• Yogesh Kewlani 8
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Hi All,


I have requirement where I have to implement Cybersource payment gateway in Salesforce.com. I am trying to use Cybersource Hosted Order Page approach to implement this functionality.


Cybersource has provided me some sample JSP pages which I can use in any java based web application and implement the payment gateway within that application and I am able to do that.


Now I have to simulate the same functionality in Salesforce.com using Visualforce and Apex. I am able to simulate most of the code in Apex but got stuck while simulating Message Authentication code and secret key. Below is the code written in java which I need to simulate in Apex.



  public String getPublicDigest(String customValues) throws Exception{
    String pub =  "MIGfMA0GCSqGSIb3DQEBAQUAA4GNADCBiQKBgQC2L8taoXQvBV5xddZp58JE2i3rQauaBe1U1lEQCIYNYlIQSt4J6++F6NBgmCx1vnSCX2s4O0FI3S5b/No7QTfKkO19ofJVYBB6hdlcPStHsnYLV9mDmHuFfiR8Ebk3dUWYVCQX+eyZj99WQmYiTPIEZSAuB54jTMRQwyAE5GsVwIDAQAB";    
    BASE64Encoder encoder = new BASE64Encoder();
    Mac sha1Mac = Mac.getInstance("HmacSHA1");
    SecretKeySpec publicKeySpec = new SecretKeySpec(pub.getBytes(), "HmacSHA1");
    byte[] publicBytes = sha1Mac.doFinal(customValues.getBytes());
    String publicDigest = encoder.encodeBuffer(publicBytes);
    return publicDigest.replaceAll("\n", "");

Here is the code which I simulated in Apex but the key generated is still invalid.



    public String getPublicDigest(String customValues){
        //Blob blobDigest = Crypto.generateDigest('hmacSHA1', Blob.valueOf(pub));
        Blob sha1Mac = Crypto.generateMac('hmacSHA1', Blob.valueOf(customValues), EncodingUtil.base64Decode(secretKey));
        String publicDigest = Encodingutil.convertToHex(sha1Mac);
        return publicDigest;



Any help is appreciated.