• Abhishek Sharma 36
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What should be done to provide managers access to records of which they are not the owner in a private sharing model?
A. Create a Manager Permission set and select the “View All Data” option.
B. Create a Manager profile and select the “View My Teams Data” option.
C. Define a Role Hierarchy and use the Grant Access Using Hierarchies option.
D. Set the Manger field for each User Record on the Manager’s team.

The answer should be C but some post says A. can anyone help me provide clarification about why it can't be C?
Hi All,
I want to upgrade a package to production. My org is making API call to/from salesforce and batches running, that uses package triggers. Will there be any impact on them during the upgrade time, if I have made any changes to those triggers as part of upgrade?
Hi Team,

We own a second generation package and have install it in various org without any issue. Our package contains Standard Service Console app (standard__serviceconsole).
The use case to have this in our package is that we just update this standard service console app when package gets installed in the org and the prerequisite is that this standard app should be present in the target org, which is already happening since this app is provided by salesforce service cloud by default.
However, we found that when we uninstall the package, the Standard Service Console app (standard__serviceconsole) which is  a salesforce service cloud product gets deleted from the org due to which we are not able to reinstall the package again.

This is a salesforce bug. Since, uninstalling the package should only delete the components that the package owns and not salesforce standard serivce console app.
Hi Team,

We own a second generation package and have install it in various org without any issue. Our package contains Standard Service Console app (standard__serviceconsole).
The use case to have this in our package is that we just update this standard service console app when package gets installed in the org and the prerequisite is that this standard app should be present in the target org, which is already happening since this app is provided by salesforce service cloud by default.
However, we found that when we uninstall the package, the Standard Service Console app (standard__serviceconsole) which is  a salesforce service cloud product gets deleted from the org due to which we are not able to reinstall the package again.

This is a salesforce bug. Since, uninstalling the package should only delete the components that the package owns and not salesforce standard serivce console app.
Universal Containers requires e-mails to be sent to additional recipients when a workflow e-mail alert is triggered from the case object.

Which two field types need to be added to the case object to allow additional recipients on the e-mail alert? (Choose two.)
 1. Text field
 2. E-mail field
 3. Lookup field
 4. Formula field
Can Anyone help me to find the correct answer to the above question?
What should be done to provide managers access to records of which they are not the owner in a private sharing model?
A. Create a Manager Permission set and select the “View All Data” option.
B. Create a Manager profile and select the “View My Teams Data” option.
C. Define a Role Hierarchy and use the Grant Access Using Hierarchies option.
D. Set the Manger field for each User Record on the Manager’s team.

The answer should be C but some post says A. can anyone help me provide clarification about why it can't be C?
Universal Containers has separated business requirements for consumer and Business Opportunities. The sales team work with both types of Opportunities. The app builder created two record types on the Opportunity Object. Which action can now be performed? Choose 2 answers
A. Prevent access to secure data fields by sales process.
B. Specify a different page layout by sales process.
C. Enable field validation by sales process.
D. Create unique Opportunity stages by sales process.

Ans : B & C
Can we enable field validation by the sales process I didn't find option  C as the correct answer?

Hi, Im trying to display more than 10000 records i'm facing an error.

Visualforce Error
Help for this Page
Collection size 10,358 exceeds maximum size of 10,000.

Please find the code and suggest me.

VF Page:
<apex:page controller="Display10000" readOnly="true" >
    <apex:pageBlock title="{!size} records retrived">
        <apex:pageBlockTable value="{!accList}" var="a">
            <apex:column value="{!a.name}"  />
            <apex:column value="{!a.phone}"  />
            <apex:column value="{!a.AccountNumber}"  />



public class Display10000 {
    public  List<Account> accList {get; set;}
    public Integer size{get;set;}
    public Display10000(){
       accList = [Select Name,AccountNumber,Phone from Account]; 
       size = accList.size();

please help me in retriving more than 10k records.


Thanks in advance.


I'm trying to build out a field that counts days while a condition is true. It's intended to count tenure while the customer is in an active membership.

We do have variables for the start date and end date of the membership which counts tenure of that specific membership, but we can't just use that because if the customer discontinues their membership and picks up a new membership at a later time, they'll start at the tenure they previously had. Another issue is they can have multiple memberships active at the same time so it can't be a tally of ALL membership tenures. 

Essentially I need it to be this psuedocode:

AT 12:00AM, IF ActiveMembership >0 THEN TenureDayCounter=TenureDayCounter+1.

Does this make sense? Hoping for some pointers here. 

Thanks in advance for your help. 


How I can have the picklist value in visualforce pages. Example Yes and No value. Also how I can hide the next section if answer is no in visualforce.
Hi Experts,

I have below controller which inserts data five times as five different records

public class AddQAAMWeeklyPlanner
//Shrinkage Time
    public String ShrinkageTimeFri { get; set; }
    public String ShrinkageTimeThur { get; set; }
    public String ShrinkageTimeWed { get; set; }
    public String ShrinkageTimeTue { get; set; }
    public String ShrinkageTimeMon { get; set; }

      //Otherttime Description add
    public String OthertimeDes_Fri { get; set; }
    public String OthertimeDes_Thur { get; set; }
    public String OthertimeDes_Wed { get; set; }
    public String OthertimeDes_Tue { get; set; }
    public String OthertimeDes_Mon { get; set; }

   public map<String,String> OthertimeDesMap= new map<String, String>();
    public map<String,String> ShrinkageTimeMonMap = new map<String, String>();

public void AddAvailability()
               ShrinkageTimeMonMap.put('Monday', ShrinkageTimeMon);
             ShrinkageTimeMonMap.put('Tuesday', ShrinkageTimeTue);
             ShrinkageTimeMonMap.put('Wednesday', ShrinkageTimeWed);
             ShrinkageTimeMonMap.put('Thursday', ShrinkageTimeThur);
             ShrinkageTimeMonMap.put('Friday', ShrinkageTimeFri);


public void saveAllDetails()
List<QAAM_Weekly_Planner__c> testList = new List<QAAM_Weekly_Planner__c>();
string enteredDayfromUI = ‘Monday’;

for(String k : ShrinkageTimeMonMap.keySet())
QAAM_Weekly_Planner__c acc= new QAAM_Weekly_Planner__c ();
acc. Shrinkage_time__c = Double.valueOf(ShrinkageTimeMonMap.get(k));
acc. OthertimeDes__c = OthertimeDesMap.get(k);
Insert testList;

I want to check, it data is already available, I just to update my records rather than doing a new insert. Kindly help.

This query will return me the ID's of primary feilds.

List<QAAM_Weekly_Planner__c> weekValues = [select Week_Start_Date__c, id, Week__C from QAAM_Weekly_Planner__c where Week__C =: week];

if size of weekValues is greater than 0, I have to take all record ID's [to be precise 5 records will be available] and I have to run the method saveAllDetails() with upsert operation. Kindly help me.

Karthic Sankar V P