• Maverick26
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Hi as shown in the below image how can I adjust the width of the dropdown accordinding to the above selected value field 
User-added image
In LWC the radio button has a helptext which is displayed on clicking the the button. The alignment of the helptext is not correctly placed on clicking on the radio button in newer versions of chrome and edge (chrome ver:- 102.0.5005.63) any help would be much appriciated.
Hi Team,

How to process bulkification of records(Eg:- 50,000 at once ) in Integration Procedures (IP) in velocity

I am actually migrrating data from a external system to salesforce, for this I have created a flow in which we are calling Integration Procedures(IP) through APEX action
For this I have to pull let's say 50,000 records at once without hitting Governer Limits I want to know how can we process records in bulk more that 200 records.

Thanks you,

Hi Developers,

How can I restrict a string field to not allow  0-9^#*@!_()$%&+>< ( ) | 

Phone should allows only numbers and hyphen 

Thanks in Advance.
Hi as shown in the below image how can I adjust the width of the dropdown accordinding to the above selected value field 
User-added image
In LWC the radio button has a helptext which is displayed on clicking the the button. The alignment of the helptext is not correctly placed on clicking on the radio button in newer versions of chrome and edge (chrome ver:- 102.0.5005.63) any help would be much appriciated.
I am trying to implement an intermidiary page which will display after login but before landing on the home page. I am using visualforce login flow for that. I tried the example provided in salesforce help page


However when I login with the user, it shows the following error and the user is stuck here itself. I do not understand what wrong I am doing:

User-added image

Here are the code snippets:
VF Page
<apex:page showHeader="false" controller="VFLoginFlowController">
  <h1>You are in VF Login Flow</h1>
  <apex:form >
    <apex:commandButton action="{!FinishLoginFlowHome}" value="Finish and Go to Home"/>
    <apex:commandButton action="{!FinishLoginFlowStartUrl}" value="Finish and Go to StartUrl"/>

public class VFLoginFlowController {

    public PageReference FinishLoginFlowStartUrl() {
        //do stuff
        //finish the login flow and send you to the startUrl (account page in this case)
        return Auth.SessionManagement.finishLoginFlow('/001');

    public PageReference FinishLoginFlowHome() {
        //do stuff
        //finish the login flow and send you the default homepage
        return Auth.SessionManagement.finishLoginFlow();