• alex sp 7
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I'm having problems saving my test class to the production environment.  In my developer account, everything works well -- the trigger fires and works as expected and my test class gets 100% code coverage of the trigger.  However, when I attempt to save this to the production organization it doesn't work because my trigger isn't active.  Because my trigger isn't active, my test class's assertions fail, and I can't test the trigger.  The chicken and the egg are butting heads.

Here's the code for the trigger:

trigger contactRatingTrigger on Contact (before insert, before update)
 for (Contact c : Trigger.new)
  Account a = [select Id, Name, Rating from Account where Id = :c.AccountId];
  Map<String, Integer> accountRatingMap = new Map<String, Integer>
   'Loyal Customer (more than 2 years)' => 0,
   'Customer' => 2,
   'Reserved Customer' => 0,
   'Proposal (SOW Submitted)' => 4,
   'Opportunity Identified' => 5,
   'Presentation - Made' => 6,
   'Presentation - Booked' => 7,
   'Qualified Prospect' => 8,
   'Hot Prospect' => 9,
   'Warm Prospect' => 10,
   'Prospect' => 11,
   'Suspect' => 12,
   'Territory' => 13,
   'Not Qualified - no follow up reqd' => 14,
   'Not Qualified - Out of Business' => 0,
   'Lost Customer' => 15
  Map<Integer, String> accountRatingReverseMap = new Map<Integer, String>
   2 => 'Customer',
   4 => 'Proposal (SOW Submitted)',
   5 => 'Opportunity Identified',
   6 => 'Presentation - Made',
   7 => 'Presentation - Booked',
   8 => 'Qualified Prospect',
   9 => 'Hot Prospect',
   10 => 'Warm Prospect',
   11 => 'Prospect',
   12 => 'Suspect',
   13 => 'Territory',
   14 => 'Not Qualified - no follow up reqd',
   15 => 'Lost Customer'
  Map<String, Integer> contactRatingMap = new Map<String, Integer>
   'Loyal Customer' => 1,
   'Customer' => 2,
   'Reserved Customer' => 3,
   'Proposal (SOW Submitted)' => 4,
   'Opportunity Identified' => 5,
   'Presentation - Made' => 6,
   'Presentation - Booked' => 7,
   'Qualified Prospect' => 8,
   'Hot Prospect' => 9,
   'Warm Prospect' => 10,
   'Prospect' => 11,
   'Suspect' => 12,
   'Territory' => 13,
   'Not Qualified - Not interested - no follow up reqd' => 0,
   'Not Qualified - Opted Out' => 0,
   'Not Qualified - Left company' => 0,
   'Not Qualified - Out of Business' => 0,
   'Lost Customer' => 0
  Map<Integer, String> contactRatingReverseMap = new Map<Integer, String>
   1 => 'Loyal Customer',
   2 => 'Customer',
   3 => 'Reserved Customer',
   4 => 'Proposal (SOW Submitted)',
   5 => 'Opportunity Identified',
   6 => 'Presentation - Made',
   7 => 'Presentation - Booked',
   8 => 'Qualified Prospect',
   9 => 'Hot Prospect',
   10 => 'Warm Prospect',
   11 => 'Prospect',
   12 => 'Suspect',
   13 => 'Territory'
  Integer accountRating = accountRatingMap.get(a.Rating);
  Integer contactRating = contactRatingMap.get(c.Rating_contact__c);
  System.debug('accountRating = ' + accountRating + '; contactRating = ' + contactRating);
  // Only handle expected values and ignore all others
  if (contactRating != null)
   // if the account has no rating, give it the lowest priority rating
   if (accountRating == null)
    accountRating = 1000;
   // Ignore any ratings which we aren't supposed to touch.  A value
   // of zero indicates that we completely skip over it
   if (accountRating != 0 && contactRating != 0)
    if (contactRating < accountRating)
     System.debug('Contact rating of ' + c.Rating_contact__c + ' is higher priority than account rating of ' + a.Rating + '. Updating Account to match.');
     a.Rating = accountRatingReverseMap.get(contactRating);
     update a;
     System.debug('Contact rating of ' + c.Rating_contact__c + ' is not higher priority than account rating of ' + a.Rating + '. Account not updated.');
   // In this case, we'll have encountered a contact rating
   // which is not expected, send an email and don't process it
   Messaging.SingleEmailMessage mail = new Messaging.SingleEmailMessage();
   mail.setToAddresses(new String[] {'debug@example.com'});
   mail.setSubject('Salesforce APEX error: invalid rating detected!');
   mail.setPlainTextBody('Received account rating: ' + a.Rating + ' and contact rating: ' + c.Rating_contact__c);
   Messaging.sendEmail(new Messaging.SingleEmailMessage[] { mail });

 And for the test class:

public class testContactRatingUpdate
public static testMethod void test1()
// TEST 1:
// Ensure that the account with no rating, when adding a contact
// as a 'Hot Prospect' gets updated to equal 'Hot Prospect'
Account tA1 = new Account(Name = 'New Demo Account');
insert tA1;

Contact tC1 = new Contact(AccountId = tA1.Id,
FirstName = 'John', LastName = 'Smith',
Rating_contact__c = 'Hot Prospect');

insert tC1;

Account tRA1 = [select Id, Rating from Account where Id=:tA1.Id][0];
System.assertEquals(tRA1.Rating, 'Hot Prospect');

// TEST 2:
// When adding a contact with no rating, the original Test Account
// should remain as 'Hot Prospect'
Contact tC2 = new Contact(AccountId = tA1.Id,
FirstName = 'Larry', LastName = 'Page');

insert tC2;

Account tRA2 = [select Id, Rating from Account where Id = :tA1.Id][0];
System.assertEquals(tRA2.Rating, 'Hot Prospect');

// TEST 3:
// When adding a contact with an unexpected rating, the account shouldn't
// get changed
Account tA3 = new Account(Name = 'Test Account 3');
insert tA3;

Contact tC3 = new Contact(AccountId = tA3.Id,
FirstName = 'Bill', LastName = 'Gates',
Rating_contact__c = 'Rating does not exist');

insert tC3;

Account tRA3 = [select Id, Rating from Account where Id = :tA3.Id][0];
System.assertEquals(tRA3.Rating, null);

// TEST 4:
// When adding a contact with a lower rating, the account shouldn't
// get changed
Account tA4 = new Account(Name = 'Test Account 4', Rating = 'Hot Prospect');
insert tA4;

Contact tC4 = new Contact(AccountId = tA4.Id,
FirstName = 'Steve', LastName = 'Jobs',
Rating_contact__c = 'Warm Prospect');

insert tC4;

Account tRA4 = [select Id, Rating from Account where Id = :tA4.Id][0];
System.assertEquals(tRA4.Rating, 'Hot Prospect');


And here's the errors as returned by the Eclipse IDE:

Severity and Description Path Resource Location Creation Time Id
Test coverage of selected Apex Class and Trigger is 0%, at least 75% test coverage is required  Production line 1 1209178364628 8

Severity and Description Path Resource Location Creation Time Id
File only saved locally, not to server Production/src/unpackaged package.xml line 1 1209429636784 82
File only saved locally, not to server Production/src/unpackaged/classes testContactRatingUpdate.cls line 1 1209429636784 84
Save error: Associate metadata or source file failed to save.  File only saved locally, not to Salesforce. Production/src/unpackaged/classes testContactRatingUpdate.cls-meta.xml line 1 1209432400248 101

If I do this from the command line using Ant:

C:\Salesforce\Deploy>ant deployCode
Buildfile: build.xml


C:\Salesforce\Deploy\build.xml:11: Failures:
Test failure, method: testContactRatingUpdate.test1 -- System.Exception: Assertion Failed: Expected: null, Actual: Hot P
rospect stack Class.testContactRatingUpdate.test1: line 20, column 9 Total time: 14 seconds

build.xml file:

<project name="Sample usage of Salesforce Ant tasks" default="test" basedir="." xmlns:sf="antlib:com.salesforce">

    <property file="build.properties"/>
    <property environment="env"/>

    <!-- Shows deploying code & running tests for package 'codepkg' -->
    <target name="deployCode">
      <!-- Upload the contents of the "ContactRatingPkg" package, running the tests for just 1 class -->
      <sf:deploy username="${sf.username}" password="${sf.password}"


 build.properties file (with username and password/token stripped):

# build.properties

sf.username = redacted@example.com
sf.password = redactedMyTokenWasHere

# Use 'https://www.salesforce.com' for production (the default if not specified).
# Use 'https://test.salesforce.com for sandbox.
sf.serverurl = https://www.salesforce.com

# If your network requires an HTTP proxy, see http://ant.apache.org/manual/proxy.html for configuration.

ContactRatingPkg\package.xml file:

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
<Package xmlns="http://soap.sforce.com/2006/04/metadata">
<types> <members>*</members> <name>ApexClass</name> </types> <version>12.0</version> </Package>

The trigger and class files have this as their [filename]-meta.xml file:

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
<ApexClass xmlns="http://soap.sforce.com/2006/04/metadata">


<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
<ApexTrigger xmlns="http://soap.sforce.com/2006/04/metadata">


Any ideas on what's going wrong here?

Thanks in advance!