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Following the above steps, I am keeping on getting this error in running this command, any idea why? I am using free Developer edition online.
sfdx auth:jwt:grant --clientid mQ_ZAy3OwMRG2dGPyIt8KME3N --jwtkeyfile C:\Users\hujir\JWT\server.key --username jirong.hu@playful-bear-6bongz.com  --setdefaultdevhubusername --setalias my-hub-org
Hello Friends,
I have this  below code.
<apex:page standardController="Account">
    {! Account.Name }
    {! Account.Phone}
I can comment the code by standard way (" <!-- This is commented part --> ") which I can do with few clicks.

Is there a way using the keyboard shortcut to do so? MS Visual Studio has it. May be the Eclipse too, although not sure.

Please help, thanks!