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When trying to authorize via https://<domain>.my.salesforce.com/services/oauth2/authorize?client_id=<client_id>&redirect_uri=<redirecr_url>\some_endpoint&response_type=code 2 errors has happened to me:
1. login error login error2. redirecting to another url: <redirecr_url>\another_endpoint without the code attached to it, instead of <redirecr_url>\some_endpoint?code=<authorization_code>

Why has this happened? the login details are correct as I can sometimes get the second issue.
Trying to call queryAll endpoint and look for an object TenantSecurityLogin i get the status code 404 with 
{"errorCode": "NOT_FOUND", "message": "The requested resource does not exist"}
The request:
GET /services/data/v57.0/queryAll/?q=select fields(standard) from TenantSecurityLogin HTTP/1.1
Host: <domain>.my.salesforce.com
Authorization: <Bearer Access Token>

1. Why does this error occured? If this error is related to licensing, where can I find for each object what license is required in order to query for it via rest api
2. Are there any other errors that results in 404 status code?
3. Does this call retrieve available objects only (as it happens in a few sobjects)? 
GET /services/data/v56.0/sobjects HTTP/1.1
Host: <domain>.my.salesforce.com
Authorization: <Bearer Access Token>



Trying to call queryAll endpoint and look for an object TenantSecurityLogin i get the status code 404 with 

{"errorCode": "NOT_FOUND", "message": "The requested resource does not exist"}
1. Why does this error occured?
2. Are there any other errors that results in 404 status code?
3. If this error is related to licensing, where can I find for each object what license is required in order to query for it via rest api?

When sending a request to REST API queryAll endpoint with a query that contains 'order by ID' is it guaranteed that the ids are given to objects in imcremental order? for example, let's say I send the query 'select logFile from EventLogFile order by id' and i receive 4 ordered objects by ids [<logfile1>,<logfile2>,<logfile3>,<logfile4>]. after 1 hour I send the same query and now I receive 5 ordered objects by ids. is it guaranteed that the order is [<logfile1>,<logfile2>,<logfile3>,<logfile4>,<logfile5>] or is it possible that [<logfile1>,<logfile2>,<logfile5>,<logfile3>,<logfile4>]?
Hi, in what intervals does the rate limit is calculated? when does the count reset? how much time do i need to wait before send another request? is it always 24 hours?
What's the maximum size of a log file, and how many events can it contain?
I tried to reach the limit of the daily API calls returned from /services/data/vXX.X/limits endpoint (which is 15000). instead of getting 429 status code (Too Many Requests) with the header Retry-After i get 403 status code (Forbidden) with errorCode="REQUEST_LIMIT_EXCEEDED" without any Retry-After field. In which case can I expect 429 status code, and can I configure the limit on api calls permanantley?
When I reach rate limit I get status code 403 instead of 429. Why do this happen, how can I know how much time do I have to wait before retry?


Trying to call queryAll endpoint and look for an object TenantSecurityLogin i get the status code 404 with 

{"errorCode": "NOT_FOUND", "message": "The requested resource does not exist"}
1. Why does this error occured?
2. Are there any other errors that results in 404 status code?
3. If this error is related to licensing, where can I find for each object what license is required in order to query for it via rest api?

Hi, in what intervals does the rate limit is calculated? when does the count reset? how much time do i need to wait before send another request? is it always 24 hours?
What's the maximum size of a log file, and how many events can it contain?
I tried to reach the limit of the daily API calls returned from /services/data/vXX.X/limits endpoint (which is 15000). instead of getting 429 status code (Too Many Requests) with the header Retry-After i get 403 status code (Forbidden) with errorCode="REQUEST_LIMIT_EXCEEDED" without any Retry-After field. In which case can I expect 429 status code, and can I configure the limit on api calls permanantley?
When I reach rate limit I get status code 403 instead of 429. Why do this happen, how can I know how much time do I have to wait before retry?

I'm following this tutorial:



When I get to the final step - requesting the auth token - I always get an undocumented "unsupported_grant_type" message. Seems like this is some kind of generic error message, but I can't get around it.


I correctly retrieve a code form the initial GET request. Fine.

I generate a POST using that code:


POST /services/oauth2/token HTTP/1.0 Host: login.salesforce.com User-Agent: Drupal (+http://drupal.org/) Content-Length: 300 grant_type=authorization_code&code=aPrxVyeZrusRBnc3MMnY7pNlQsARBRDqXQTQ12UzEIDjUBJjlgXOq4_IUp.9E3k%3D&client_id=XXXXXXXXXXXXX&client_secret=XXXXXXXXXXXXX&redirect_uri=https%3A%2F%2Flocalhost%2FRestTest%2Fsalesforce%2Foauth


And the response is always the same:


{"error":"unsupported_grant_type","error_description":"grant type not supported"}


Everything is properly url encoded, and I've followed the directions to a T.

Any ideas?