page not found error)

Production:  https://robots.hirebotics.com (<-- works fine)

After three phone calls / go-to-meetings with salesforce support they can't figure out what's going on.  Their latest guess is that my product custom URL in sandbox (which is copied into sandbox upon a refresh, which I haven't done in a week) is set to "in development".  But they can't tell me why that's a problem now nor how to change that, assuming that's the problem.  They suggested I post here.  See below.
Custom URL in Sandbox

Now, I also tried spinning out another developers sandbox from my working production org and I'm seeing the exact same problem accessing the login page hosted from this new dev org.

Note that the error page below is being served from my org as the email us link connects to my email address.
Community Error Page

Also, both my sandbox and dev sandbox are hosted on CS51, if that's relevant.

Any idea what's going on?  



I am getting the below error when trying to persist data. Not sure what this is. Has anyone faced this kind of issue?


 java.sql.SQLException: ORA-20000: 
ORA-06512: at "DOC.SIMPORTLOOKUP", line 850
ORA-06512: at "DOC.SIMPORTLOOKUP", line 823
ORA-06512: at line 1

SQLException while executing plsql statement: {call sImportLookup.get_by_ext_id_text

Hi All,


Sorry to mark it urgent, as i need to implement this soon...


I have a custom object with Master detail Relationship, now i want to make this field as lookp field (reason: i may not have the master record each time for the detail record). Please let me know the way of converting the master field to Lookup, or any other Data Type.


or else, is there any way to to mark the Master Detail field as non-mandatory on the detail objects page layout


Please let me know..








When rendering a page as a PDF the filename of the PDF is the name of the page which is not a good thing. The problem with this is that the name is not unique and can cause confusion with the user.


I'm working on a quoting app that renders a quote as a PDF. Some broswers open the PDF embed, others automatically launch your PDF reader, and some prompt you to save or open. The problem is that if opened or saved theses files are all saved as qoute.pdf, qoute[1].pdf, quote[2].pdf, quote[3].pdf. The problem should be obvious.


Ideally you should be able to define the name of the generated PDF but I haven't figured out how to do this.




  • February 25, 2009
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I have a Visual Force page which I am rendering as a pdf. I want to add page breaks to the pdf file because if the page is longer than 1 page it just splits up the page wherever it runs over. Is there any way I can control this?
