• Sourav Mondal 16
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Ans:  Text, Text Area, Text Area Long, Rich Text Area, URL. Is this is the right answer or is there something else????

13. Can we change the data type from Text to Auto Number for the Name when we already have?

Ans: I feel the answer is yes. If yes, please do let me know the explanation . If no, let me know the reason as well. Thanks guys. 

I am trying to setup the OAuth process to get the access_token, specifically in PHP using this example (http://developer.force.com/cookbook/recipe/interact-with-the-forcecom-rest-api-from-php). However, I don't know how to avoid the "Allow Access" page that shows up, I would like to be autimatically allowed so the application can continue and get the access_token... It would be a pain to have to manually allow access on every system I am planning on implementing this integration.. What am I missing?