• Gilda Rey 8
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Hey there, I have a parent-child scenario, in which I also have a save and cancel button.

The idea is to be able to modify the child component, and when clicking on cancel, do a value reset, but this is not happening, every time the original attribute is updated, the 'backup' is also updated.

this is the parent, note the functions of: save and cancel.
<div class={companyClass}>
                <lightning-card >
                    <h3 slot="title" class="slds-text-heading_medium slds-p-top_none">
                        Select Company
                    <lightning-button-icon icon-name="utility:close" variant="container" alternative-text="Cancel"
                        onclick={closeCompanyComponent} title="Cancel" slot="actions"></lightning-button-icon>
                    <lightning-button-icon icon-name="utility:check" variant="container" alternative-text="Save"
                        onclick={saveCompanyComponent} title="Save" slot="actions"></lightning-button-icon>

parent js
saveCompanyComponent(event) {

  closeCompanyComponent(event) {

//this method is important to get a 'backup'
        this.backupMapArrayToInclude = this.mapArrayToInclude;
        this.backFullMapArray = this.fullMapArray;
        this.backupFullListOfAccount = this._fullListOfAccount;
        this.disabledInclude = true;
        this.disabledRemove = true;
        this.listToRemove = new Map();

        console.log('saving values.....');
and also in the child, just below
        this.mapArrayToInclude = this.backupMapArrayToInclude;
        this.fullMapArray = this.backFullMapArray;
        this._fullListOfAccount = this.backupFullListOfAccount;
        this.disabledInclude = true;
        this.disabledRemove = true;
        this.listToRemove = new Map();
I am adding values ​​to the original map (fullMapArray) , but it is also updating the value in (backFullMapArray) - without calling the function doBackup.
Both variables are declared like this:
   _mapArrayToInclude = [];
    fullMapArray = new Map();
    _fullListOfAccount = new Map();
    listToRemove = new Map();

    //for backup
    backupMapArrayToInclude = [];
    backFullMapArray = new Map();
    backupFullListOfAccount = new Map();

The component is more complex, that's why I did it this way, but I would like to know how to avoid duplicating the values ​​and be able to perform a reset.

Thank you!!!
I'm trying to remove an attribute from an input field, specifically 'readonly' when I click on a button. I have tried this way and it is not working for me.
<lightning-input type="text" class="generalInfo" id="title" value="Title" readonly></lightning-input> <lightning-input type="text" class="generalInfo" value="Sub Title" readonly></lightning-input> <lightning-input type="text" class="generalInfo" value="Publication Date" readonly></lightning-input> <lightning-button-icon icon-name="utility:edit" alternative-text="Edit" title="Edit" onclick={editGeneralInfo}>
editGeneralInfo() in JS
this.template.querySelectorAll(".generalInfo").forEach(element => { if(element.hasAttribute('readonly')){ console.log('YES'); element.removeAttribute('readonly'); } });
Thank you!
I'm trying to remove an attribute from an input field, specifically 'readonly' when I click on a button. I have tried this way and it is not working for me.
<lightning-input type="text" class="generalInfo" id="title" value="Title" readonly></lightning-input> <lightning-input type="text" class="generalInfo" value="Sub Title" readonly></lightning-input> <lightning-input type="text" class="generalInfo" value="Publication Date" readonly></lightning-input> <lightning-button-icon icon-name="utility:edit" alternative-text="Edit" title="Edit" onclick={editGeneralInfo}>
editGeneralInfo() in JS
this.template.querySelectorAll(".generalInfo").forEach(element => { if(element.hasAttribute('readonly')){ console.log('YES'); element.removeAttribute('readonly'); } });
Thank you!