• Glyn Thomas 2
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We use the task table in salesforce to log incoming calls. A case is then raised for any work to be carried out. I've exported both task and case out of salesforce into our warehouse. I'm trying to get from task to case by linking the records together. In some instances the case ID is logged in the WHATID column however this is very rarely done. I've heard it can be done through activity however that object is not exportable. Is there a way to conect task to case so I can link up my reporting?

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Is there a way to export knowledge article views and see them split by article and the day the views happened? I'm trying to intergrate with our data warehouse and I can see the total views, but I need to report on views daily/weekly.

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Does anyone know if there is a way to pull article views for knowledge base out from the data loader. I'm working on extracting data from salesforce using data factory in azure so we can do MI reporting on it. It looks like this is an installed module in salesforce however and there seems to be an object within it called article views, but I'm unsure as to how I can see that via the data loader, or how I would pull that out of salesforce using the data factory.

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Is there a way to export knowledge article views and see them split by article and the day the views happened? I'm trying to intergrate with our data warehouse and I can see the total views, but I need to report on views daily/weekly.

Kind Regards


Does anyone know if there is a way to pull article views for knowledge base out from the data loader. I'm working on extracting data from salesforce using data factory in azure so we can do MI reporting on it. It looks like this is an installed module in salesforce however and there seems to be an object within it called article views, but I'm unsure as to how I can see that via the data loader, or how I would pull that out of salesforce using the data factory.

Kind Regards
